Firebear Import & Export Tool for Shopify User Manual

- Our extensions, Shopify

The Firebear Import & Export Tool, available as a Shopify app, facilitates seamless data management for your online store. This tool empowers you to efficiently import and export a variety of entities, including products, customers, orders, and more, ensuring fluid data flow in and out of your e-commerce website.

You have the flexibility to work with a range of file formats, including CSV, XML, and XLSX, making data import a breeze. Additionally, the tool enables you to integrate your e-commerce website with Google Sheets and Google Drive. To incorporate third-party data files, you can align columns from them with properties within your store through mapping. This process allows you to effortlessly transfer custom tables and data to your Shopify website. And these are just a few advantages over the standard import and export instruments the platform offers.

How it works

Begin your data management journey with the Import & Export Tool by creating an import or export profile tailored to your specific data needs. Within this profile, you select the type of data you wish to import or export (products, orders, or customers). You can opt for common file types, including CSV, XML, or Excel XLSX, as well as rely on Google Sheets spreadsheets. Additional preferences incorporate the ability to set up schedules for automated profile execution, enable notifications for successful, failed, or both runs, specify the separators utilized in the file you aim to import, etc.

Once you’ve prepared your profile, the subsequent step involves uploading the data file and, if necessary, implementing mapping to the file’s columns. Mapping is a powerful feature that empowers you to align the columns from your imported file with the product, customer, or order properties stored within your Shopify store. In essence, it allows you to seamlessly import files from suppliers or other systems, eliminating the need for manual file editing.

With your profile and mapping in place, the Import & Export Tool application takes charge of processing the file. It seamlessly interacts with your Shopify store via the Shopify API, carrying out tasks such as creating or updating the entities you are importing. This streamlined process ensures that your data management efforts are efficient and effective.


Feature Free Basic Advanced
Price Free forever $20 per 30 days $100 per 30 days
Parallel Jobs 1 3 5
Max Import Rows 100 5000 100000
Max Export Rows 100 5000 100000
Supported Entities
Metafields Export coming soon coming soon coming soon
Supported File Formats
Supported File Sources
Google Sheet 🔴
Google Drive 🔴
Cron Automation 🔴 ✅ daily ✅ daily, hourly
Email Notifications 🔴
Stock Increment Strategy 🔴
Export Filters 🔴
Orders Delta Export 🔴 🔴

App features

File formats

  • CSV
  • XML
  • XLSX
  • Google Sheet


  • Product import and export
  • Customer import and export
  • Order export

Import and export sources

  • Direct file upload
  • URL
  • Google Drive
  • Google Sheets


  • Maximum number of imported rows: 300000
  • Maximum number of exported rows: 300000
  • Number of import jobs that can be launched simultaneously: 3
  • Number of export jobs that can be launched simultaneously: 3
  • File Limit for URL & Manual Uploads: 200Mb


You can install the Import & Export Tool through the Shopify App Store as follows:

  1. Log in to the Shopify App Store.
  2. Find the Import & Export Tool and then click it.
  3. On the app listing page, click Add app.
  4. In your Shopify admin, to authorize the use of the app, click Install app.

After the app is installed, you can view and use it from the Apps page in your Shopify admin.

Find The Extension

You can find the application under Apps -> Firebear Import & Export Tool.


The import section of the Import & Export Tool’s interface consists of two main parts: the ‘List of Import Profiles’ and the ‘Import Log.’ These sections help you manage your data imports efficiently.

The ‘List of Import Profiles’ allows you to create, edit, and oversee your import configurations, making it easy to manage your data imports.

Shopify FTP Import

The ‘Import Log’ keeps a record of your import activities, providing details on their status and outcomes, ensuring transparency in your data management.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these sections.

List of import profiles

In the ‘List of Import Profiles’ section, you’ll find a grid displaying all your import profiles. Here, you can perform various actions:

  1. Create New Profiles: Generate new import profiles to suit your specific data import needs.
  2. Duplicate Profiles: Make copies of existing profiles for quick setup and configuration.
  3. Delete Profiles: Remove unnecessary or outdated import profiles as needed.

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

Please note that the ‘Duplicate‘ and ‘Delete‘ buttons are initially inactive. To activate these functions, you must select at least one profile. Moreover, you have the option to select multiple profiles at once, allowing for convenient bulk actions. This feature simplifies the process of duplicating or deleting multiple profiles as needed.

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

The ‘Duplicate’ and ‘Delete’ buttons become active when you select an import profile, highlighted in blue and red, respectively.

The import profile grid features 10 columns:

  1. Checkboxes: Use these to select import jobs and apply bulk actions.
  2. ID: Each import job is assigned a unique numerical identifier that cannot be changed and is automatically generated.
  3. Name: The name of each import job, which you specify when creating a new profile. You have the flexibility to change the job name later.
  4. Entity: This column displays the type of entity that the profile transfers.
  5. On Schedule: You can enable or disable automated data transfers here. If the profile lacks an import schedule, you will need to create one manually.
  6. Schedule: This column shows the unique update schedule for each profile, with options such as hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly updates.
  7. File Type: Here, you can see the file type used for data transfer in each import profile, including options like CSV, XLSX, XML, or Google Sheets.
  8. Source: This column indicates the source of your update, which can be either a manually uploaded file or a file imported via FTP.
  9. File Name: Displays the specific files associated with each import profile.
  10. Actions: You can initiate each import process per profile from this column. When an import is in progress, a ‘Stop’ action appears, allowing you to halt the procedure before completion. Additionally, you can delete import profiles directly from this column.

Within the import profile grid, you have several options for managing the display of profiles:

  1. Specify Rows per Page: You can customize the number of rows displayed on each grid page to suit your preferences and ease of management.
  2. Current Page Display: The interface provides information on the currently displayed page, helping you stay organized.
  3. Grid Page Navigation: Easily switch between grid pages to access and manage your import profiles efficiently.

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

Import log

The Import Log within the application is a simple and informative section. It provides comprehensive details about the import job, including:

  1. ID: Each import job is assigned a unique numerical identifier.
  2. Name: The name of the import job.
  3. Entity: Displays the type of entity related to the import.
  4. File Name: The name of the file associated with the import.
  5. File Type: Specifies the format of the data file being imported.
  6. File Source: The source of import, such as URL, FTP, upload, etc.

Additionally, you can access essential information regarding the import job, including:

  • Import Status: Indicates whether the import was successful or if any errors occurred.
  • Time Frames: Displays the time period when the import was executed.
  • Results: Provides statistics such as the number of imported records and any warnings.

For more detailed error information, simply click on the ‘Show Errors‘ link to access the Error Log.


To switch between import and export procedures in the Firebear Import & Export Tool for Shopify, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Menu Button: Located in the top-left corner of the application, the menu button allows you to navigate between import and export operations.
  2. Select Export: Choose the ‘Export’ option from the menu to access the export section of the tool.

List of Export Profiles: This grid displays all your export profiles, allowing you to create, manage, and view details of your export jobs.

Export Log: Similar to the import section, the Export Log provides information about your export jobs, including entity, source, and file type. However, it doesn’t include warnings or error logs.

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

The corresponding export file is generated after the export process and can be downloaded from the Export Log section by clicking the ‘Download’ button.

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

Additionally, in the Export Log section, you’ll find details about the entity and source next to the file type on the right side. Unlike the Import Log, the Export Log does not display warnings or error logs.

How to import data

To import data into your Shopify store using the Firebear Import & Export Tool, follow these four straightforward steps:

  1. Step 1: Select File. Begin by accessing the tool’s import page, which can be found under ‘Apps -> Firebear Import & Export Tool.’ Once on this page, click on the ‘New Profile’ button to create a new import profile or select an existing one. This is the starting point for initiating the import process.
  2. Step 2: Configure Mapping. After you’ve selected or created your import profile, the next step is to configure the mapping. This involves specifying how the columns in your data file correspond to the properties in your Shopify store. Mapping ensures that your data is accurately transferred.
  3. Step 3: Preview Results. With your mapping in place, you can now preview the results of the import operation. This step allows you to see how your data will look after you import it.
  4. Step 4: Import. Once you’ve reviewed your future import and are satisfied with the results, proceed to the import process. The Firebear Import & Export Tool will handle the data transfer, ensuring that your products and customer information are correctly imported.

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

These four steps streamline the process of importing data to your Shopify store, making it efficient and user-friendly. Let’s explore each of them in more detail.

Step 1: Select file

Profile name and entity

Start by providing a title for your import profile (1). Create a descriptive name that can help you identify the purpose of this profile clearly.  Next, select the entity you want to import (2). It can be either products or customers. Support for more entities, such as orders, coming soon.

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

Automated updates on schedule

Next, there is a feature that lets you automate your import processes by creating a schedule of updates. Turn on the toggle(1), and the following new parameters display:

  • choose your time zone(2) (you can type in the city instead of scrolling),
  • specify your starting frequency(3) (every hour, day, week, or month),
  • configure additional parameters(4) (such as the exact time if you choose daily update or day and time if you decide to update once per week).

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

You can read more about automated import processes in our guide to Shopify import automation.

Email notifications

With the Improved Import & Export Tool, you have the option to set up email notifications for successful, failed, or both types of job attempts. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Enable the notification toggle.
  2. Choose the notification type: either for successful jobs, failed jobs, or both.
  3. Enter the email address where you want to receive the notifications.
  4. Select the encryption method.
  5. Specify the host for your email server.
  6. Enter the port number.
  7. Provide a sender’s username (usually an email address).
  8. Enter the corresponding password.
  9. You can also include job logs as attachments in the notification emails, but keep in mind that they might be large in size.
    bigcommerce import & export tool user manual
  10. Click the Test connection button to verify your connection. If all the provided information is correct, you will see a notification message in your mailbox.

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

We explore email notifications here: Shopify Import Notifications.

File formats

Now, you can select a file type associated with your update table. The Import & Export Tool works with CSV, XML, XLSX, and Google Sheets files.

While XML, XLSX, and Google Sheets files don’t demand extra parameters, you must define the delimiter (2) and field enclosure (3) for CSV files. However, our app provides an option for automatic delimiter detection (1). You can enable this feature by checking the ‘Auto detect delimiter’ box.

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

Note that Shopify XML import requires your files to have the following structure:

Where column names (attributes or properties) are stored between <item> and </item>.

import xml with the following structure

File sources

Now, it is time to choose the source of your update.

Manual uploads

The very first option our app offers is similar to the default one – you can upload the file manually:

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

FTP import

Secondly, it is possible to provide your update via FTP. Just follow these simple steps to enable Shopify FTP import:

  1. Specify your host;
  2. Enable/disable SSL;
  3. Specify your port;
  4. Provide a user email to get access to the remote file source;
  5. Specify the corresponding password;
  6. Type the remote path to your update file;
  7. Test the connection to make sure you’ve provided the correct credentials.

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

You can find more information in our Shopify FTP Import Guide.

URL Imports

Choose “URL” as your import source and specify any public URL, for example ** to import data from a URL.

bigcommerce file import from URL to update products

Note that when you enter a URL for importing, the file type hidden behind this address is crucial since the app cannot import all files. For example, using an image URL for a CSV import from a URL leads to an error.

To let you avoid this issue, the app checks the file’s MIME type and doesn’t download it if the MIME type is not suitable.

A MIME type which stands for a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension is a standard that indicates the format of a file. It is a fundamental characteristic of a digital resource that influences its ability to be accessed and used over time.

Here’s a list of MIME types that the app currently supports:

You can find more information here: How to Import Files to Shopify from URL.

Google Sheets integration

If you decide to import data to your Shopify store from Google Sheets, select your file format as ‘google-sheets’ and then opt for Google Sheets as your import source. Paste the link to your sheet. Let the Firebear Import & Export Tool access your storage by confirming all the permissions the app requires.

BigCommerce Google Sheets Import

For further information follow our Shopify Google Sheets Import Guide.

Google Drive uploads

You can also import data to Shopify from Google Drive. Follow these steps to enable the Google Drive Shopify integration:

  1. Create the ‘shopware-import-export’ folder on your Google Drive.
  2. Let the Firebear Import & Export Tool access your storage – enable all permissions;
  3. Specify a full file name with its extension, e.g., ‘Shopify product-export-31296.csv’;

BigCommerce Google Drive Import

You can find more details in our Shopify Google Drive Import Guide.

Advanced settings

In Advanced settings, you can enable a stock increment strategy and reload products before the update.

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

Stock increment strategy:

  • If disabled -> the Qty of the product is updated to the one specified in the import file. If the store qty = 100 and the update qty is set to 50 in the import table, then after import the store qty = 50.
  • If enabled -> the product qty is increased by the amount specified in the import file. If the actual product qty is 100 and the import table is set to 50, then after import the store qty = 150.

Reload product before update:

  • If disabled > then qty is updated immediately without reloading the product data (following the selected stock increment strategy).
  • If enabled -> then the product data is reloaded first and then the qty is imported (following the selected stock increment strategy).

This feature is particularly handy when a product is ordered through the storefront, but the quantity isn’t updated after the order is placed. Enabling this feature ensures that the product is reloaded first to obtain the actual quantity, and then the quantity specified in the import file is added.

Once all options are configured, you can move on to the next step by clicking the ‘Continue’ button.

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

Step 2: Configure mapping

The Configure mapping screen lets you select a mapping template(3) and save your custom matching preferences for further imports.

configure mapping for Shopify product import from URL, customer import

In the Mapping section, you’ll define how the columns in your imported file correspond to properties in your Shopify store. While Shopify recognizes specific property names only, you can import files with different property names by using the mapping section:

  • The first row contains the property names from the file you’re importing.
  • In the second row, you can choose the corresponding properties from your Shopify store.
  • By matching these properties, you can successfully import custom files with different property names.

Mapping templates

We’ve introduced mapping templates to enhance your efficiency. These templates enable you to save and load your mappings, saving you time and automating the next imports. The mapping section includes a ‘Default’ template that automatically matches the property names in your Shopify store with those in your imported file.

If you prefer a custom mapping, you can manually adjust the properties and save a template of your own. Just click the ‘Save’ button and provide a name for your custom template. This way, you can easily ‘Load’ it in your future imports.

Step 3: Preview results

Before starting the import, the app suggests previewing how the products will be displayed on the storefront. This allows you to confirm that the product properties are successfully mapped and have the correct values.

The ‘Preview result’ section enables you to inspect the first rows of the imported file. Once you’ve reviewed the results and made any necessary adjustments, it’s time to initiate the import process.

preview results for Shopify product import from URL, customer import

Save your profile to proceed to the next step.

Final step: Import

Clicking the ‘Import’ button at the bottom of the ‘Preview result’ page initiates the import process. While importing, you will receive information about the number of products imported, the duration of the import, import speed, and any warnings.

After the process is completed, you can review the import results, including an error log, if any issues were encountered.

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

It’s worth noting that this information is also accessible in your import log for future reference.

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

How to export data

As for the export procedure, it is almost the same as import, but even more straightforward. It consists of the following four steps:

  1. Configure export;
  2. Select columns;
  3. Create filters
  4. Export.

Step 1: Configure export

During the initial step of the export process, provide the following information:

  1. Name your export profile.
  2. Select the export entity.
  3. Configure the update schedule.
  4. Configure email notifications.
  5. Choose your export file type (CSV, XML, XLSX, or Google Sheets).
  6. Select your export source (File, FTP, Google Sheets, or Google Drive).
  7. Configure the Bunch Size parameter (5, 15, 50, or 100). Opt for a lower value if you have a less powerful server.

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

Manual downloads

If you choose manual downloads, you will need to download your file when the export process ends.

FTP export

If you select FTP as your export source, fill in the following information:

Shopify FTP export

  1. Provide your host;
  2. Enable/disable SSL;
  3. Provide your port;
  4. Specify a user email to get access to the remote file source;
  5. Set the corresponding password;
  6. Specify the remote path to store your update file;
  7. Test the connection to make sure you’ve provided the correct credentials.

You can find more information in our Shopify FTP Export Guide.

Google Drive uploads

If you decide to go with Google Drive as your export destination, choose the corresponding export source and let the Improved Import & Export Tool access your storage. Don’t forget to name your file.

Shopify Google drive import

You can find more information in our Shopify Google Drive Export Guide.

Google Sheets integration

When dealing with Google Sheets, ensure that you grant the Improved Import & Export Tool access to your Google Drive storage. You’ll need to specify either a new file name or provide the ID of an existing spreadsheet. Your choice here will determine whether a new spreadsheet is created or if the data will be exported to an existing table.

Shopify Google Sheets export

You can find more information in our Shopify Google Sheets Export Guide.

Step 2: Select columns

Now, you can rename all the default Shopify columns, specifying any new custom names. For instance, let’s replace Handle with URL and Title with Product Name. Our app lets you can create an output file that is 100% suitable for any custom requirements!

Shopify Google drive export

Also, note that it is possible to uncheck columns that you don’t want to export.

The latest version of our application also lets you change the order of columns and add default values.

Column Sorting is a user-friendly function that allows you to easily arrange columns in your preferred order within the export file. The feature is achieved through a simple drag-and-drop interface. It helps you ensure your exported data is organized according to your requirements.

Additionally, you can include Default Values in your exports. This means that if a specific attribute is missing a value, the export file will automatically insert the designated default value. These enhancements apply to all entities, including products, orders, and customers, making your data management in Shopify more efficient and user-friendly.

Default Values

The latest version of our app lets you apply default values to the data you export.

A default value is assigned if the attribute to which the default value is set has no value.

For example, suppose we set a default value of “ 99” to the weight attribute. In that case, this value is assigned automatically to products that do not have any value specified for the weight attribute after the export.

shopware 6 default values export

Products with a value for the weight attribute specified in the admin preserve the value from the admin – the default value is ignored.

shopware 6 default values export

Step 3: Add filters

If you don’t want to export all records, you can create filters. On the Filter screen, follow these steps:

  1. Press the ‘+‘ button;
  2. Select a product property. For instance, you can choose Vendor to export orders for a particular vendor.
  3. Specify a value. Now, specify your vendor name as it appears in your Shopify backend.

Shopify Google drive export

Note that it is possible to create multiple filters by clicking the Add filter button.

Final step: Export

You can click the “Save & Close” button to save your Shopify export profile for future use.

To initiate the export process, click the “Export” button at the bottom of the screen. The app will then launch the data transfer from your Shopify store.

Shopify Google drive export

When the export procedure is complete, you will see the following export process recap:

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

Click the ‘Download‘ button at the bottom of the export process recap to download the exported file or find the file in the corresponding export destination.

Also, you can get a log file by clicking the ‘Download‘ button in the Log File row.