Firebear Import & Export Tool for Shopify – Application Change Log

- Our extensions, Shopify

Dive into the evolution of the Import & Export Tool for Shopify as it progresses through different versions. From its humble beginnings as a basic solution with import and export profiles and simple mapping in version 1.0.0, the tool has evolved into a feature-rich data transfer powerhouse. Now, it goes beyond the basics, offering advanced features like import and export automation, support for multiple file formats, including XLSX and XMLFTP and FTPS transfers, Google Sheets and Google Drive integration, built-in email notifications, powerful and flexible mapping, diverse update strategies, and a range of other user-friendly functionalities.

With each new release, the app strengthens its capabilities, making it an even more valuable asset for users. To get a comprehensive look at the module’s growth and explore its latest features, take a closer look at the detailed overview provided below.

Application Manual | Shopify Store

1.0.42 (released 11.12.24)


  • AI Quick Import. Upload a supported file, and the app automatically maps third-party column names and transfers data to Shopify.
  • Import Order Fulfillments. Automate the import of fulfillment data, ensuring accurate handling for single-location or item-based multi-location fulfillments.
  • UI Enhancements. Added “Create Profile” buttons, redesigned the import/export block, and included data examples for improved usability.


Minor fixes.


Minor fixes.


Minor fixes.

1.0.38 (released 08.07.24)


  • EAN Import. Introduced the ability to import products using EAN (European Article Number) as an alternative to SKU.


  • Enhanced export mapping by separating properties, aligning them with the structure of custom fields.
  • Upgraded export logging to provide additional details, making it easier to identify and address performance bottlenecks.

1.0.37 (released 08.07.24)


  • Updated API. Updated Shopify API to 2024-04.

1.0.35 (released 10.04.24)


  • Shopify Metafield Import. Now, you can import all metafield types for products in Shopify.

1.0.34 (released 05.03.24)


  • Implemented Іhopify product’s metafield export.


  • Fixed failed REST request associated with importing a file with a large qty of products

1.0.33 (released 23.02.24)


  • Improved product import speed by using bulkOperation.
  • Improved product export speed by using bulkOperation.
  • It is possible to export all types of order metafields, including Reference.

1.0.32 (released 23.01.24)


  • New app plans and plan restrictions for import and export jobs.
  • Shopify Product Variant Import. New product variant import behavior: “replace” has been changed to “append”. There is now a possibility to update only variants without the parent configurable product.
  • Implemented tags and images merge on Shopify product import

1.0.31 (released 16.12.2023)


  • Order export filters can be based on the following attributes:
    • created_at_max – orders last created on or before the date;
    • created_at_min – orders created on or after the date;
    • updated_at_max – orders last updated on or before the date;
    • updated_at_min – Show orders last updated on or after the date;
    • ids – orders specified by a comma-separated list of order IDs;
    • status – orders by their status;

1.0.30 (released 01.12.2023)


  • Fixed variant listing display.

1.0.29 (released 28.11.2023)


  • XML Import. The new release adds support for XML files with different child nodes.

1.0.28 (released 23.11.2023)


  • URL Import. It is now possible to import update files from any public URL.

1.0.27 (released 16.11.2023)


  • Jobs Count. The number of running jobs is limited.
  • Rows Count.  The number of rows per import/export is limited.
  • Archive for Logs & Files. The application now includes an archive for import/export logs and files.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the “Exceeded 2 calls per second” error during import/export.
  • CDATA is only used for special characters during XML Export.