Magento 2 Extensions for Improved Frontend
In the following post, we shed light on various third-party extensions that improve the default frontend functionality and appearance of Magento 2. All the further mentioned tools essentially increase usability and completely revamp user experience. So, if the default Magento 2 functionality does not satisfies your ecommerce needs (and we know that it doesn’t), pay attention to the extensions described below.

Table of contents
- 1 Amasty Landing Pages Magento 2 Extension
- 2 Amasty Pre Order for Magento 2
- 3 Amasty Store Locator Magento 2 Module
- 4 aheadWorks Store Locator
- 5 Amasty Product Labels for Magento 2
- 6 Mirasvit Product Labels
- 7 Amasty Improved Sorting Magento 2 Extension
- 8 Amasty GeoIP Redirect
- 9 Mageworx Store and Currency Auto Switcher
- 10 Amasty Product Attachments for Magento 2
- 11 Mageworx File Downloads & Product Attachments
- 12 Amasty Quick View for Magento 2
- 13 aheadWorks Popup Pro Magento 2 Module
- 14 aheadWorks Custom Static Blocks for Magento 2
Amasty Landing Pages Magento 2 Extension
The first Magento 2 extension that improves the Magento 2 frontend is called Landing Pages. As you might guessed from its name, the module provides advanced features related to landing page management. It lets you create SEO-friendly landing pages that attract more customers and increase sales. You get the ability to manage various content types: products, descriptions, banners, CMS blocks, etc. Besides, you can easily add landing pages to the sitemap. And the number of pages in literally unlimited!
Amasty Pre Order for Magento 2
To improve the Magento 2 frontend even more, we recommend you to pay attention to the Amasty Pre Order module. With its help, you customers will be able to pre order out of stock or announced products. As a store owner, you won’t only drive sales, but also will get a deep insight into customers’ demand. Note that the extension supports simple, configurable, grouped, and bundle products. It is also necessary to mention that Amasty Pre Order for Magento 2 allows you to create custom pre-order buttons as well as leave various notes related to upcoming or out of stock items.
Amasty Store Locator Magento 2 Module
This Magento 2 extension is useful only if you have a brick-and-mortar store. You install Amasty Store Locator, and it provides website visitors with information about all your offline locations and displays them on a Google map. Furthermore, you can even assign certain product or categories to certain locations. Store clusters can be highlighted with different colors and any store location can gets its unique image.
aheadWorks Store Locator
An alternative solution is developed by aheadWorks. The company’s extension provides similar opportunities: all offline locations are displayed on a map, you can specify additional information and add custom images. There is also a unique opportunity related to search. Customers can find your location by entering address or using radius search.
Amasty Product Labels for Magento 2
With the help of product labels, you can attract the attention of customers to sales, discounts, or various product qualities. As a result, this tiny improvement will increase sales. Therefore, pay attention to Amasty Product Labels for Magento 2. This Magento 2 module provides the ability to add colorful labels to all products on your website. As a Magento 2 admn, you can set flexible conditions for the badge display. For instance, it is possible to set time frames for each label to be demonstrated or specify priorities to avoid conflicts between two labels. And since the extension supports variables, you can easily customize each label message.
Mirasvit Product Labels
Mirasvit offers an alternative solution to the aforementioned Magento 2 extension. It allows you to highlight promotions, discounts, and product qualities as well, but this tool does not support variables. At least, no such information is available in the description. As for other features, they are similar. Thus, you can easily create flexible conditions for labels to be displayed. And there are options that lets you fully control the appearance of badges.
Amasty Improved Sorting Magento 2 Extension
Improved Sorting by Amasty adds a unique opportunity to increase the effectiveness of your catalog by adding such new browsing options as best sellers, most viewed, top rated, wishlist items, new products, etc. It’s a tiny improvement that dramatically increases the usability of standard Magento 2 category pages.
Amasty GeoIP Redirect
This extension is useful only if you have several store views and work with foreign countries. Although the Amasty GeoIP Redirect Magento 2 module does not change the Magento 2 frontend appearance, it revamps the way information is displayed to foreign buyers. First of all, the extension detects visitor’s location and displays appropriate store view. Even if you don’t have a certain translation, it is still possible to provide a visitor with prices in his or her local currency.
Mageworx Store and Currency Auto Switcher
This is an alternative extension by Mageworx that is based on the same principle: it detects the location of a visitor and displays the most suitable store view and currency.
Amasty Product Attachments for Magento 2
The Amasty Product Attachments Magento 2 extension provides a unique opportunity: you can attach all possible files to product pages. It is a very useful frontend improvement, because all supporting materials can be provided right on a product page, so a customer will never miss important information. Furthermore, you can use the module as a motivation to register on your Magento 2 website by displaying product attachments to registered users only. It is also necessary to mention that the extension provides a section with stats related to attachment downloads, so you can freely monitor how things are going in this area.
Mageworx File Downloads & Product Attachments
Note that there is an alternative solution by Mageworx. The company’s File Downloads & Product Attachments allows you to add downloadable files of any format to any product page. You can easily assign attachments via both product IDs and SKUs. Basic file download stats are also available as well as advanced file download user permissions.
Amasty Quick View for Magento 2
To improve the Magento 2 frontend even more, we recommend you to install Amasty Quick View. This module adds a great opportunity to view product details right on a category page. The module adds a quick view button that displays a popup window with all the necessary product information and features, so a buyer can place an item to the cart and continue shopping without leaving a catalog.
aheadWorks Popup Pro Magento 2 Module
Another tool designed to create popups is aheadWorks Popup Pro. This module does not provide the ability to view product details on a category page, instead it allows you to draw customers’ attention with the help of various popup windows that can be displayed to a limited audience (you can easily set limitations via backend settings). Newsletter subscriptions, guides, policy explainers, promos, and other popups are possible.
aheadWorks Custom Static Blocks for Magento 2
For static content blocks placement and management, we recommend you to use aheadWorks Custom Static Blocks. This Magento 2 extension is designed to simplify the way you work with this type of content. It allows you to display blocks according to a specific schedule as well as to a particular customer group. Besides, they may be shown on a custom selection of pages. As for supported content formats, they are: widgets, HTML, images, texts, videos, tables, etc.
We also recommend you to check the following posts, since they contain extensions that improve the frontend functionality and appearance of Magento 2:
- Magento 2 Gift Registry Extensions
- Magento 2 Social Media Integration
- Magento 2 Extensions for Improved Catalog Search
- Improved Catalog Layered Navigation for Magento 2
- The Best Blog Extensions for Magento 2
And if you are looking for backend improvements, don’t miss our “How To Get An Advanced Magento 2 Admin” post.