How to Import & Export Magento 2 Gift Cards

magento 2 gift card import export

Gift cards are a useful addition to every e-commerce website. They are frequently used on e-commerce websites with any assortment: online grocery stores, fashion outlets, sporting equipment websites, etc. Most e-commerce platforms let you use gift cards, and Magento is no exception. In the following article, we explore Magento 2 gift cards. You will learn the platform’s gift card workflow. We focus on the available Magento gift card types, shed light on the Magento 2 gift card product, and explore the import and export nuances associated with this entity. You will learn how to import gift cards to Magento 2 using the platform’s default instruments. After that, we provide a more user-friendly and flexible solution to the Magento 2 gift card import and export. Of course, all the Magento gift card attributes are explained below. And if you think that the default gift card functionality is not enough, please, check our list of top Magento 2 gift card extensions.

Three Types of Magento 2 Gift Cards

There are three types of gift cards in Magento 2: virtual, physical, and combined. Let’s say a few words about each one.

Magento 2 Virtual Gift Card

A standard virtual gift card is emailed to a recipient. As its buyer, you can add an optional message addressed to your special someone. Next, the card can be redeemed on the website where it was purchased. 

magento 2 gift card in email

Magento 2 Physical Gift Card

In the case of a physical gift card, it is packaged in a custom art mailer and sent at no charge to a specified recipient – a buyer’s special someone. There are several options for how a physical gift card can be redeemed:

  • in-store;
  • by phone;
  • on website.

And like virtual gift cards, physical ones can have an expiration date customized. 

phisical gift card

Magento 2 Combined Gift Card

In Magento 2, a combined gift card is a product that exists as virtual and physical gift cards at the same time, sharing their features and functionalities.

Magento 2 Gift Card Workflow

Below, we explore the Magento 2 gift card workflow from the perspective of both a customer and an administrator.

The Customer Side

Let’s explore a workflow associated with gift cards in Magento 2 that your store visitors experience.

The functionality of gift cards often resembles coupons. And while a coupon is applied to an order as a discount, a gift card is redeemed reducing a cart’s order total. As a buyer, you get the corresponding option in a cart and during the checkout, where Magento 2 lets you enter a gift card code to apply an amount from the card to the purchase. Magento 2 lets you use both single and multiple gift cards to pay for the whole purchase or its parts.

magento 2 gift card in a shopping cart

It is also possible to use multiple gift cards to pay for a purchase in Magento 2. Then, the amounts are applied in ascending order: a card with the smallest remaining balance is used first. The cards are utilized until a customer runs out of them or the grand total is zero. In the latter case, the last gift card account applied to the cart receives a partial deduction. 

When a purchase involving a Magento gift card is made, a customer can proceed to their account to see the status and remaining balance of the gift cards. Magento gift card stats are also displayed there.

magento 2 gift card in a customer account

You can view the relation of gift cards and orders, including the date of the purchase, the amount redeemed from the fifth card, and the order’s number.

Gift Card Values

As a customer, you can determine the value of a gift card on a product page or choose an amount from a list of price options if it is available. The appearance of a gift card product page and the values displayed there depend on backend settings. Also, note that all amounts appear in a currency that you use on your e-commerce website.

magento 2 gift card product page

Gift Card Information

Next, it is necessary to complete the gift card information. Enter both the Sender’s and the Recipient’s names and emails. If you are a registered logged-in customer, the Sender Name and Sender Email fields are completed automatically. Depending on the configuration, it is also possible to enter a message to your recipient.

Gift Card as Product

When you purchase a gift card, it appears as a line item in the cart with various details. For instance, you can see the name of the sender and recipient as well as the aforementioned message if applicable. Also, note that Magento 2 converts the amount associated with the gift card to the base currency of the store.

Magento 2 Gift Cards ordered

From a recipient side, virtual or combined gift cards are sent via email with the gift card code, name of the sender, and message, if there is one. If a buyer purchases more than one gift card, all of them are attached to a single email.

In the case of physical gift cards, there are two options: a card can be shipped either directly to the recipient or the customer who made the purchase. As a customer, you can write a message on it and then personally deliver the gift card to the recipient.

The Admin Side

As a Magento 2 administrator, you can view all gift card codes applied by customers. In the Admin section, open the order to see the necessary information. Besides, you can find some additional control options there. For instance, it is possible to retrieve the code to place it on a physical gift card.

magento 2 gift card redeemed - admin order view

In case a gift card order is canceled or refunded, it is necessary to cancel the associated gift card account manually. Magento 2 provides the following two options: deletion or deactivation.

That’s how everything works for Magento 2 Commerce gift cards. Now, we can tell a few more words about their import and export.

8 Steps to Create a Gift Card Product in Magento 2

Now, let’s see how to create a Magento 2 gift card product in your admin. Although we focus on the basics, you can complete the other product settings if necessary.

So, follow these steps to create a Magento 2 gift card:

  1. Go to Admin -> Catalog -> Products, click Add Product, and choose Gift Card.
    create magento 2 gift card product
  2. Choose the attribute set. By default, there is the Gift Card attribute set available in the dropdown of the Attribute Set field.
    create magento 2 gift card product: choose attribute set
  3. Complete other required settings, such as a Product NameSKU, and Card Type.
    create magento 2 gift card product: select card type
  4. Now, you need to specify a gift card amount. Magento 2 offers a couple of options:
    – Click Add Amount and enter a fixed value to offer a fixed amount.
    – Repeat the previous step to provide the selection of fixed amounts.
    – Set Open Amount to Yes and define the range of minimum and maximum acceptable values to give customers the ability to set the value of the gift card.
    create magento 2 gift card product: configure amount
  5. Complete the basic settings, such as the Quantity in stock for physical or combined Magento gift cards. Choose Gift Card in the Categories field.
  6. Scroll down to the Gift Card Information section, and configure the following parameters:
    Treat Balance as Store Credit – decide whether the gift card holder can redeem its balance as a store credit;
    Lifetime – choose the number of days after purchase until the gift card expires. Leave this field blank to set no expiration;
    Allow Message – let the gift card buyer enter a message for the recipient;
    Email Template – specify an email template used in the notification sent to the gift card recipient.
    create magento 2 gift card product: gift card information
  7. Complete the product information in other sections, such as Content or Related Products.
  8. If you are ready to publish your brand new Magento 2 gift card product, set the Enable Product switch to Yes and click Save in the upper-right corner.

How to Import Magento 2 Gift Cards: Default & Improved Ways 

Magento 2 gift cards are considered an additional product type. It means that gift cards are products, and you can import and export them as the Products entity. If you have ever exported or imported products to Magento 2 it will be very easy for you to master the gift card import. Gift cards share the same attributes with other products except for the additional_attributes column. It stores ALL the gift card properties.

The additional_attributes Column

That additional_attributes column contains a combined value that consists of all gift card attributes, separated by a comma without spaces:


General Magento 2 Gift Card Import

We explain each attribute in a corresponding chapter below. Now, let’s suppose that you’ve composed your Magento 2 Gift Card CSV and are ready to import it. Here is the general product import workflow to follow:

  1. In Magento 2 admin, go to “System -> Import.”
    import magento 2 gift cards
  2. Select “Products” from “Entity Type”.import products to magento 2
  3. Select an import behavior option: Add/Update, Replace, or Delete:

import magento 2 gift cards

  1. Choose your CSV file with Magento 2 gift cards. Use the “Select File to Import” option and then click “Check Data”. If the data is correct, start importing gift cards to Magento 2!

Improved Magento 2 Gift Card Import




Magento 2 gift card import

As for the Improved Import and Export extension, it introduces a better way to import gift cards. We have split the additional_attributes columns and extracted all gift card attributes into separate columns. This makes the gift card import much easier because instead of composing a complex value for the additional_attributes column, you can take advantage of the separate columns with simple values. We focus on the enhanced Magento 2 Gift Card CSV below. Now, let’s look at the improved import procedure.

Follow these steps to import Magento 2 gift cards:

  1. Go to System -> Improved Import / Export -> Import Jobs and click the Add New Job button.
    Magento 2 gift card import: add new job

  2. Configure General Settings, where you can automate the Magento 2 import of gift cards.
    Magento 2 gift card import: general settings
  3. Proceed to the Import Settings section and select Products among the options of the Entity drop-down.
    Magento 2 gift card import: entity
  4. Now, you need to select your import behavior. Choose Add/Update to add new gift cards and update the existing ones. Also, you can configure separators in this section.
    Magento 2 gift card import: import behavior
  5.  Now, select a file type and data source. You can also configure a bunch of other parameters.
    Magento 2 gift card import: source
  6. Save the job, and run the Magento 2 import of gift cards.

Magento 2 gift card import: import runYou can find more nuances associated with the import process here: Improved Import & Export Extension Manual. Also, contact us to get help with the Magento 2 product reviews import.

Get Improved Import & Export Magento 2 Extension

Magento 2 Gift Card Attributes Explained

To see how the Magento 2 gift card samples look refer to:

  • Google Sheet Master table – a Google Sheets spreadsheet with sample tables with every attribute explained
  • GitHub – Firebear Team GitHub account where you can download CSV, XML, Json, XLSX, and ODS sample files.

Below, we explain every gift card attribute used in Magento 2. For an explanation of other product attributes, please refer to the main article on product import, or refer to the sample Google Sheet with products.

Attribute Name Reference Values Value Example

Indicates the type of product.



We are talking about gift cards 🙂

additional_attributes Additional attributes of the product. With the native Magento 2 import and export tool, all gift card attributes are stored here. If you are using the Improved Import and Export extension for Magento 2, you can use separate gift card attributes, or use this column. Never both. See the sample file. Value is too long.
allow_message Allow Message setting of the gift card. Defines if customers can send a custom message text with the gift card. Available values:

1 – enabled

0 – disabled

email_template Email Template setting of the Gift Card Information. Defines the email template that will be used with the gift card. Must contain the Template Name of the email template you want to use. giftcard_email_template
giftcard_type Defines the type of the gift card. Available values:

  • Virtual
  • Physical
  • Combined
is_redeemable Treat Balance as Store Credit setting of the Gift Card Information. Defines if the gift card balance can be redeemed as a store credit. Available values:

1 – yes

0 – no

lifetime Lifetime (days) setting of the Gift Card Information. Defines for how many days the gift card should be valid at the store. Can only contain numerals 123
open_amount_max Open Amount To. Defines the maximal value of the gift card’s open amount. Can only contain numerals 123
open_amount_min Open Amount From. Defines the minimal value of the gift card’s open amount. Can only contain numerals 12
use_config_allow_message Defines if the Allow Message setting of the gift card should use the default store value Available values:

0 – no

1 – use default

use_config_email_template Defines if the Email Template setting of the gift card should use the default store value Available values:

0 – no

1 – use default

use_config_is_redeemable Defines if Treat Balance as Store Credit setting of the gift card should use default store value Available values:

0 – no

1 – use default

use_config_lifetime Defines if the Lifetime (days) setting of the gift card, should use the default store value Available values:

0 – no

1 – use default

giftcard_amount Amount of the gift card. Can store multiple values separated by a comma. Can only contain numerals separated by a comma, without spaces. 10.0000,20.0000,30.0000
giftcard_allow_open_amount The Open Amount setting of the gift card. Defines if customers can manually define the amount of the gift card they want to purchase. Available values are:

1 – open amount

0 – only store administrator-specified amounts


As you can see, if gift card attributes are separated between different columns, it’s much easier to understand, edit, and compose them. Then Magento 2 import of gift cards becomes more straightforward.

How to Export Magento 2 Gift Cards

Now, let’s explore the two ways of exporting gift card products from Magento 2: the default approach and the enhanced workflow.

Default Export

Follow these intuitive steps to export Magento 2 gift cards:

  1. First of all, you should go to “System -> Export”export Magento 2 gift cards
  2. Then, it is necessary to select “Products” on the “Entity” dropdown.
    export Magento 2 gift cards
  3. Now, you can set up filters to export only gift cards. If your gift cards are associated with a particular category, use it as a filter. Otherwise, you will export gift cards along with all other products.
  4. Click “Continue”
  5. Get your formatted csv files with Magento 2 gift card products and the additional_attributes column.

Enhanced Export

Follow these steps to export product reviews from Magento 2 and get all gift card attributes split between columns:

  1. Proceed to System > Improved Import/Export > Export jobs and click the ‘Add New Job’ button.
    export Magento 2 gift cards: add new job
  2. In the General Settings, specify the job name and set the job schedule to export gift cards from Magento 2 automatically.
  3. Below the General Settings, you will find the Export Settings section. It’s where you should choose Products as your export entity.
    export Magento 2 gift cards: select entity
  4. In the Export Behavior, you decide on the file format and separators. Our extension lets you export gift cards from Magento 2 not only as CSV files but also in numerous other file formats.
    export Magento 2 gift cards: export behavior
  5. In the Export Source configuration section, you select the export source for your gift cards, such as File, Google Sheets, Dropbox, FTP, URL, etc. The most common way is to specify the path to the file where the data should be exported. Your Magento 2 gift card CSV is created automatically and can be downloaded right from the export job screen after the export is complete.
    export Magento 2 gift cards: export source
  6. Also, you need to apply filters to modify Magento’s product export output so that only gift cards are exported:
    – Proceed to the Filters section;
    – Select Products as your Entity;
    – Choose Product Type in Field;
    – Select Gift Cards in Filters.
    export Magento 2 gift cards: filters
  7. Finish the configuration and run the export process.

You can find more nuances associated with the export process here: Improved Import & Export Extension Manual. Also, contact us to get help with the Magento 2 gift card export.

Final Words

Magento 2 gift cards are an integral part of many e-commerce websites. They not only improve the customer experience but also help increase sales. As a buyer, you can easily get what you want due to the intuitive interface of a gift card product page. As a receiver, you can easily spend your gift card on new purchases. And as a store admin, you can easily configure gift cards or import them with the help of the platform’s default instruments. However, if you don’t want to deal with the complexity of the additional_attributes column, pay attention to the Improved Import & Export extension. It can help you split gift card attributes between different columns making the import process more user-friendly. Also, you can import and export Magento 2 gift cards via different file formats and between a variety of file sources. Adobe Commerce import and export of gift cards are possible, too. For further information about the enhanced Magento 2 gift card import-export opportunities, follow the link below and contact our support:

Get Improved Import & Export Magento 2 Extension