Magento 2 SEO Suites Comparison (Mirasvit vs Mageworx)
In the following post, we try to find out how Mirasvit Advanced SEO Suite differs from Mageworx Magento 2 SEO Suite Ultimate and vice versa. Both Magento 2 SEO extensions provide a massive list of SEO enhancements that radically improve ranking and turn default search engine optimization into fun. Time-consuming processes will no longer take much effort after you install one of the Magento 2 SEO modules, and below we help you choose the solution that suits your ecommerce needs the most.

Table of contents
- 1 Canonical URLs
- 2 Crawling and Indexation
- 3 HTML Sitemap
- 4 XML Sitemap
- 5 Cross Linking
- 6 SEO Templates
- 7 Rich Snippets and Open Graph
- 8 Pagination Optimization
- 9 Layered Navigation
- 10 SEO-Friendly Redirects
- 11 Robots.txt Editor
- 12 Price
- 13 Mirasvit Advanced SEO Suite vs Mageworx Magento 2 SEO Suite Ultimate
- 14 Final Words
Canonical URLs
The duplicate content issue is an essential negative ranking factor. Since we are talking about ecommerce websites, this problem is especially painful due to the nature of online stores (website visitors have many ways to get to a single product page). You can easily avoid this issue by setting canonical URLs. Thus, search engines will get a preferred version of the store pages. So, what do our participants offer in this area?
The Mageworx Magento 2 SEO extension provides the ability to add canonical tags, a trailing slash, and a rel=next/prev tag. You can also easily set a cross-domain canonical store URL and use the pager for canonical tags related to each category.
Also, SEO Suite Ultimate enables you to set canonical tags for pages filtered with layered navigation, even if LN pages were generated as a result of multiple selection. Thus, you can inform search engines that the filtered pages are the copies of the current category or the targeted filtered page (e.g. brand, manufacturer, etc.).
What is more, with the extension, you can avoid duplicate content issues with products that have some children options/variants (configurable, grouped products, or product bundles) that, if shown separately, are treated by Google as different.
With the Mirasvit Advanced SEO Suite, you can use canonical tags for configurable, grouped, and bundle products. Besides, it is possible to leverage this feature for cross-domain content, as well as choose pages where canonical URL tags will not be used. It is also necessary to mention that the Magento 2 SEO module offers an excellent opportunity to streamline such relationship tags as alternate & hreflang, as well as next and prev.
As you can see, both tools provide a considerable arsenal of canonical-related features, but are they both so good in other areas?
Crawling and Indexation
A reliable SEO tool should be powerful enough to help spiders crawl and index your Magento 2 store. Of course, search engines can cope with this task without any help from third-party Magento 2 SEO extensions. Still, additional tools will substantially improve both the spiders’ productivity and your ranking.
Mageworx allows you to use the full potential of robots meta header. You can implement the feature for HTTPS pages, extra pages, and pages without content. Furthermore, it is possible to specify the number of layered navigation filters that should be forbidden for indexation.
In its turn, Mirasvit also allows you to streamline the robots meta header. The Magento 2 SEO module provides the ability to analyze this key indicator. You can use it for all store pages, including HTTPS pages.
HTML Sitemap
Although HTML sitemap is not a ranking factor, it affects SEO by increasing the usability of a website. Therefore, we created a separate section related to this kind of sitemap. So, what do our participants offer?
In case of Mageworx, you get a reliable tool that enables you to arrange store links hierarchically right in front of the store visitors. You can show all your stores, choose which products to display defining their sort order, as well as show categories and set a limit on their depth. Furthermore, the Mageworx Magento 2 SEO extension allows you to include any CMS pages as well as extra links in your HTML sitemap. Meta description and keywords can be added in the appropriate section of settings. It is also possible to filter CMS pages in the CMS pages grid.
As for the Mirasvit Magento 2 SEO suite, it also provides the ability to add meta data. Besides, you can choose which CMS pages should be excluded from the sitemap and specify its H1 header. Of course, Mirasvit Advanced SEO Suite allows you to add almost anything to the frontend sitemap. Here you can also assign additional links, exclude by pattern, and set a limit on the number of links on one page.
As you can see, both Magento 2 SEO modules provide similar functionality but with a slightly different approach and some unique features.
XML Sitemap
Right after describing the HTML sitemap functionality, we should say a few words about XML sitemaps offered by Mirasvit and Mageworx. Since search engines do not see the HTML variation of a store structure, it is necessary to provide them with a map written in a clear language.
Mageworx Magento 2 SEO Suite offers lots of settings designed to customize your XML sitemap as much as possible. With the extension, you can take advantage of a truly unique feature – separately generate XML sitemaps for the product, category, CMS, as well as additional and custom landing pages.
Besides, you can adjust generation parameters and set a limit on the XML file size and URLs per file. It is also possible to exclude out of stock products, enable submission to robots.txt, and auto-generate XML sitemaps via Сonsole.
Additional XML Sitemap settings:
In case of Mirasvit, you can create as many sitemap templates as needed. It is only necessary to specify two parameters: filename and path.
The extension enables you to hide specific CMS pages, add custom links and product tag URLs, and split sitemap into multiple files with links equal to canonical URLs. Note that everything is done automatically.
Although both Magento 2 SEO suites provide similar functionality, Mageworx adds more freedom. You can either create a highly-customized XML sitemap for product, category or CMS pages or automatically generate one with Magento Crone.
The choice depends on your requirements: some store owners need a fully automated tool, while others are looking for a highly customizable solution.
Cross Linking
Cross linking usually takes much time and effort since you have to create each link manually, but a robust SEO tool can become your number one time-saver. This SEO feature helps to emphasize the importance of a particular page by pointing to it from the other pages of your store.
With Mageworx, you will effortlessly replace any targeted keyword with a link to any internal site page (product, category, or CMS) or external web sources. It is even possible to specify a store view to implement cross linking. Moreover, to avoid conflicts, the Mageworx Magento 2 SEO Suite extension uses keyword priority. Besides, you can set a limit on a maximum amount of replacements per page.
Creation of a New Crosslink
Destination Options
As for the Mirasvit Magento 2 SEO module, it offers the same functionality but with some unique features. For instance, while creating a new template for cross linking, you can choose from four available URL targets (Mageworx offers only two), enable or disable ‘nofollow’, specify occurrence, status, and the period when the template will be active.
Auto Links Configuration
New Link Page
The cross linking functionality of the Mageworx Magento 2 SEO Suite Ultimate and Mirasvit Advanced SEO suite is very similar, but Mirasvit offers a little more detailed adjustments.
SEO Templates
Probably, SEO Templates is one of the most demanded SEO features and, indeed, the most significant time-saver. Using this function, you will be able to create a template with meta data and keywords and optimize several product, category, or layered navigation pages in bulk.
With Mageworx, product SEO templates allow you to apply product attributes for meta titles, meta descriptions, meta keywords, product URL keys, H1 tags, as well as short and extended product descriptions.
Template Settings
New Product Template Page
With category page SEO templates, you can optimize category meta title, meta keywords, meta description, category description, and a category SEO name.
New Category Template Page
SEO Product Template Settings
Last but not least, with the Mageworx extension, you can optimize meta data and descriptions of the pages filtered by layered navigation. With the module, you can easily optimize these pages’ meta titles, descriptions, keywords, as well as their full page descriptions.
Categories Selection for the Category Filter Template
Any of the Mageworx SEO meta template types can be test-applied before using it on the live store. Also, any template can be generated automatically by using Magento Сron on any server configuration.
As for Mirasvit, it seems that its solution is more flexible when it comes to Magento 2 SEO templates. It has a single section for all templates, and you can select one of four template types: Products, Categories, CMS Pages, or Results of layered navigation. Next, you add internal rule name, meta title, meta keywords, meta description, H1 title; specify SEO description and its position, as well as a short and full description; choose a store view where to apply the template, specify a sort order, and enable or disable the template.
We suppose that Mirasvit’s approach is more user-friendly and, at the same time, flexible since all settings are available in one grid and you have additional fields in each template.
Rich Snippets and Open Graph
You can provide your customers with detailed information about your ecommerce business and products right in the search results with the help of rich snippets. When you display extra information, you trigger higher CTR.
From this perspective, Mageworx SEO Suite allows you to create rich snippets for both product and category pages with such data as rating, reviews, availability, price, SKU, and more. It is also possible to activate the feature for company information. Besides, you can generate customer and search engine-friendly breadcrumbs. Open Graph & Twitter cards are also available for better content sharing.
Also, the extension by Mageworx offers the unique feature — support of the recently added
As for Mirasvit, it provides advanced settings as well. There are seven sections designed to optimize each aspect of a specific page or feature: Product Page, Category Page, CMS Page, Organization, Breadcrumbs, Twitter Card, and Search Box. For instance, rich snippet settings for product pages allow you to enable or disable such parameters as Item Image, Item Availability, Payment Methods, Delivery Methods, Product Category, and more. Besides, you can add various attributes, including the ones related to product dimensions and conditions.
In the end, we can say that both Mirasvit and Mageworx have reliable Rich Snippets functionality.
Pagination Optimization
The Mageworx Magento 2 SEO extension offers a unique opportunity to optimize pagination pages. In the SEO URLs settings, you can enable SEO-friendly URLs for them, use the “Pager Var” parameter, as well as add a page number to meta title and description.
Also, with the extension, it is possible to add a Pager Number to Meta Title, Meta Description, and Meta Keywords of any paginated page. Pagination number can be added at the end (e.g. Apparel | Page 3) or at the beginning (e.g. Page 3 | Apparel).
Additionally, you can add rel=” next/prev” tag that is used to better index paginated categories. Its function is to show a web crawler where exactly the first and the last pages are and which page is considered the next or a previous one.
In case of Mirasvit, page numbers can be added to meta title and description in the SEO Templates and Rewrites settings.
Thus, pagination pages optimization is offered by both Magento 2 SEO extensions.
We have already mentioned layered navigation improvements. In case of Mageworx, the extension allows optimizing all the important SEO aspects of the filtered category pages.
The corresponding settings can be found under:
- layered navigation SEO meta templates (see above),
- Canonical URL settings (see above), and
- in the Meta settings.
When tweaking the last group of settings, you can dynamically add Extended Meta Title and Meta Description on category layered navigation pages. These values can include a variety of different product attributes, such as product name, color, price, brand, and many others. This feature allows you to randomly build values each time the page gets refreshed. The construction like [Buy||Order||Purchase] will use a randomly picked word. Randomizers can be used within other template variables.
Mageworx Layered Navigation Optimization
Mirasvit provides the ability to optimize all Layered Navigation settings with the help of templates.
Mirasvit Layered Navigation Optimization
SEO-Friendly Redirects
With the help of friendly redirects, you can provide customers and search engines with relevant information.
In case of Mageworx, it is possible to choose a redirect type (301 – permanent or 302 – temporary), destination (Product Category or Priority Category), and time period to keep redirects on a website. Also, with the extension, it’s possible to specify Store Views on which redirects will be activated and enable/disable ‘Autogeneration’ for any created redirect.
Redirects can be created for any deleted products, as well as from/to any targeted product, category or CMS page.
As for Mirasvit, it is not possible to choose a redirect type, but you can create an unlimited number of redirect templates specifying such parameters as Request URL, Target URL, and store view. You can also enable or disable the feature that allows redirects only if request URL can’t be found (404) and leave comments.
As you can see, both modules offer very similar settings for the SEO-Friendly Redirects functionality.
Robots.txt Editor
Note that this feature is available in the default Magento functionality. Due to the built-in editor for robots.txt, you can manage its content without even leaving your store backend.
As for the price, it differs a lot. While the Mirasvit Advanced SEO Suite Magento 2 extension costs just $149, its competitor has a two times higher price tag, so you will need to spend $299 for the Mageworx module.
Though, it is also necessary to mention that Mageworx offers some unique SEO features and is fully compatible with other SEO-related products by Mageworx:
Mirasvit Advanced SEO Suite vs Mageworx Magento 2 SEO Suite Ultimate
Mageworx |
Mirasvit |
Canonical URLs: |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Crawling and Indexation: |
+ |
+ |
+ |
– |
HTML Sitemap: |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
XML Sitemap: |
+ |
– |
+ |
+ |
– |
+ |
+ | – |
Cross Linking Templates |
+ |
+ |
SEO Templates: |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Rich Snippets |
+ |
+ |
Breadcrumbs |
+ |
+ |
Open Graph |
+ |
+ |
Pagination Optimization |
+ |
+ |
SEO-Friendly Redirects |
+ |
+ |
Robots.txt Editor |
+ |
+ |
Final Words
Although both Magento 2 SEO extensions have very similar functionality, Mirasvit offers a definite competitive advantage when it comes to price. Besides, the module has more advanced customization settings for several SEO areas. It also seems that Mirasvit provides a more intuitive and user-friendly interface. However, this aspect is individual, so it is up to you to decide which Magento 2 SEO module is more convenient. Furthermore, if you are already using the Mageworx Magento 1 module, you can install the extension with the 25% discount.