Google Trusted Stores and Trusted Shops for Magento
The issue of trust means a lot to ecommerce, because Internet shopping does not let customers to actually hold a product in their hands or see the results of your services in real life until they pay for them. Moreover, even if you can prove the quality of your goods and services, there are still questions left, such as:
How good are your shipping services?
How fair are the shipping costs?
Is there a reliable purchase protection?
What are the conditions of purchase return?
…and many more.
Google Trusted Stores and Trusted Shops for Magento 2

To guarantee a positive answer to all these questions, it’s not enough to just write about them on your website. So if you aim at gaining higher ranking, driving more traffic, or boosting your conversion rates, you should take efforts to make your store the most trusted online shopping site.
In this article you will find out about such services as Google Trusted Stores and Trusted Shops and the ways to effectively integrate them with your Magento store.
Table of contents
Google Trusted Stores
What really makes Google unique is its high-end integration to the world of ecommerce, which opens a great deal of opportunities to small, medium and large businesses in their attempt to take up leading positions in the global market. Google has many things to offer to ecommerce merchants for them to efficiently run their online stores. But one should admit that no matter how good a store can be, it will hardly manage to outperform Google in terms of users’ trust. It’s reasonable to think then that one way to gain users’ trust is to let people know that Google itself trusts you. That’s when you need to take a grip of Google Trusted Stores service.
Google Trusted Stores is a service that helps your online store to acquire a guarantee of safe and easy shopping experience for you and your customers. The service allows Google to literally mark your website as a trusted one, so that customers could be confident in the quality of your customer service, purchase protection and shipping conditions. Apart from that, customers get an opportunity to support their purchases for up to $1000 to a Google trusted store without any unpleasant difficulties.
So what are the actual benefits of Google trusted stores?
1. Higher seller ratings. You’re now able to share customer reviews with Google for it to determine your personal seller rating on Google AdWords and Google Shopping.
2. Highlight your privileged status on Google AdWords. To improve your overall click rate among Google searchers, you can showcase your status of a Google trusted store by using specialized review extensions. When users surf through Google Shopping in search of the safest and the most highly ranked shop, they will certainly notice the Trusted Stores badge attached to you site motivating to visit it.
3. Free purchase protection from Google. As it has been said before, being a Google trusted store allows you to provide your customers with a free purchase protection for as maximum as $1000. You should notice, however, that this kind of protection is not the same as a product warranty, insurance, or endorsement.
4. Encourage users to buy your products. The more trusted you are, the more sales you get, so don’t hesitate to make you store appealing to a potential audience.
How to become a Google trusted store?
The whole procedure of becoming a Google trusted store requires minimum efforts from store owners butt should take a certain period of time to let Google experts determine whether you deserve to have aGoogle Trusted Stores badge. In general, it consists of three main steps:
1. Create a Google Trusted Stores account. This initial step is the most important one, because here you have to be as objective about your store as possible. If you feel that your website still has some drawbacks and uncertainties with the quality of customer service or any other technical issues, it’s better to delay the creation of account until everything is resolved. If you are sure you meet all the requirements of Google Trusted Stores, you can verify your eligibility and describe your online shop to Google.
2. Put the Google Trusted Stores code to your website. After you finish the registration process, you will be given an official badge code to be added to your online store. However, it will not display on your website page until your application is confirmed by Google.
3. Go through a qualification period which usually takes from 30 to 90 days. During this period, your customers will be invited to take part in a survey about their shopping experience on your website in the past. The results of this survey will be then reviewed by Google experts to determine whether you qualify for becoming a Google trusted store. If you meet all the requirements, Google will contact you and your trusted store badge will automatically display on your website.
If you want to integrate your Magento website to Google Trusted Stores, this extension is the best option for you. If you already have an approved account in the service, you can use this extension to addTrusted Stores badge as well as Order confirmation module to every page of your store automatically. Moreover, you get an opportunity to export shipping and order cancellation data from your Magentostore to Google Trusted Stores account. The extension is easy-to-use and costs only €50.
Trusted Shops
Trusted Shops is a commercial platform offering the same set of services as Google Trusted Stores does but which also has something even more appealing. The main feature of Trusted Shops is that it certifies online shops across the European part of the world and is therefore a bit stricter in terms of regulations and quality criteria. At the moment, the service has an experience of working with almost 20 000 online stores all over the Europe, which means that it can be considered quite a strong competitor to Google.
The main advantages of the service are:
As a guarantee for an online shop to be trusted, Trusted Shops offers certified European trustmark indicating that you fulfill all the quality requirements.
You get an online certificate which proves your Trusted Shops Trustmark to be authentic.
A useful bonus is a handbook with practical advice on how to design a legal and user-friendly check-out process.
Trusted Shops platform provides your customers with a high-end customer support including a well developed buyer protection and flexible system for guarantee management.
Convenient trusted shops reviews system allows store owners to export customer reviews from your Trusted Shops account to the main page of your website in the form of a nice widget.
Your online store quality will be regularly checked in the course of the whole contract period so that you could see how the things are going. Moreover, you will receive monthly reports on the results of your latest services.
You can use your ratings and customer reviews from Trusted Shops to be displayed on Google Shopping and AdWords, which will certainly boost your overall ranking.
Trusted Shops recommends creating a set of legally compliant texts to keep your business safe from unjustified warnings. You can even use local legal-text-generator – a useful online tool for making individual legal texts, such as imprint, privacy policy, cancellation policy and General Terms and Conditions of Business.
Magento Trusted Shops Integration
You can easily connect your Magento store to Trusted Shops profile by using a
You can find