Incorporate the concept of daily deals with one of the extensions mentioned in this post. Their functionality is extremely helpful in increasing the sales of your e-commerce store. By enabling daily deals, you make your Magento site more interactive: you can set multiple deals everyday and use discounts to turn your visitors into customers
You can easily implement the group buying strategy for your e-commerce store with Group Deals by aheadWorks, since the extension provides a great opportunity to create both new and diverse deals. With the Group Deals Magento module, you can offer products and services at significantly lower prices in case a required number of product is achieved. Consequently, you motivate your customers to buy more with Group Deals by aheadWorks. The extension costs $299 which is a reasonable price for such a great functionality.
By installing this Magento module on your e-commerce site, you will be able to create deals with all product types. The extension works with simple, bundle, configurable, grouped, downloadable and virtual products. It also relies on fully customizable Javascript/Flash Countdowns. Daily Deal/Multiple Deals provides the ability to create deals for any number of minutes, hours, and days, and set any price and quantity. The extension costs $99. Hit the below link for the additional information.
With Daily deal for Magento, you will be able to create deals of the day for each selected product. Choose the discount, quantity, image, duration time, and status for all your daily deals with ease. You will be also able to generate multiple deals for unlimited products. Keep in mind, that all your daily deals are created automatically with random discounts and quantity configured in a backend. You can purchase the module with free lifetime support for $99.
This extension supports multiple deals, which can be managed simultaneously. You also get 3 promotion boxes: Active Deals, Deals of the Week, and Today’s Deals. All of them can be displayed on sidebars. The extension shows countdown, sale label, deal quantity, on both product and category pages. Daily Deal Pro Extension By MageWorld costs $123.
By installing this Magento module, you will be able to create promotional campaigns for any product in your e-commerce store. Set the discount price and time below each deal and show how much money your customers can save with Daily Deal extension. Moreover, this module can enable new deals automatically. The extension costs just $69.
This Group Deals extension provides your e-commerce store with the features of a Group Buying platform. As a result, you are able to sell both deals and normal products under the same store, but with unique designs. The module splits all the deals into 3 categories: Current Deals, Recent Deals, and Upcoming Deals. You also get fully customizable Flash/Javascript Countdowns and Facebook, Twitter, Google + integration with Group Deals (Groupon Clone). The module costs $299.
By installing this module you will be able to increase your sales by promoting special offers through a separate page, which is called Deals. Attracts new customers and boost sales by highlighting special offers with discount, timer, saving amount, remaining and sold quantity. There are also a lot of other features and parameters, which you can setup with Super Deals by Apptha. You can purchase the extension for $149.