Guide to Magento 2 CMS Pages: How to Create & Import CMS Pages, Blocks & Widgets

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

How to create, manage, and import Magento 2 CMS Pages

Magento 2 CMS pages are a key part of creating a unique and attractive store. Homepage, news blocks, promotions, and other content types – you can do everything with CMS pages. Including pages composed with Magento 2 Page Builder. In the following article, we explain what a Magento CMS page is. You will also learn how to create CMS pages in Magento 2. The good news is that you are no longer tied to the store’s backend for editing purposes with the Improved Import and Export extension. Below, we will teach you how to import CMS pages to Magento 2. So, what are Magento 2 CMS pages?

What Is CMS Page in Magento?

A Magento CMS page is an editable HTML page that can contain text, images, blocks of content, variables, and widgets and has a unique URL identifier. For instance, your store’s contact page is an example of a CMS page in Magento 2. Magento 2 CMS, however, is something a little bit more complicated.

The Content Management System of Magento represents a set of tools used for creating not only pages but also blocks and widgets. By combining those 3 elements, you create CMS pages in Magento 2. Such custom static pages display parts of your catalog or other books of customer-oriented information. Let’s see how to create CMS pages in Magento 2.

How to Create CMS Page in Magento 2?

We divide a Magento CMS page creation into these three steps:

  1. Add a new CMS Page to Magento 2;
  2. Add a new CMS Block to Magento 2;
  3. Add a new CMS Widget to Magento 2.

How to Add Magento CMS Pages

Follow these steps to create a new CMS page in Magento 2:

  1. Navigate to Admin -> Content ->Pages.
  2. Click the Add New Page button.
    Magento 2 CMS Pages: add new page
  3. Activate and name your new CMS page.
    Magento 2 CMS Pages: add title
  4. Specify the content heading for your Magento CMS page and add content elements. You can use templates.
    Magento 2 CMS Pages: add page content
  5. Configure your Magento 2 CMS page SEO. Specify a URL key and metadata.
  6. Choose websites to display your CMS page.
  7. Configure page hierarchy.
  8. Configure other design parameters.Magento 2 CMS Pages: configure SEO and other parameters
  9. When ready with the configuration, click on the Save button to create a new CMS page in Magento 2.

Now you can add your new Magento 2 CMS page to other pages with the help of a link widget. Let’s assume you want to add this page as a link to the home page.  Proceed to your Home Page’s edit menu, select the content tab, and click on the insert widget button. Add your new CMS page as a widget and configure other parameters. Save the page and refresh the page cache if necessary. That’s it!

How to Add Magento CMS Block

In Magento 2, CMS blocks are snippets of HTML that can be used to add repeating content patterns to pages and other blocks.

Follow these steps to create a new CMS block in Magento 2:

  1. Navigate to Admin -> Content ->Blocks.
  2. Click the Add New Block button.
    Magento 2 CMS Pages: add new block
  3. Activate your new Magento 2 CMS block.
  4. Specify its name.
  5. Create a unique identifier for the CMS block. The identifier is used for implementing this block into other pages.
  6. Choose a store view to display the block.
  7. Specify the content elements used in the CMS block. You can use templates.
    Magento 2 CMS Pages: block configuration
  8. When done, click on the Save button.

You can use Magento 2 CMS blocks for different purposes, for instance, to separate different categories of your products when featuring them on the home page.

How to Add Magento CMS Widget

In Magento 2, widgets are reusable CMS components that allow adding static/dynamic content to CMS pages and blocks.

Follow these steps to create a new CMS widget in Magento 2:

  1. Navigate to Admin -> Content ->Widgets.
  2. Click the Add New Widget button.
    Magento 2 CMS Pages: add new widget
  3. Select your widget type and choose a design theme for it. Click Continue.
    Magento 2 CMS Pages: widget settings
  4. Now, provide a widget title, assign a widget to store views, and specify its sort order. You can also add layout updates.
    Magento 2 CMS Pages: widget storefront properties
  5. In Widget Options, type the widget’s anchor custom text and title and select a CMS page to display the widget.Magento 2 CMS Pages: widget options
  6. When done, click Save.

Congratulations! Now, you can fully manage your  Magento 2 CMS pages. But what if there is another way to create CMS pages in Magento 2?


Another Way to Create CMS Pages in Magento 2

You probably know that the native Magento 2 import procedure is limited to products, advanced pricing, and customers, so importing CMS pages is not an option. That’s why the FireBear team offers a solution for importing all the main and complementary Magento 2 entities. With the Improved Import and Export extension, you can easily create CMS pages in Magento 2 by importing the corresponding data. Just like products or categories, CMS pages can be added to the store in bulk using CSV or XML tables. 

Magento 2 CMS Page Import

You can import CMS pages to Magento 2 in a CSV or XML file which is properly formatted for Magento 2. The formatting includes:

Character set Unicode (UTF-8)
Field separator Comma, Tab
Text delimiter

These are basic formatting requirements. As for more advanced demands, they are related to attributes. Let’s see.

Magento 2 CMS Page Attributes

Below, we explore what CMS page attributes are required in Magento 2. You can find a sample CMS page import table in our Google Sheet Master table. There are separate tables for pages, blocks, and widgets.

If you still want to compose the table manually please refer to the following table:

Attribute Name Reference Values Value Example
creation_time Created (in the CMS pages grid) The date should be in the following format:


title Page Title Any text and symbol value Sample page title
identifier URL Key Lowercase letters and numerals, underscores and dashes allowed sample_page_url
store_view_code Store view The codes of the store views separated by commas.

Use ‘All’ to assign a CMS page to All Store Views.

You can get the code of the store view at Stores > All Stores > click the required entity in the Store Views column and find the ‘Code’ field.

The value in the ‘code’ field is the store view.

is_active Enable Page 1 – the CMS page is enabled

0 – the CMS page is disabled

content_heading Content Heading Any text and symbol value Sample content heading
content Content Any text and symbol value. Simple HTML is allowed as when creating CMS pages. <p>Hello, world</p>
page_layout Layout 1column – 1 column layout

2columsn-left – 2 columns with left bar layout

2columns-right – 2 columns with right bar layout

3columns – 3 columns

leave empty for empty layout

meta_title Meta Title Any text and symbol value Sample page meta title
meta_keywords Meta Keywords Any text and symbol value sample,meta,keywords,of,the,CMS,page
meta_description Meta Description Any text and symbol value Sample page meta description
layout_update_xml Layout Update XML XML <referenceContainer name=right”>

<action method=”unsetChild”><argument name=”alias” xsi:type=”string”>right.reports.product.viewed</argument></action>

<action method=”unsetChild”><argument name=”alias” xsi:type=”string”>right.reports.product.compared</argument></action>


custom_theme Custom Design Update > New Theme The path to the theme which can be found under Content > Themes > Theme Path (in the grid) Magento/luma

(both the title and the theme position in the list can be processed here)

custom_root_template Custom Design Update > New Layout 1column – 1 column layout

2columns-left – 2 columns with left bar layout

2columns-right – 2 columns with right bar layout

3columns – 3 columns

leave empty for empty layout

custom_theme_from Custom Design Update > From The date should be in the following format:


custom_theme_to Custom Design Update > To The date should be in the following format:



Now, that you have every attribute reference, you can manually compose the Magento 2 CMS page import table.

NOTE: pages composed with Page Builder have the same attribute formatting. The content is stored in the ‘content’ column and has the same formatting as a CMS page you compose manually. It means that the Improved Import and Export extension supports pages composed with Page Builder.

Magento 2 CMS Page Import Job

Now that you have your import table ready you can start creating an import job. To do this, log in to your Magento 2 admin panel and navigate to System > Improved Import / Export > Import Jobs.

Here, at the Import Jobs grid, you need to click the ‘Add New Job’ button.

General Settings: Automate Magento 2 CMS Page Import

General Settings are the very first section you see while configuring a new Magento 2 CMS page import job. 

Automate Magento 2 CMS Page import

Here you need to specify a Job Title and decide on the job’s schedule if you need to automate the import of Magento 2 CMS pages. 

Import Settings: Choose Your Magento 2 CMS Entity

Next comes the Import Settings section where you need to select an import entity. You can import Magento 2 CMS pages, blocks, and widgets separately:

Select an entity for Magento 2 CMS import

For instance, choose CMS pages from the Entity dropdown.

Import Behavior: Add New or Update Existing CMS Pages

Then, scroll down to the Import Behavior section.

Magento 2 CMS Page import behavior

In this section, you need to specify the behavior of the job: it is possible to add new and update the existing CMS pages or replace the existing content with the provided update.

Then, decide what Validation Strategy the job should stick to. 

Import Source: Provide Magento 2 CMS Page File

Now, you are in the Import Source section.

Magento 2 CMS Page import file type and source

Specify the file type you will be using to import CMS pages to Magento 2. Our extension supports CSV, XML, XLSX, ODS, and JSON.

Next, select the source you will be importing from. You can provide your update manually, over FTP/SFTP, download it from Dropbox, or import the corresponding data straight from Google Sheets.

Click the ‘Validate file’ button – the extension will check the import table for proper formatting.

Map Attributes: Import Any Third-Party CMS Pages

The last section to pay attention to is Map Attributes.

Magento 2 CMS Page import mapping

Here, you can map custom attributes to the ones required in Magento 2. Just choose a system attribute and specify a corresponding column name from your import table. Also, you can use default values for empty rows in your Magento 2 CMS page import table. 

You can also select the platform you are importing CMS pages from in the Select A Platform field. The extension will load the attribute mapping list automatically.

Note, that you can freely import pages created with Magento 2 Page Builder. The Improved Import and Export extension for Magento 2 supports Page Builder data. Use the same attributes that we described above.

That’s it for the import job. You can now hit the big orange ‘Save and Run’ button at the top-right corner of the screen to the Magento 2 CMS page import. Improved Import and Export extension will take care of everything else.

Final Words

Magento 2 CMS pages are an inevitable part of every e-commerce website. You can easily create and manage them. And if you need to import the corresponding data, the Improved Import & Export extension is at your disposal. The module lets you import and export pages, blocks, and widgets used in Magento CMS. You can find more tips on data transfers in our Magento 2 import/export guide list. For more information about our Magento 2 importer, follow this link:

Get Improved Import Magento 2 Extension