The Best PHP Frameworks 2015
PHP programming language is extremely popular among web developers. The majority of websites are based on it, and frameworks play one of key roles in the popularisation of PHP. They include collections of software and programs, that initiate easier coding. In this post, we gathered the best PHP framework for this year.
A proper framework is necessary for more efficient work. It enables to spend less time on more functional and safer applications. If you are going to develop a robust and successful product, then choosing a right PHP framework is crucial.
Generally framework includes two major elements: the first one is a Toolbox; the second one is a Methodology. A Toolbox is a set of software components designed for writing less code. As a result you also get a less risk of errors. Under Methodology we mean an assembly diagram for applications, which allows developers to work more effectively.
Nowadays, you can find a plethora of solid PHP frameworks, which have their own advantages and disadvantages. You can always test few solutions before choosing the most suitable one. Please, let us know what PHP framework is the best by leaving your comment in the dedicated section below.

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One of the fastest PHP framework is Phalcon. It is built on C, and offers both high performance and low usage of resources. There’s no need to learn the C Language, as the framework is made as a PHP extension, which is able to improve overall performance and save processor time.
If you work with MVC web applications, than Laravel is your tool. It is free and open source PHP framework. To create wonderful applications, Laravel provides developers with simple and expressive syntax. As a result, such tasks as authentication, sessions, routing, and caching become much more simple. In addition, the PHP framework is well readable and well-documented. There is also an integration with Composer, which enables a great results on MySQL, SQL Server, Postgres, SQLite, and application’s third-party packages management. Laravel relies on components of the Symfony framework and other popular packages. It utilizes modern programming patterns, provides easy conventions, and makes development a breeze.
This framework was designed to speed up the creation and the maintenance of PHP web apps. Symfony consists of a set of different reusable PHP components and a PHP framework. The solution is free under MIT license. We should also mention, that the framework is well documented.Among its users are Drupal and phpBB. Symfony requires a knowledge of PHP and HTML fundamentals, a basic understanding of contemporary web site development, and a database/table CRUD.
CodeIgniter is a framework for the modern generation of
Yii Framework
Yii suits best for the development of Web 2.0 apps. The framework is a fast, secure and high-performance tool. It provides such features as: DAO/ActiveRecord, MVC, I18N, caching, authentication, role-based access control, testing, scaffolding, default support for web services, etc. Yii PHP framework is ideal for developing social networking services.
Cake PHP
With CakePHP, you will be also able to build web applications faster, easier, and with shorter code. The framework provides code generation and scaffolding features for rapid prototypes building. There is also no need in additional XML or YAML file configuration – you just have to setup your database. CakePHP framework is licensed under the MIT, and include such features as database access, translations, caching, authentication, validation, etc.
Zend Framework
Zend Framework is one of the leading PHP frameworks designed with simplicity in mind. It provides flexible architecture, which is suitable for modern web applications. This php framework is easily customizable, lightweight, well tested, and safe. At the same time, it can be extremely complicated.
With Aura PHP framework, you will get a clean code, truly independent packages, and fully decoupled libraries. To start using the framework, you just have to download a single package – no added dependencies are required. With well-tested, high-quality, standards-compliant libraries, Aurora can be used in any code base. This means you can use as much or as little of the project as you like.
Kohana also allows to build web applications with ease. Being a very fast and carefully optimized PHP framework, it provides really good developing experience.. This PHP framework includes such common components as translation tools, code profiling, database access, validation, encryption, etc. In addition, you get good debugging tools.
Fuel PHP
Fuel is based on the best ideas of other frameworks. It is a simple and flexible solution for PHP 5.3+ driven by the community, which supports a router based approach. Being a model-view-controller framework, Fuel provides a full support for HMVC. In addition, it includes ViewModels designed to give a powerful new layer between Controller and View.
Slim Framework
Slim is a lightweight micro-framework designed to create simple and at the same time powerful APIs and web applications. The solution provides a powerful router, flash messages, customizable template rendering, HTTP caching, secure cookies based on AES-256 encryption, error handling and debugging mechanisms, and simple configurations.
Flight is an extensive micro PHP framework designed to build RESTful web applications. Among its major requirements is PHP 5.3+. Flight is licensed under the MIT.
PHPixie is also lightweight, fast, well documented, easy to learn and use PHP framework. It includes a lot of features from the full-stack frameworks. PHPixie is designed to provide small changes, which can significantly improve the source code presentation of the entier project.
This is the lightest PHP micro framework – 13 kB in one file – designed to accelerate development. Medoo is extremely easy to use. The solution is compatible with such SQL databases, as MySQL, SQLite, MSSQL, MariaDB, Sybase, Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc. It is also published under MIT license.
This is is a robust and at the same time easy-to-use and lightweight solution with a verbose API. Pop PHP supports PHP 5.3+ and includes many useful built-in features. This PHP framework can be used both as a toolbox, or as a major framework.
Simple MVC Framework
This PHP framework is easy to set up (just by setting the site path) and learn, it also has a clean coding structure. It provides simple theme files with full control. With Simple MVC Framework, you are able to change the look of your application or website within seconds. In addition, you can use MySQLI, Medoo or any other database engines.
Nette is all about safety. This PHP framework is based on the technology that eliminates security holes and their misuse. In addition, you get unmatched debug tools. Being a modern framework, Nette features AJAX and AJAJ, SEO, Dependency Injection, DRY, KISS , Web 2.0, MVC, cool URL, etc.
Typo3 Flow
With TYPO3 Flow you will get the fastest results. It is a web application platform backed by TYPO3 – one of the biggest PHP communities .
Being a PHP micro-framework, Silex is based on the Symfony2 Components. It is designed to build single-file apps. The framework is concise, extensible and testable.
Agavi is another powerful and scalable solution. This PHP5 framework follows the MVC paradigm. With Agavi, developers are able to write clean, extensible and maintainable code. The framework focuses on a sustained quality rather than a short-sighted decisions.