How to Export Products, Orders, Customers, & Other Magento 2 Entities to Remote FTP & SFTP Server
Unfortunately, Magento 2 doesn’t provide any opportunities to export products, orders, customers, or other Magento 2 entities to a remote FTP or SFTP server. You have to run a standard export procedure instead and transfer the output manually. Besides, it is impossible to automate this process. The system leaves you in a situation when it is necessary to repeat all its steps manually every time an update is required. Luckily, there is a better way of achieving this goal. As you’ve probably guessed, it involves a third-party solution. In our example, we use the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension to export products, orders, customers, and other Magento 2 entities to a remote FTP/SFTP server. It also lets you import all entities from this file source. Continue Reading