
Improved Import, Export & Mass Actions app for Shopware 6 user manual

- E-Commerce, Our extensions, Shopware

Improved Import, Export & Mass Actions is a powerful Shopware 6 app that you can install on your store to streamline the process of importing and exporting products and other entities. It allows you to efficiently transfer data in and out of your e-commerce website, ensuring that all necessary values are accurately handled. Whether you’re managing large inventories or complex data sets, this app simplifies the process, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors. Below, we explain how to use the tool for both import and export processes, working with different entities and types of data.

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Introducing New Shopware 6 Feature: Data Transformation – Script Editor for Row Modification During Import

- Shopware

Modify attribure values with Data Trnaformation for Shopware 6 import
We are thrilled to introduce you to a new feature of our Improved Import, Export & Mass Actions App for Shopware 6Data Transformation. The new feature introduces a script editor window available at the first step of the import process. This editor allows customers to write and apply scripts to modify rows of imported files directly. In other words, it is possible to edit attribute values with the help of a custom script. Let’s elaborate. Continue Reading

How to Import Reviews from AliExpress to Shopify: Best Tools, Step-by-Step Guide & Management Typs

- Shopify

How to Import Reviews from AliExpress to Shopify

Importing reviews from AliExpress to Shopify is a powerful strategy for enhancing your store’s credibility and increasing sales. Your business may require it in several cases. Firstly, you may need to do that with a dropshipping model that requires importing products from AliExpress to Shopify. Along with products, you may also need to transfer customer reviews to a new place as a part of your marketing strategy. Secondly, you create an independent e-commerce website using Shopify and want to sync it with your AliExpress outlet. Importing the existing AliExpress reviews is also a good idea since they play a vital role in influencing potential customers’ buying decisions. 

This guide will walk you through the steps to import reviews from AliExpress to Shopify, ensuring you can leverage social proof to boost your e-commerce business. We’ll explore why importing reviews is beneficial, how to choose the right tools, and how to import reviews from AliExpress to Shopify in a step-by-step process. Continue Reading

How to Import Etsy Reviews to Shopify Step-by-Step Guide

- Shopify

how to Import Etsy Reviews to Shopify

Expanding an Etsy store to a fully featured e-commerce website on Shopify is an exciting step for any business owner. Of course, you will want to keep all the data of the old e-commerce storefront by copying it to the new platform. One critical aspect of this transition is ensuring that your hard-earned Etsy reviews are imported into your new Shopify website. Below, we explain, why importing Etsy reviews to Shopify is important. 

Next, this guide explains how to import Etsy reviews to Shopify in three intuitive steps. First, we present two different ways of exporting product reviews from Etsy. After that, the article focuses on Shopify’s reference CSV file with product review data. You will need to edit your Etsy reviews according to it. The last chapter explains the import methodology on the Shopify side.   Continue Reading

Magento 2 Mass Product Update: Bulk Price & Stock Update via Import & Export

magento 2 mass product update

Running an e-commerce website is associated with regular updates: prices often change, you receive new items, stock levels vary, etc. You may spend considerable time altering all these indexes manually. However, it is possible to facilitate the common methodology most merchants rely upon. Below, we’d like to introduce you to the Magento 2 mass stock update. It’s a process that can help you optimize regular data updates that take place on your e-commerce website.  Below, we focus on two aspects: prices and stock levels. You will discover what the Magento bulk price update is. At the same time, the article will teach you to update Magento stock in bulk. We use the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension to mass update Magento 2 product prices and quantity (stock).

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How to Import Images From an External URL in Magento 2

- Magento 2

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

The following article explains how to import images from an external URL in Magento 2. You cannot imagine an e-commerce website without product pictures. Uploading visual content elements, however, may be challenging. The more products you have, the more work should be done, especially when you upload each image manually.

Luckily, importing product images to Magento 2 with product data introduces a better way to fill your catalog with content. Instead of uploading pictures to your server and then providing their names during the import process, Magento 2 lets you import images from external URLsAlthough this functionality is possible by default, there are several alternative ways to do so.

Below, we focus on the default approach and one of the alternatives. Let’s see how to import product images to Magento 2 using external URLs.  Check other useful tips here: Magento 2 Cookbook. Continue Reading

Firebear Improved Import, Export & Mass Actions for Shopware 6

- E-Commerce, Our extensions

shopware import export plugin by FirebearBelow, we’d like to introduce you to our Shopware import plugin. Meet the Improved Import, Export & Mass Actions for Shopware 6. It is one of the ecosystem’s most fully featured and powerful data transfer solutions that offers lots of enhancements to the default import and export processes. Our Shopware import export plugin provides a straightforward way to connect your e-commerce website with different external platforms within and around the ecosystem, automating various routine processes. It introduces numerous integrations with other e-commerce platforms, tools, and service providers, including ERPs, CRMs, accounting, etc.

In the article below, we briefly describe the plugin’s key features. We explore import and export jobs, data transfer automation, mapping, and extended connectivity options of our Shopware 6 import & export plugin. After that, you will find a small description of the existing import & export solutions available in the Shopware marketplace along with the default data transfer capabilities of the platform.

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How to import data from external MySQL database to Magento 2

magento mysql direct update table

Often it is necessary to import products, customers, orders, or other data types to Magento 2 from a third-party MySQL database. However, Magento 2 doesn’t let you do that. Although the default tools don’t support such file sources as external databases, there are several ways to synchronize Magento 2 with external databases

Welcome to our MySQL Magento guide. In the following post, we shed light on how to export and import database tables between MySQL and Magento in two different ways. Firstly, we describe a common approach that involves the default Magento 2 import solution. It requires tons of manual work and cannot be automated. You need to run a CSV export from your MySQL database, match third-party attributes to ones used in Magento 2, and import your MySQL table into your e-commerce website.

On the contrary, you will find out how to avoid numerous unnecessary chores while performing a Magento MySQL direct update of tables. This approach involves the Improved Import & Export extension. The module combines MySQL database connection and other data import activities within a single interface right in your Magento 2 admin.

After that, we shed light on several MySQL facts as well as describe the core features of the Improved Import & Export extension. To make the long story short, let’s see how to import data from an external MySQL database to Magento 2.
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Ultimate Guide To Shopware 6 Import

- E-Commerce, Shopware

Welcome to the world of Shopware import! Like every e-commerce system, Shopware 6 provides the ability to import and export information between your website and external data sources. This functionality simplifies content management chores, such as data updates or product translations. Besides, the Shopware 6 import lets you easily move products to product comparison engines and marketplaces. In this Shopware import guide, we generally describe the available options, reviewing the basic import plugin of Shopware 6 along with its profiles. You will learn how to import data to Shopware 6 and what entities are supported. Also, check our Ultimate Guide To Shopware 6 Export. Continue Reading

FireBear Improved Import & Export for Magento 2 – Extension Change Log

- Magento 2, Our extensions
improved import and export - Magento 2 extension

The following blog post will help you retrace the evolution of the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 module. The article gathers updates associated with the extension’s new version from the very beginning. At the time of 1.0.0, it was a basic import solution with an existing import jobs architecture and import cron automation. With the next few versions, the module got such enhancements as product attribute import on the fly, transfers from FTP, SFTP, URL, Dropbox, custom mapping, etc. Each new release made the Improved Import stronger and stronger. However, it was still an import-only tool until 1.5.0 was released. With this version, our extension became capable of both import and export processes. You can peruse the detailed evolution of the module and see its latest features below. 

Extension Manual | FAQ | Demo | Sample Files

3.8.7 (released 17.04.2024)


  • Magento 2.4.7. Support. The latest version of the extension supports Magento 2.4.7.
  • Customer Import. Support for separate street columns “_address_street_1”, “_address_street_2”, “_address_street_3”, “_address_street_4” when importing customer & addresses.
  • Improved Consecutive Export. Now, it is possible to export also last updated entities.
  • Export Mapping. The “salable_qty” column has been added to the export mapping section when exporting products with MSI data.
  • Order Export. A new event, “sales_order_save_commit_after,” to run order export jobs has been added.
  • Customer Import. A new customer import attribute has been added – “allowed_assistance.” It can enable/disable the Allow Remote Shopping Assistant feature.
  • Order History Import. Now order comments can be imported by the order’s “increment_id”. “status_history:entity_id” and “status_history:parent_id” are not required anymore.
  • Custom Options Price Import. It is now possible to import store-specific custom option prices.
  • Export Filters. Export filters support the following conditions: “=” “!=” “>” “<=” “contains” “not contains.”
  • Image Import. Additional logging has been added for deferred image import.
  • Performance. Customer import has improved memory consumption.
  • Data Storage. The DB’s “mapping” column type has been changed to “mediumblob” in the “firebear_import_jobs” table to allow the storage of more data.
  • Product Import. The ability to unassign products from the category has been added.
  •  Order Export. It is now possible to export order data in one line to XML and JSON formats.

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