
Guide to Magento 2 Search Terms & Search Synonyms: Management, Import & Export Recomendations

- E-Commerce, Magento 2, Our extensions

Magento 2 Search Terms & Search Synonyms

Today, we are going to explore two tightly connected topics – Magento 2 search terms and Magento 2 search synonyms. The platform lets you optimize customer search queries by composing lists of search terms and search synonyms. While it is possible to manage them manually in your admin, you cannot import Magento search terms. And there is no way to import search synonyms to Magento 2 with the help of the platform’s built-in instruments. This limitation may negatively impact the productivity of backend administrators since they need to spend a considerable amount of time updating Magento 2 search terms and synonyms instead of transferring the necessary data within a few clicks.

However, there is a tool that unlocks the missing functionality. Meet the Improved Import & Export extension. This module empowers you to import and export search terms and search synonyms to Magento 2. Below, we explain how to use the tool to transfer the corresponding entities to and from your e-commerce website. You will learn how import and export processes work and what attributes are involved in the import and export of search terms and search synonyms. But before going any further, let’s see what Magento 2 search terms and search synonyms are. 
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Magento 2 Tax Configuration: How to Add Tax Classes, Rules & Rates, Tax Rates Import & Export

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 Tax Configuration

Today, we’d like to draw your attention to the Magento 2 tax configuration. You will learn what the Magento 2 estimate shipping and tax feature is and how it works. Next, we move to the Magento 2 tax class configuration. You will learn how to add new tax classes. Besides, this section describes Magento 2 tax rules and rates. You will learn how to add them.

After that, we proceed to the Magento 2 tax rate export and import. You will learn how to compose a CSV with tax rates suitable for Magento 2. Importing taxes can save time when moving to another store, or migrating from Magento 1. We also shed light on a third-party tool that can help you automate this process. 

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FPT Tax: How to Add and Import Fixed Product Tax in Magento 2

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

FPT tax in Magento 2: create, configure, import

Today, we are going to talk about the FPT tax. You will learn what FPT or Fixed Product Tax is and how it helps Magento 2 merchants sell products to different countries and different states adhering to local tax regulations. This tax is added in a bit of a peculiar way which may not be as obvious at first glance as it seems. In this post, we cover everything you need to know about the FPT tax and describe how to import fixed product tax to Magento 2.

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Guide to Magento 2 Static Blocks

- E-Commerce, Magento 2, Our extensions

Magento 2 Static Blocks: create, import, and export

Below, we are going to discuss Magento 2 static blocks. It is hard to overestimate the importance of Magento 2 CMS pages for an average e-commerce website. They play a pivotal role in creating a unique and attractive storefront. Homepage, news blocks, promotions, and other store sections may incorporate CMS pages to deliver a more abundant shopping experience. Also, pages composed within the Magento 2 Page Builder are always associated with various CMS elements. Despite such frequent appearances, Magento 2 doesn’t let you import-export CMS elements: pages, blocks, and widgets. However, you can do that with the Improved Import and Export extension. In this Magento static blocks tutorial, you will learn how to import CMS blocks. We focus on such aspects as a proper import table and an import job that simplifies your daily chores.

Along with the step-by-step instructions, the article provides explanations of every static block attribute. Also, you will find sample files that you can use as a reference for your Magento 2 static block imports. We describe prerequisites for importing/exporting statics blocks in Magento 2. After that, you will learn how to transfer CMS blocks between Magento 2 websites. Additionally, we touch upon the topic of composing and editing static block tables.

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How to Import & Export Product Attributes for Magento 2

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

import export product attributes for magento 2

Do you know how to import attributes in Magento 2? It’s a complex process that covers not only product attributes but also attribute groups and attribute sets. In the following article, you will learn how to import and export product attributes for Magento 2 in the most efficient way. We discuss how the attributes behave and which values from an import table Magento 2 understands. Why is this topic important? 

Well, it would be much easier if you could just import products, moving all the corresponding data in a single CSV. However, Magento doesn’t even support product positions in a category within a product CSV. Transferring products to Magento 2 is impossible without product attributes. They dictate which values the products have and which options and variations exist. That’s why having the ability to import product attributes is a must.

Since Magento 2 doesn’t let you import product attributes by default, we use the Improved Import & Export extension to manage all the processes. Below, you will find how the module works when it comes to the Magento 2 product attribute import. Note that it also supports the Magento 2 import of custom attributes. Below, we provide a table with product attributes and their descriptions to help you understand what’s going on in a CSV with attributes. Also, you will find a step-by-step guide to the import of attributes in Magento 2.  

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Magento 2 Advanced Pricing Import: Special Prices, Group Prices, Tier Prices & MAP

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 Advanced Pricing Import

Today, we are going to talk about the Magento 2 advanced pricing import. In this guide, we explain for types of advanced pricing in Magento 2: Special Price, Group Price, Tier Price, and MAP. You will find out how to get a sample Magento 2 advanced pricing CSV. Next, we describe attributes associated with advanced pricing in Magento 2. After that, you will learn how to import advanced pricing to Magento 2. We will explore two different use cases. Firstly, we will teach you how to import tier prices to Magento 2 as a separate entity via the default Magento 2 import. Next, you will master the Magento 2 advanced pricing import as a part of a product import procedure based on the Improved Import & Export extension.

Unfortunately, the default Magento 2 import tools only let you import products and advanced prices separately. It means that you need to upload one file with product data except for four types of advanced pricing provided via different spreadsheets. You must admit that it is not very convenient, especially when you move the entire catalog. To address this issue, we describe another procedure, involving the Improved Import and Export extension. With this tool, you can import both products and their advanced prices in a single file.

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Improved Import / Export Magento 2 Extension Manual

- Magento 2, Our extensions

In this article, we’d like to draw your attention to the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extensions. The following blog post contains all the information about the data transfer module. Below, you will find the Improved Import & Export Extension manual that sheds light upon all the key aspects associated with the plugin. We describe its installation, configuration, and import/export transfers, teach you how to add a new import and export job, talk about import and export processes associated with different entities. You will also discover various nuances of running data transfers via CLI, automating processes, using extension customization endpoints, and performing troubleshooting. Various use cases and specific features are also described in the manual.

Improved Import and Export extension allows importing and exporting CSV/XML/JSON files with product data and product images to Magento 2. The files can be imported from a remote FTP/SFTP server, Dropbox, direct URL of a source CSV fileGoogle Sheets, etc.  In addition, the extension offers a dedicated category import from CSV files, import of attribute values and new attributes on the fly, import job scheduling with cron jobs, and other features.

Besides, you get advanced export capabilities, including order export and export jobs, with attribute and table field mapping.

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How to fix “The source file moving process failed” error in Magento 2

- Magento 2

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

In this article, we explain how to fix the “The source file moving process failed” error in Magento 2. It may occur in Magento 2.4 upon import. If you’ve already experienced this issue, you will find the solution below. Check our Magento 2 cookbook for more tips like that. The following material incorporates a Stack Exchange case and our own experience related to Magento 2 data import and export.  Continue Reading

How to import product images in Magento 2 when they already exist in pub/media

- Magento 2

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

Have you ever been in a situation when Magento 2 doesn’t let you import product images? Although there may be numerous factors that cause this problem, we explore a particular case. Below, you will learn why the “Imported resource (image) could not be downloaded” error occurs in Magento 2 and how to fix it. This post incorporates materials from this Stack Exchange question. Follow our Magento 2 Cookbook for more tips like that.     Continue Reading

How To Add ‘Delete Confirmation Popup’ In Magento 2 For Default Import Functionality 

- Magento 2

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

Kavya cheerala asks for help in the following situation via a Stack Exchange question. The author has added a custom entity in the default Magento 2 import. As a result of this improvement, it is necessary to display the Magento 2 delete confirmation popup upon the delete action when you click the import button. How to do that? You will find the answer below. We explain how to add Magento 2 confirmation popup and customize its text message.  Continue Reading