Top Node.js REST API frameworks

- Node.js

REST API frameworks for Node.js

Being a software architectural style, REST provides the ability to increase the performance of your projects by introducing more maintainable architecture. If you are using a heavy MVC framework, but need to cope with a fast Node.js REST API server, then pay attention to Node.js REST API frameworks. The best solutions are described in the following post, and they offer the following advantages:

  • top-notch performance
  • high scalability
  • simple interface
  • customizable components
  • visibility of processes
  • portability and reliability

If all these features make sense to you, here is a list of the most popular Node.js REST API frameworks. Please note that all frameworks are arranged in alphabetical order.

Node.js REST API frameworks

  • actionHero.js
  • facet
  • Fortune.js  
  • Frisby
  • Gugamarket
  • LoopBack  
  • Raddish
  • Restberry
  • restify  
  • restling  
  • restmvc  


actionHero Node.js REST API framework

The first tool in our Node.js REST API frameworks list is actionhero.js.Being a multi-transport API Server, it offers such important features as delayed tasks and integrated cluster capabilities. It means that you can perform various actions that always respond to existing client requests. Moreover, these actions not only respond for the web, but they work for all sorts of clients as well.

Besides, the actionHero Node.js REST API frameworks provides the ability to run tasks in the background, and you can invoke all your tasks from anywhere! Last but not least, is a skill to make clients talk to each other.

Performing actions which respond to client requests with actionhero.js


facet Node.js REST API framework

There is also a framework agnostic JSON API platform dubbed Facet among our REST API frameworks for Node.js. The platform makes your JSON API development rapid by providing extensible common utility classes. Besides, it offers the abstraction of middleware specific code, consequently you can rely on framework agnostic use with this tool.

Another important Facet’s feature is the handling of request/response lifecycle. As for CRUD functionality, it is available for all your resources via such functions as findOne, find, create, delete, or update. And don’t forget about event bus management utilized in decoupled communication among modules. For further information, visit the official website of the Node.js JSON API platform.

A new resource API class with Facet



Fortune Node.js REST API framework

Fortune.js is a Node.js REST API framework that provides data serialization middleware. It covers all aspects of data serialization from storage up to the presentation.

Fortune.js works with the whole application system including the following layers:

  • adapter – data access layer;
  • transform – business logic layer;
  • serializer – presentation layer.

While working together, these layers provide multiple data sources with the ability to be exposed via multiple formats with the help of a uniform interface.

An API with Twitter’s basic functionality via Fortune


Frisby Node.js REST API framework

If you are looking for a Node.js REST API framework for testing, pay attention to Frisby, since it provide vide opportunities for both writing and running tests. Being built on both Jasmine and Node.js, it makes testing API endpoints a piece of cake.

Due to many built-in test helpers, Frisby can easily test expected JSON keys/values, JSON value types, HTTP status codes, etc. With the aid of the Jasmine-Node test runner, the framework is able to run spec tests.

Writing tests with Frisby


Gugamarket Node.js REST API framework

Gugamarket is a full stack REST API framework for Node.js that will streamline your coding routine. Besides Node, it also incorporates such technologies as Swagger, Express, Mongoose, Jade, Passwordless, and Mocha. And you can easily install Gugamarket via npm.


LoopBack Node.js REST API framework

The purpose of every good Node.js REST API framework is to let developers focus on user experience and business logic by simplifying the way they design, generate, and test code for their projects. And LoopBack provides this opportunity. With the framework, you will be able to compose scalable APIs rapidly, spending more time on other important aspects.

LoopBack is based on the Express framework and absolutely conforms to the specification of Swagger 2.0. Besides, it is an open source and extensible enterprise-ready software solution with easy data integration and solid API security.

LoopBack modules



Raddish Node.js REST API framework

There is also a universal solution among our REST API frameworks for Node.js called Raddish. It incorporate both the power of DCI and MVC in a single software solution. At the same time, the framework is completely decoupled. The major goal of Raddish is to provide developers with the ability to write less code while reaching the same goals. In order to achieve it, the framework utilizes a fallback system. As a result, it is necessary to write a new code only when there is a need to override certain functions.


Restberry Node.js REST API framework

As for Restberry, it provides an opportunity to set up your RESTful JSON APIs via Node.js. With the tool, you will be able to define your models with ease or set up CRUD API calls without any need to write code. The Restberry Node.js REST API framework incorporates such API calls that handle and identify issues as well as throw user-friendly HTTP and error responses. Besides, it handles permission and authentication checks. Appropriate errors are thrown as well.

A backend service by Restberry



restify Node.js REST API framework

Restify is a Node.js REST API framework that helps developers build stunning REST web services. Being based on Express, Restify essentially enhances its default capabilities. The framework provides full control over interactions with HTTP. Besides, you will get full observability into both the characteristics and latency of your apps.

Restify server usage


restling Node.js REST API framework

If you are looking for a lightweight module designed to streamline the way you build promise-based asynchronous HTTP requests, we recommend you to check Restling. This REST API framework for Node.js incorporates restler and bluebird. The first one for making HTTP calls, and the second one for transforming them in promises. It is also necessary to mention that the nature of Restling will help you avoid callback hell. In addition to easy interface, you will gate a lot of automated processes, such as serialization of post data or query string data.

Restling callback approach


restmvc Node.js REST API framework

RestMVC is designed to help you write RESTful web services via Node.js, Mongoose, MongoDB, and Express. The Node.js REST API framework provides the ability to prevent doing repetitive tasks. It offers tools for building project skeletons and empty models, features auto-generate controllers and routes, as well as handles various errors in a clean and nice way.

Defining a model with RestMVC


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