Database for Node.js: Drivers, Builders, and Mappers

- Node.js

Node.js Database

Below, you will find a list of Node.js plugins and tools designed to connect the platform with various databases divided into several categories. There are drivers, ODR/ORM tools, Query builder, and other solutions described in this Node.js database digest.

Node.js Database: Drivers


Node.js Database

LevelUP is designed to connect your Node.js with LevelDB – a simple key/value data store. Consequently, you will get exposed LevelDB features optimized for Node.js.


Node.js Database

If you are looking for a reliable PostgreSQL client for Node.js development, then pay attention to this driver. This Node.js database solution offers a pure JS as well as native libpq bindings.


Node.js Database

This Node.js tool is a MongoDB driver designed to streamline your development with the database in Node.js. The driver is aimed at end users.


Node.js Database

This Node.js JavaScript client is designed to seamlessly implement the MySQL protocol. Please note that this Node.js database driver doesn’t require compiling.


Node.js Database

Last but not least, is a Redis client. It is a robust full-featured software solution designed for Node.js that will help you achieve incredible performance. It supports a lot of useful features.

Node.js Database: ODM/ORM


Node.js Database

If you are going to improve your Node.js development with MySQL, SQLite3, or PostgreSQL ORM, then give Bookshelf.js a try. This Node.js database solution is designed in the style of Backbone.js.


Node.js Database

This Node.js database solution is a multi-dialect ORM. It also supports MySQL, SQLite, and PostgreSQL.


Node.js Database

Enhance your Node.js coding opportunities with MongoDB object modeling introduced in Mongoose.  Writing MongoDB validation has never been so simple!


Node.js Database

Waterline is a datastore-agnostic adapter-based ORM for Node.js that dramatically simplifies interaction with MySQL, Mongodb, Redis, and other databases


Node.js Database

If you are looking for something similar to ActiveRecord, then try OpenRecord. It is a reliable ORM for Node.js that works not only with MySQL, SQLite3, and PostgreSQL, but also with RESTful datastores.



Iridium is another Node.js database solution designed for MongoDB. Being a high performance ORM? this one offers such features as promises, preprocessing, validation, and distributed caching as well as supports plugins.


Node.js Database

Firenze is an adapter-based ORM aimed not only at Node.js, but also at io.js and the browser. This database tool provides the ability to use MySQL, Redis, Memory, localStorage, and other solutions in your Node.js projects.


Node.js Database

For those developers looking for a more complex Node.js database solution, we recommend ORM2, since the tool supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Amazon Redshift, MongoDB, and SQLite.

Node.js Database: Query builder


Node.js Database

Unfortunately, there is only one query builder introduced in this section of our Node.js Database post, but it is a quite reliable solution. Being flexible and portable, Knex targets MySQL, SQLite3, and PostgreSQL.

Node.js Database: Embedded datastore


Node.js Database

NeDB is an in memory database for Node.js. Besides, it is aimed at Electron, nw.js, and browsers. NeDB is 100% Javascript and has no binary dependencies. Its API is a subset of MongoDB.