Magento 2 Productivity Extensions
In the following post, you can find top productivity extensions for Magento 2. All modules are designed to improve daily admin routine by providing a new approach to the default processes. If you want to decrease your daily time expenditures related to various backend tasks, you’ve come to the right place. All modules are divided into the following categories: Orders, Products, Categories, Email Management, and Various Enhancements.

- Orders
- Products
- Categories
- Email Management
- Various Enhancements
Table of contents
- 1 Orders
- 2 Products
- 2.1 Amasty Mass Product Actions
- 2.2 Amasty Extended Product Grid with Editor
- 2.3 Mageworx Advanced Product Options Suite
- 2.4 Amasty Automatic Related Products
- 2.5 aheadWorks Automatic Related Products
- 2.6 aheadWorks Who Bought This Also Bought
- 2.7 aheadWorks Who Viewed This Also Viewed
- 2.8 Mirasvit Advanced Product Feeds
- 3 Categories
- 4 Email Management
- 5 Various Enhancements
The first category of Magento 2 productivity extensions is related to order management. Perhaps, it’s the most time-consuming routine, so we’ve gathered some top modules and their most reliable alternatives.
Amasty Efficient Order Export
With the help of this Magento 2 module, you will be able to export all possible order data via CSV or XML files in a few click. Note that the extension supports billing and shipping addresses, invoices, shipments, and credit memos, as well as order data from other modules. You can even specify what order information to include into the output, while the procedure can be fully automated. It can be run every time a new product is added.
And don’t forget to check our Improved Import Magento 2 module, since it will also improve your daily routine related to orders. How? Quickly hit this link: Improved Import for Magento 2.
MageWorx Order Management
To improve Magento 2 productivity related to orders even more, we recommend you to install the MageWorx Order Management Magento 2 extension. It dramatically enhances the default order management workflow by introducing the ability to modify orders without cancelling them, edit and remove products from each order, as well as add new items. Note that Grand Total is always updated, so you can see the new value. After installing the extension, you will be also able to edit all billing details and shipping info right in the Magento 2 admin.
Xtento Simplify Bulk Order Processing
This Magento 2 productivity extension enhances the default product grid with 10 new mass order actions. As a result, you no longer have to apply the same actions to each product individually. Instead, you select necessary products and process them in bulk within a few clicks. There are individual commands, such as invoice, ship, or complete order, as well as combinations: Invoice + Ship or Invoice + Ship + Complete. Setting a new status in bulk or simultaneously resending “New Order” emails are no longer a problem.
Amasty Mass Order Actions
There is also a reliable alternative solution by Amasty called Mass Order Actions. The extension also adds a lot of new mass actions to the order grid. As a result you or your admins can essentially decrease time necessary for order processing.
Amasty Extended Order Grid
It will be also a good idea to combine the aforementioned extension with the Amasty Extended Order Grid module. Thus, you will not only get the ability to apply mass actions to orders, but will also enhance the default order grid with lots of new features. The tools allows to display various attributes, shows relevant order information, provides advanced order search (search orders by customer groups, phone numbers, or emails) and filters (filter orders by weight, subtotal, and discount amount). Furthermore, it is even possible to hide all unnecessary columns from the grid as well as add new ones.
The following section of the post is dedicated to various Magento 2 modules designed to improve daily routine related to product management. Below, you can find tools that enhance the default product grid as well as help with related products.
Amasty Mass Product Actions
Based on the same principle as Mass Order Actions, the Amasty Mass Product Actions Magento 2 productivity extension provides the ability to perform lots of monotonous tasks in bulk in just a couple of clicks. Change prices, edit categories, relate products (appropriate tools are described below), apply attribute sets, and do tons of other actions in bulk.
Amasty Extended Product Grid with Editor
And of course, there is a corresponding tool that revamps the default product grid. Meet Amasty Extended Product Grid with Editor – a tool that enables adding extra columns to the standard product grid. Other important features include simplified products relating, the ability to edit product categories right on the grid, default columns elimination, advanced data filtering, grid templates with custom column sets, etc. Opportunities are almost endless, so don’t hesitate to give it a try.
Mageworx Advanced Product Options Suite
If you are looking how to improve the default product option management, pay attention to this Magento 2 extension. Mageworx Advanced Product Options Suite completely revamps the standard routine by introducing full-featured product custom option templates, advanced option stock management, and custom options inventory functionality. These features dramatically simplifies manual product configuration, so you or your managers can increase daily time expenditures.
Amasty Automatic Related Products
It is no longer necessary to spend hours of time managing related products. You only need to install the Automatic Related Products extension by Amasty and configure it a little bit. The module shows usually viewed items or items purchased together with the chosen products. All blocks with related, cross-selling, and up-selling items are filled according to real customer behavior on the basis of a smart algorithm, so customers see the most relevant results only. Note that out of stock products can be excluded.
aheadWorks Automatic Related Products
There is also an alternative solution with similar functionality. It is called Automatic Related Products as well and its developer is aheadWorks. The tool is more complicated, but at the same time offers wider opportunities. With its help, you can create flexible conditions for defining related products. Besides, it allows to tailor the look of product blocks and choose their position on each page. Note that each rule has key performance stats and the appropriate grid offers lots of quick actions. As for documentation and support, they are accessible right from the backend.
aheadWorks Who Bought This Also Bought
If the aforementioned extension seems too complicated, pay attention to aheadWorks Who Bought This Also Bought. This module is also designed to simplify the way you manage related products. It fills appropriate product blocks on the basis of products commonly bought together. You just install the module and it analyzes the available product data (you specify a time diapazon) to do everything instead of you – a great time-saver, isn’t it?
aheadWorks Who Viewed This Also Viewed
If your Magento 2 store is new and there are no enough purchases, pay attention to aheadWorks Who Viewed This Also Viewed. The extension is based on the same principles, but utilizes data related to product views. You can also combine both modules to make their work more precise.
Mirasvit Advanced Product Feeds
Connecting a Magento 2 website to various third-party platforms and services is also among daily tasks. Unfortunately, it can be a very time-consuming routine until you install a reliable third-party tool. We recommend you to pay attention to Advanced Product Feeds by Mirasvit. This Magento 2 extension allows you to create a full-featured product feed in a matter of seconds. You can fully customize the content of export as well as make the whole process fully automated.
When it comes to category management, Magento 2 does not offer enough tools to make this process as simple and effective as possible. Luckily, you can improve the default routine with the help of various third-party extensions, and below we’d like to draw your attention to one useful module by Amasty.
Amasty Duplicate Categories
After installing this Magento 2 productivity extension, you will no longer have to spend hours of time on creating new categories. The extension allows you to create them by copying and modifying the existing ones – this helps to reduce time expenditures dramatically. Note that the module duplicates categories in the fastest possible way. At the same time all category levels are saved, product assignments are kept, and content for duplicated categories is found automatically.
Email Management
There is also a room for improvement when it comes to the default Magento 2 email management. To increase its productivity, you can always rely on the Amasty SMTP Email Settings Magento 2 module.
Amasty SMTP Email Settings
Install the SMTP Email Settings extension, and you will get a full control over all Magento 2 emails. First of all, the module provides absolutely secure SMTP authentication and connection. Next, you will be able to leverage predefined settings for all popular email providers (great time-saver). There are also such important features as a debug mode and the history of sent emails. Note that the extension provides predefined templates with settings for Gmail, AOL Mail,, GMX, Hotmail, Orange, O2 Mail, Office365, Zoho, and Outlook.
Various Enhancements
Below, we’ve gathered other Magento 2 modules designed to improve the admin productivity.
Amasty Meta Tags Templates
This is a Magento 2 SEO extension that allows you to increase ranking in a fast and reliable manner. Although Magento 2 provides the ability to change meta tags, you should do everything manually. But with the Amasty Meta Tags Templates extension, this procedure won’t consume much time. You only have to create templates that can be rapidly apply to any store page. It is even possible to set templates for products from specific categories.
Amasty Admin Bookmarks
As for Amasty Admin Bookmarks, it provides you with the ability to add customizable quick-links to the admin panel to simplify navigation through the Magento 2 backend. Bookmarking filtered data is another important feature we should draw your attention to. Creating various bookmarks for different store views, sharing bookmarks, and giving separate access to each admin are also possible with this productivity tool.
What other Magento 2 extensions would you recommend? Share your ideas in comments.