"improved import and export"

Magento 2 Backend Exploration: CMS Pages

magento 2 cms pages add edit import export

Below, we dive deep under the hood of Magento 2 backend, exploring its Content section. In this article, we describe Pages – a screen where all CMS pages are stored. Below, you can discover how the appropriate grid looks. Besides, we explain how to manage its content. The article also touches upon such aspects as the creation of new CMS pages. If you are wondering how to transfer them to your e-commerce store, you can also find the answer below. Continue Reading

The Ultimate BigCommerce Import Guide

- BigCommerce, E-Commerce

BigCommerce Import: products, customers, orders

The management of your store’s products, inventories, clients, and other entities can be streamlined with the help of import and export processes. By default, BigCommerce offers tools for moving data to and from your e-commerce website. You can use BigCommerce import to update customers and product catalogs and BigCommerce export to apply bulk adjustments to them. In the following article, we focus on the import side of these processes. We briefly explore the default capabilities and then proceed to a more in-depth analysis of each particular opportunity associated with the BigCommerce import. 

Although the platform’s only file format for importing data is CSV, it still supports a few more import entities. Thus, BigCommerce product import and BigCommerce customer import are at your disposal. Also, you can transfer related entities, such as product options and images, as well as customer passwords to your e-commerce website. Below, we’ll discuss the many data types that can be imported, including those not supported by default, such as BigCommerce order import, BigCommerce category import, and BigCommerce customer review import. You will learn how to transfer products, product options, product images, customers, customer passwords, 301 redirects, orders, categories, and customer reviews to your website. For additional information on the topic, go to the corresponding BigCommerce Export Guide. Continue Reading

How to Import Images From an External URL in Magento 2

- Magento 2

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

The following article explains how to import images from an external URL in Magento 2. You cannot imagine an e-commerce website without product pictures. Uploading visual content elements, however, may be challenging. The more products you have, the more work should be done, especially when you upload each image manually.

Luckily, importing product images to Magento 2 with product data introduces a better way to fill your catalog with content. Instead of uploading pictures to your server and then providing their names during the import process, Magento 2 lets you import images from external URLsAlthough this functionality is possible by default, there are several alternative ways to do so.

Below, we focus on the default approach and one of the alternatives. Let’s see how to import product images to Magento 2 using external URLs.  Check other useful tips here: Magento 2 Cookbook. Continue Reading

How To Import Customer Passwords To Magento 2

magento 2 change customer password in database

What if you need to transfer customer data to Magento 2 or change the customer password in a database? You may try to use the default import tool to do that. However, it doesn’t let you move all the prospect-related information to your database. For instance, it is impossible to migrate customer passwords from external systems. Attempts to address this problem have been made utilizing numerous approaches. Below, we describe two of them. 

You will learn how to import passwords to Magento 2 from external systems by manually editing your data files. Alternatively, we describe how to import the existing customer data including passwords to your e-commerce website based on the Improved Import & Export extension. Thus, you will learn how to reset customer passwords in a database in Magento 2.

The problem is that the new platform version utilizes an updated algorithm for storing passwords. Hence, users claim that after migrating to Magento 2 from Magento 1, registered prospects have to re-enter their passwords on a new website. 

If editing passwords manually fixes the problem caused by Magento version discrepancy, Improved Import & Export dramatically extends the application sphere for customer data import. The module lets you transfer information about registered buyers from any external platform automatically with any number of unsupported attributes, including new customer passwords and the existing hash values of customer account passwords. For further useful tips, check our Cookbook. Continue Reading

Firebear Improved Import, Export & Mass Actions for Shopware 6

- E-Commerce, Our extensions

shopware import export plugin by FirebearBelow, we’d like to introduce you to our Shopware import plugin. Meet the Improved Import, Export & Mass Actions for Shopware 6. It is one of the ecosystem’s most fully featured and powerful data transfer solutions that offers lots of enhancements to the default import and export processes. Our Shopware import export plugin provides a straightforward way to connect your e-commerce website with different external platforms within and around the ecosystem, automating various routine processes. It introduces numerous integrations with other e-commerce platforms, tools, and service providers, including ERPs, CRMs, accounting, etc.

In the article below, we briefly describe the plugin’s key features. We explore import and export jobs, data transfer automation, mapping, and extended connectivity options of our Shopware 6 import & export plugin. After that, you will find a small description of the existing import & export solutions available in the Shopware marketplace along with the default data transfer capabilities of the platform.

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How to Import & Export Data Between Magento 2 & Google Drive

Magento 2 Google Drive Import Export

Today, we are going to introduce you to the Magento 2 Google Drive integration. The following article sheds light on how to import and export entities between Magento 2 and Google Drive with the help of the Improved Import & Export extension. It explains how to synchronize Magento 2 and Google Drive. After that, we shed light on the general facts related to transferring data between our favorite e-commerce platform and the popular file storage.  Next, the material proceeds to the core steps of the integration preparation. You will discover how to install Google API libraries and get Google Drive API credentials.

After that, the article focuses on establishing the connection between Magento 2 and Google Drive. You will learn to configure a Service Account and share a Google Drive folder. The last chapters are dedicated to configuring import and export jobs for Magento 2 and Google Sheets integration and exploring use cases. Since the integration incorporates Improved Import & Export, you will also find its features described below.

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Magento 2 Backend Exploration: Invoices

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 invoices generate import export

This Magento invoice guide provides a detailed description of the Invoices screen situated in the depths of the Magento 2 admin. We shed light on how to work with the corresponding grid and individual invoice pages. Besides, you will discover how to import and export invoices in Magento 2 most efficiently. 

The Magento 2 Invoices Screen chapter unveils various control elements associated with the corresponding admin page and describes the default Magento 2 Invoices grid. After that, we proceed to an individual invoice view associated with Magento 2. You will also learn how to create Magento 2 invoices, invoice orders, and print invoices. Besides, the article sheds light on the Magento 2 invoice import and export with the help of the Improved Import & Export extension.
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Magento 2 Import: Field Separator & Multiple Value Separator

Magento 2 Import Field Separator Multiple Value Separator

From the very beginning of our history, data transfers with all their aspects and related processes have been the main focus of our company. We’ve explored lots of topics that describe Magento 2 import and export. Along with that, we’ve expanded our interest to other areas of Magento 2 and went far beyond the ecosystem. However, in the following article,  you will find several basic nuances of moving information to your e-commerce website.

Below, we continue exploring Magento 2 import and export processes and explain their two components: field separator and multiple-value separator. What is the purpose of both? What separator types are supported? Are there any alternatives? You will find the answers below.

The following blog post touches upon the topic of different separator types that you can use in Magento 2. After that, we proceed to a guide on how to configure a multiple-value separator in Magento 2. Also, you will find out what to do with field separators in your data files. Various multiple value separator and field separator improvements associated with the Improved Import & Export extension are also mentioned in the article below.
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How to Import Multiselect Attribute Values to Magento 2

Magento 2 import export debug log

In the following article, we explain how to get multiselect attribute values in Magento 2 via import and export processes. But how it it possible if the default data transfer tools don’t offer the desired functionality?

The default data transfer capabilities of Magento 2 still need various improvements, especially if you use the Open Source version of the platform. However, numerous community-based initiatives that tend to improve the basic functionality are at your service. They vary between coding tricks and standalone extensions. Depending on the complexity of your business, your technical skills, or the faced issues, you can select one that perfectly suits your needs. What to do if you cannot find the solutions? Ask the community for support. 

Recently, we came across an interesting issue on Stackexchange. The author was wondering whether it was possible to create values for a multiselect attribute when uploading a CSV file. Below, we share two solutions: the community-based algorithm for addressing the problem and the Firebear-proposed tool. While the first one requires additional coding experience and is almost unreal to implement for non-technical users, the extension we offer is admin-friendly and intuitive so that anyone can use it to cope with the difficulties described below. 

To make a long story short, let’s explore the issue and describe how Magento lets you get product multiselect attribute values. More tips are available here: Magento 2 Cookbook.
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Shopify Metafield Guide: Definition, Types, Management & Import

- Shopify

metafield shopify

Today, we are going to explore the world of Shopify metafields – an integral part of the Shopify admin and storefront. You will learn what a Shopify metafield is and what metafield types are available. After that, we proceed to a step-by-step guide on how to add metafields to a product page in Shopify. The last chapter of this article explains how to import metafields to Shopify.    Continue Reading