"improved import and export"

Magento 2 Product Position in Category: Import Guide

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

magento 2 product position in category

Today, we’d like to introduce you to the Magento 2 product positions in categories. You will learn what a product position in a category means and how to import this data to Magento 2.

When you use native Magento 2 import and export tools to transfer products to your e-commerce website, it is impossible to manage product positions inside categories, meaning you have to assign them manually, which proves to be a tedious task. However, there is a solution that addresses the existing issue. Meet the Improved Import and Export extension for Magento 2. It lets you import and export product positions using CSV, XML, XLSX, ODS, and JSON files.

In this article, you will learn how to import a product position in a category to Magento 2. We also describe the categories_position attribute, introducing you to its peculiarities. And of course, we unveil several interesting facts about the Improved Import & Export extension. But before going any further, let’s define what a Magento 2 product position in a category means.

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How To Export & Import Magento 2 Orders

- E-Commerce, Magento 2, Our extensions

import orders into magento

The following article sheds light on the Magento 2 import of orders. Merchants usually do that when they migrate to Magento 2 or synchronize their business with external marketplaces. However, in Magento 2, the import of orders is impossible by default. You cannot do that with the built-in tools, but a third-party extension, such as Improved Import & Export, can add the missing functionality to the admin interface. 

Below, we explain how to import orders into Magento despite the native limitations of the platform. You will learn what order file structure is required for this process and how to import a table with order data to Magento 2. Besides, we explain how to generate invoices and shipments while importing order tracking numbers to Magento 2. 

The blog post also explains how to export orders from Magento 2. This procedure comes in handy in similar cases: when the migration from Magento 2 is required or orders are processed in external systems. Unlike the Magento 2 order import, the corresponding export process is available in the administration right on the order page. Although the Magento 2 export of orders is possible with the default tools, we describe a more fully-featured but at the same time natural way of doing that. 

The final chapter of the article reveals other features of the tool that we use to run data transfers. So, let’s dive deep into the Magento export-import of orders.

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Magento 2 Color Swatches Guide: Definition, Configuration & Import

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 Color Swatches

Today, we are going to talk about Magento swatches  – an important element of many configurable product pages. The lack of decent product content is what prevents ecommerce businesses from booming. However, you can always enrich your offer with the help of built-in tools, such as Magento 2 color swatches

Below, we are going to describe what Magento color swatches are. After that, you will learn how to create color swatches in Magento 2. And, of course, there is a section dedicated to the import process. You will learn what attributes are used for Magento 2 swatches. Next, we explain how to compose a CSV with product information that incorporates color swatches. After that, you will master the Magento 2 color swatch import

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Magento 2 B2B Features: How to Import & Export Companies, Requisition Lists, Shared Catalogs & Negotiable Quotes in Magento 2

- E-Commerce, Magento 2, Our extensions

Today, we are going to introduce you to Magento B2B focussing on its import and export aspects. Adobe Commerce and its previous iterations, Magento 2 Commerce and Cloud, are equipped with a Magento B2B extension, which introduces companies, shared catalogs, and other features to Magento 2. If you run a B2B store, you are probably aware of that. If not, we will describe the Magento 2 B2B features below.

While the Magento 2 B2B extension is available by default, it is impossible to transfer the corresponding entities if you use the platform’s default instruments. When it comes to migration or import and export processes, Magento 2 offers quite limited options regarding the data you can get in and out. However, Firebear Studio provides the Improved Import and Export extension that lets you import and export every Magento 2 B2B entity, integrating your Magento 2 store with CRMs, ERPs, and other systems.

So, the plan for today looks as follows. Firstly, we are going to introduce you to Magento B2B: you will learn the core Magento 2 B2B entities and their unique peculiarities. Next, we tell a few words about the Improved Import & Export extension and its B2B add-on. The latter introduces the ability to transfer B2B data between Magento 2 and external systems. Next, you will find out how to work with the following Magento 2 B2B entities: companies, quotes, requisition lists, and shared catalogs. We describe how to import Magento 2 B2B company roles, shared catalogs, requisition lists, quotes/negotiable quotes, etc. There is also a chapter that sheds light on how to export Magento 2 B2B entities. However, it is relatively small because the B2B import processes are complex and require more in-depth preparations than the corresponding export processes.

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Firebear Import & Export Tool for BigCommerce – Application Change Log

- BigCommerce, Our extensions

bigcommerce import & export tool user manual

Discover the journey of the Import & Export Tool for BigCommerce as it evolves through various versions, capturing the essence of its enhancements. Initially a straightforward solution with basic features like import and export profiles and simple mapping in its 1.0.0 version, the tool has now transformed into a powerful data management instrument that boasts such advanced capabilities as import and export automation with schedules, support for multiple file formats, including XLSX and XMLFTP and FTPS transfers, Google Sheets and Google Drive integration, built-in email notifications, powerful and flexible mapping, diverse update strategies, and a host of other user-friendly features. 

The app becomes even more robust with each new release, offering users an increasingly potent tool. To explore the complete evolution of the module and its latest features, check out the detailed overview below.

Application Manual | BigCommerce Store 

1.0.32 (released 23.01.24)


  • Plan restrictions for import and export jobs.

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How to Bulk Edit Product Descriptions: Shopify Daily Management Enhanced

- Our extensions, Shopify

Shopify Bulk Edit Descriptions

Welcome to the realm of Shopify product descriptions. Today, we gonna learn how to bulk edit descriptions in Shopify. Usually, merchants do that manually straight in the admin. This approach, however, requires individual editing per product. The more products you need to edit, the more time and effort you spend. What if there is another more user-oriented and less time-consuming way to bulk edit product descriptions in Shopify

You can always rely on import and export processes to bulk edit your Shopify product data. Below, we share the best way to edit product descriptions in bulk, minimizing your time expenditures. You will need to export products from Shopify, apply changes to the exported product table, and then re-import it. That’s Shopify product description bulk editing in a nutshell. But let’s focus on the aspects.    Continue Reading

Shopify Product Handle Explained: Bulk Update & Editing Tips

- Our extensions, Shopify

Shopify Product Handle

In the following article, we cover the basics of Shopify product handle management. You will learn what a product handle is and how to improve updates associated with this product attribute and your Shopify website

Below, we describe how to edit Shopify product handles in bulk. First, you will learn how to get product handles from Shopify. Next, we will teach you how to edit them. The final step describes how to import the newly created update back. Also, we clarify the importance of redirects in Shopify product handle editing.   Continue Reading

Enhance Your Shopify Data Export: Custom Columns

- Our extensions, Shopify

How to Bulk Update Shopify Product SKUs

Although Shopify’s default export is enough for transferring data within the ecosystem, you may face multiple inconveniences when exporting data to third parties. The problem starts when you leave the territory of your e-commerce platform. Since Shopify applies a unique system of column names to the data you export, it is impossible to deliver your CSVs to third parties unless you replace the default column names with the ones the accepting party requires. Luckily, there is a more user-friendly and convenient solution. 

Below, you will learn how to create a Shopify data export with custom columns. We explain how to prepare your export profile, replace the default column names with custom names, create a custom column order, and delete unnecessary columns from export.  Continue Reading

How to Archive Orders in Shopify

- Our extensions, Shopify

archive order shopify

Below, we explain how to archive orders in Shopify. You will learn how to create a zip archive with your orders for more efficient storage or management. 

When you export Shopify orders with the platform’s default tools, they are gathered in a CSV file. But what if a Shopify archive with orders is required? 

You will need the Import & Export Tool to archive orders in Shopify. Furthermore, our app lets you automate this process, archive only the latest modified orders, or pack only orders with a specific status into a zip. We detailly describe all these aspects below. Continue Reading

How to Manage Products in Shopify: Reorder Variants

- Our extensions, Shopify

How to Bulk Update Shopify Product SKUs

In the following article, we explore how to reorder variants in Shopify. You will learn two different techniques: one for solo editing and another one for bulk product updates. If you deal with a few products, choose the first way. If you need to update the entire catalog, go with the second option. Below, we explain the principal difference between the two of them opportunities so that you can reorder variants in Shopify in a manner that suits your business well. Continue Reading