"improved import and export"

How to Import Multiselect Attribute Values to Magento 2

Magento 2 import export debug log

In the following article, we explain how to get multiselect attribute values in Magento 2 via import and export processes. But how it it possible if the default data transfer tools don’t offer the desired functionality?

The default data transfer capabilities of Magento 2 still need various improvements, especially if you use the Open Source version of the platform. However, numerous community-based initiatives that tend to improve the basic functionality are at your service. They vary between coding tricks and standalone extensions. Depending on the complexity of your business, your technical skills, or the faced issues, you can select one that perfectly suits your needs. What to do if you cannot find the solutions? Ask the community for support. 

Recently, we came across an interesting issue on Stackexchange. The author was wondering whether it was possible to create values for a multiselect attribute when uploading a CSV file. Below, we share two solutions: the community-based algorithm for addressing the problem and the Firebear-proposed tool. While the first one requires additional coding experience and is almost unreal to implement for non-technical users, the extension we offer is admin-friendly and intuitive so that anyone can use it to cope with the difficulties described below. 

To make a long story short, let’s explore the issue and describe how Magento lets you get product multiselect attribute values. More tips are available here: Magento 2 Cookbook.
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Shopify Metafield Guide: Definition, Types, Management & Import

- Shopify

metafield shopify

Today, we are going to explore the world of Shopify metafields – an integral part of the Shopify admin and storefront. You will learn what a Shopify metafield is and what metafield types are available. After that, we proceed to a step-by-step guide on how to add metafields to a product page in Shopify. The last chapter of this article explains how to import metafields to Shopify.    Continue Reading

How to Import Custom CSV to Magento 2 Programmatically

magento 2 import custom csv programmatically

Let’s discuss the Magento 2 import of custom CSV files. Recently, we’ve been surfing across endless StackExchange discussions and stumbled upon an exciting topic that wasn’t highlighted in our Cookbook. The problem was easy to understand: there was a custom CSV and a user had to import it to Magento 2. The probability of a similar situation for an average e-commerce business is quite high.  Therefore, we’ve decided to narrate it in our blog, adding several more vital facts. So, what is the issue?

Bilal Usean asked the community how to import a custom CSV file to a custom table in Magento 2. Although forum members provided several ways to achieve this goal, we didn’t find any user-friendly solution aimed at people with less technical skills than required by the most rated answer. Variants discussed on StackExchange seem to be highly efficient but too complicated. However, there is one more way to import a custom CSV file to Magento 2 with the minimum headache. Below, we provide the original answer as well as our alternative solution. You will also learn how to import a custom CSV to Magento 2 programmatically. Since some of the provided solutions incorporate the Improved Import & Export extension, we also share its core features after discussing the initial resolution.
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Magento 2 Import of Custom Attributes: How to Import Products with Custom Attributes to Magento 2

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

magento 2 import custom attributes

When you import products to Magento 2, you may face various difficulties. Transferring them to your website without headaches is possible if all items suit the Magento 2 requirements. However, when Magento 2 custom attributes enter the game, merchants usually experience difficulties. So, let’s talk about the Magento 2 import of custom attributes. The following article provides several tips on importing products with custom attributes to Magento 2.

Below, you will find various recommendations on how to streamline this process. First of all, we shed light upon how to enable the Magento 2 product import if you have to deal with custom attributes, avoiding the most common errors. After that, you will find a short guide on how to automate the procedure. Next, the article touches upon the topic of missing attributes. We explain how to create them on the fly automatically. And of course, products bound to third-party categories are also a topic of our discussion. We describe how to match them to the ones you use in your e-commerce catalog. More useful tips are available here: Developer’s Cookbook.
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How to Create a Custom Import in Magento 2

magento 2 custom import

Although the default import and export instruments of Magento 2 are enough to satisfy the basic data transfer needs, you may require some extra features to follow specific business demands. Sometimes the missing functionalities are available with third-party extensions but even the most robust modules often fail to deliver custom opportunities that satisfy particular business requirements. What’s to be done? 

Below, we shed light on how to create a custom import in Magento 2. You will find two different approaches to the Magento 2 custom import. Firstly, we discuss a community-provided solution that requires technical skills and coding experience. It is not for every user, especially those who don’t belong to the group of tech-savvy Magento 2 managers. Secondly, we provide a more friendly way of creating a custom import in Magento 2. It is based on the Improved Import & Export extension and involves no coding on the side of the extension’s end user. Before we proceed, check more useful tips here: Magento 2 Cookbook
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The Ultimate Guide to Shopify Import

- Our extensions, Shopify

Shopify import products, customers, inventory, orders

Every decent e-commerce platform offers built-in import and export tools. However, they are usually far from being an omnipotent solution that can cope with any business requirement. Because of this, agencies create third-party solutions that close the existing gaps between the platform’s objective reality and the merchants’ subjective needs. What about Shopify? What data transfer solutions does it offer? What reliable alternatives are currently available in the ecosystem?  

In this Shopify import guide, you will find out what import functionality is hidden behind the platform and how to enhance it in the most user-friendly and, at the same time, powerful way. Let’s explore the system’s native capabilities first and then proceed to the most powerful third-party solution that copes with any data transfer challenges and enables any Shopify import customizations – the Import & Export Tool for Shopify.

Below, you will learn about the basic data transfer capabilities of Shopify: product import, inventory import, customer import, etc. You will learn how to transfer products to your e-commerce website using the platform’s built-in functionality. The article examines two different cases: importing products from another website and reimporting them within the borders of your store. In addition to that, we provide a CSV file structure required for this process. Next, we explore how to import inventory, customers, and orders to Shopify. After that, you will learn how our Import & Export Tool enhances the default data transfers. Also, don’t forget to check our Ultimate Guide to Shopify Export.
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Shopware 6 Advanced Pricing Guide + Import Tutorial

- Shopware

Below, we focus on the advanced prices of Shopware 6, focussing on tier prices and their import. Pricing tiers are a powerful marketing instrument that adds a new layer of complexity to the product’s default price, and Shopware 6 lets you define multiple pricing tiers per product. Let’s see what core features the platform offers to tame prices and leverage advanced prices. After that, you will learn how to configure tier prices in Shopware 6. The last chapter of this guide is dedicated to the Shopware 6 tier prices import.  Continue Reading

Magento 2 B2B Company Guide: Revealing Company Structure & Import

- Magento 2


magento 2 b2b company import guide

If you want to migrate from the existing Magento B2B website, you may face a problem when companies cannot be moved with the help of the default Magento 2 tools. Neither can you synchronize the existing Magento 2 B2B company structure between several websites.  Thus, you should run the transfer manually, recreating the entire storefront section manually. But what if there is a more user-friendly way of importing and exporting Magento 2 B2B companies? In the following article, we shed light on what a Magento B2B company account is. You will learn the nuances of the Magento 2 company structure; and after that, we will guide you through the corresponding data import process. You will learn the attributes used in the import of B2B company accounts to Magento 2. We also explain the meaning of a CSV file for importing company roles. After that, you will find out how to run the Magento 2 B2B company import. Continue Reading

Magento 2 B2B Quote Guide: Description, Workflow, Import & Export

magento 2 b2b quote guide

Today, we discuss one of the Magento 2 B2B aspects – negotiable quotes. If you are going to migrate from one B2B e-commerce website to another, you may face a problem when Magento 2 quotes cannot be moved with the help of the default Magento 2 tools.  If you don’t plan the migration but need the Magento 2 B2B quote data to be passed to a third-party service for further processing, there is also a problem. You have to do everything manually, wasting a significant amount of time. But what if there is a more user-friendly way of importing and exporting Magento 2 negotiable quotes

In the following article, we shed light on the most intuitive and user-friendly way to import and export Magento B2B quote data. But let’s first define negotiable quotes in Magento 2 and say a few words about the Magento 2 B2B quote workflow. After that, you will learn the exquisiteness of quote import and export, including a full list of attributes necessary to transfer B2B negotiable quotes to Magento 2.

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Magento 2 CMS Page Hierarchy Exploration: Features, Configuration, Import & Export

- E-Commerce, Magento 2, Our extensions

magento 2 cms page hierarchy

Today, we are going to introduce you to the Magento 2 CMS page hierarchy feature. Although free and paid versions of our favorite e-commerce platform are very similar to some extent, the Commerce edition introduces multiple unique features. Below, we’d like to draw your attention to the Magento CSM page hierarchy. Below, we explore this functionality in more detail as well as shed light on how to import and export Magento 2 page hierarchy data.

In the introduction to Magento page hierarchy, we provide several examples of this content type as well as explain what the Magento 2 page hierarchy node system is. After that, you will discover how to configure page hierarchy in Magento 2 in general and how to add a node to your page hierarchy in particular. We illustrate the page hierarchy node creation process, elucidate the way you add pages to the node, define the page hierarchy structure, account for page hierarchy pagination controls, and explain the corresponding menu layout. After that, the article switches to the data transfer section, where we show how to import & export Magento 2 CMS page hierarchy data. Since this process incorporates the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension, you will also find its features defined.
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