
How to Automate Magento 2 Import & Export

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

improved import and export - Magento 2 extension

We have very good news for you: it’s no longer necessary to import/export files to/from Magento 2 manually. And below we explain how to automate Magento 2 import and export processes. Check this post and you will find out how to save tons of time and effort making your daily routine fully automated.

Of course, you need a third-party extension to achieve your goal. And we recommend you to use the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension, since the Magento 2 Open Source platform doesn’t add any automation to import/export processes. As a result, you have to perform each run manually, but before diving deep into the nature of our solution, let’s tell a few words about the automation itself. Continue Reading

The Best Improved Import/Export Extensions for Magento 2

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Import Export Magento 2 Modules

Improved import & export Magento 2 extensions are designed to simplify some routine Magento tasks. They revamp the default abilities of the platform by adding convenient import/export options. Although, Magento 2 provides a lot of ecommerce possibilities in this area out-of-the-box, they are still not enough for seamless migration to/from other systems as well as for performing some daily tasks. Furthermore, in case you want to import products from Magento 1 to Magento 2, one of the following tools will essentially simplify this procedure. Besides, check our digest of the Magento 1 export tools here: The Best Improved Import/Export Extensions for Magento. They will be necessary for moving data out of your old store. And don’t forget about the Complete Guide to Magento 2 Product Import / Export. In that post, we describe core nuances of the default import/export process as well as provide Magento 2 import csv examples and description. But what bout popular Magento 2 import extensions and Magento 2 export modules?

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How to improve Magento 2 import and export speed?

- Magento 2

improved import and export - Magento 2 extension

Have you ever wondered why Magento 2 import and export processes are so slow? If you move data to and from your store on a regular basis, low import/export speed may become really annoying. But what is the reason for this problem and how to solve it? You will find the answer below.

Also, the article provides an alternative solution for the Magento 2 import and export performance issue. The default data transfer solution is associated not only with relatively low speed stats but also with a plethora of other hurdles that don’t let your admins manage data most efficiently. However, there is a universal solution that addresses all the issues associated with Magento’s built-in tools – the Improved Import & Export extension. You will also find its core features described below. 
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How to fix the “URL key for specified store already exists” issue on Magento 2 import

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 export CLI

Let’s suppose that you need to import a product CSV file, that follows the Magento 2 requirements, to a new installation. What could go wrong? Unfortunately, several errors may occur when you do that, including “URL key for specified store already exists”. In the following article, we explore the issue on the example provided in a StackExchange discussion, where Zed Blackbeard argues that it is impossible to import products to Magento 2 due to the general system exception. Magento informs its administrator who runs the update that the URL key for the specified store already exists. After that, the system breaks the import

Below, you will discover the conditions that cause the problem. After that, the article provides several possible resolutions. To be more specific, we provide recommendations from the appropriate StackExchange discussion as well as deliver our approach that incorporates the Improved Import & Export extension. If you face other issues while using your Magento installation, you may try to find them described in this blog post: Magento 2 Cookbook.
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The Complete Guide to Magento 2 Related Products, Upsell Products & Cross-Sell Products

- E-Commerce, Magento 2, Our extensions

Guide to magento 2 related products, magento 2 cross sell products, magento 2 upsell products

To sell effectively one must learn to predict and analyze. What are people looking for at my store? How can I make their search fruitful? At what point do the results become satisfying?

The answers to the questions lie within everyone’s reach — run through some behavior statistics and create the most relevant offers for your audience. And your Magento website is ready to help. By default, it offers lots of marketing tools that can dramatically improve sales. Today, we are going to discuss Magento 2 related products. Of course, it is impossible to talk about them without entering the territory of Magento 2 upsell products. And to complete the picture, we also shed light on Magento 2 cross-sell products. These are the very tools that can help you follow your customers’ needs, providing them with extended offers.

In this guide, we explain how to enrich a customer experience by using related items. You will find out what Magento related products are. Next, we define Magento upsells. And, of course, you will learn what Magento cross-sell items are and what makes them unique in comparison to other relation types. 

You will learn how to use all these marketing tools. We explain how to associate particular products with related products, upsells, and cross-sells in Magento 2. The article sheds light on assigning them to product and cart pages.

Next, we describe the corresponding import and export processes. You will learn what attributes to add to a CSV table to import Magento 2 related products, upsells, and cross-sells in a single file. We quickly go through the native Magento 2 import and then focus on the extended procedure that Involves the Improved Import & Export extension.

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How to Import Custom Files to Shopify

- E-Commerce, Shopify

 shopify import & export app

Fail to import custom files to Shopify? You’ve come to the right place. Although you cannot do that with the platform’s default tools, an alternative solution is suitable for this procedure. In the following article, we describe where the issue comes from and how to address it.  Continue Reading

Exploring Magento 2 Backend: Import/Export Tax Rates

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

magento 2 tax rates import export

Tax rate management in Magento 2 is quite a straightforward process if you conduct business locally. However, when you expand and start operating in several states with different legislation, not to mention international operations, manual tax rates entering becomes hugely time-consuming. What alternative opportunity does Magento 2 offer? By default, the platform has a separate screen where you can import all the necessary tax rates, preliminarily downloading them by ZIP code. In the following material, we explore how to transfer a set of tax rates back and forth and talk about an alternative solution.  Continue Reading

Magento 2 Cannot Import Product Images: Reasons & Resolutions

- Fire development, Magento 2

Magento 2 export CLI

In the article below, we explain two mistakes common for the import of product images to Magento 2 that roil the entire data transfer. You will find out how to counteract them, preventing possible troubles. Besides, we describe an alternative solution that reinforces the default data transfer routine, drastically extending the default import/export capabilities of the platform. More useful tips are listed here: Magento 2 Cookbook. Continue Reading

Firebear Improved Import & Export Plugin for WooCommerce

- E-Commerce, Our extensions

improved import and export extension for woocommerce

We already simplify the life of WooCommerce merchants who want to transfer their e-commerce stores to Magento 2, providing the WooCommerce Migration Add-On that works on top of the Improved Import & Export extension. The tool delivers extended automation capabilities, transforming numerous data exchange processes. However, it is not our only attempt to interact with the WooCommerce ecosystem. Today, we are proud to introduce you to our brand new project – the Firebear Improved Import & Export extension for WooCommerce Continue Reading