Magestore Membership Magento 2 Extension
The Magestore Membership Magento 2 extension is designed to implement the system of benefits for customers on the basis of their subscriptions. The module allows you to create various membership packages for various products. By subscribing to a certain package (a membership fee should be paid), customers get discounts for products that are available in the chosen package. An interesting e-commerce trick, isn’t it?

Unfortunately, Magestore no longer provides this extension, but you can replace it with the help of Subscriptions and Recurring Payments Magento 2 Extensions. They do not provide the same functionality but may become even more useful for your e-commerce business.
So, let’s figure out the extension’s core features first. Magestore Membership for Magento 2 supports a virtually unlimited number of membership packages. A few will be enough to test the functionality of the module in your e-commerce niche. Then, you will create more. To attract customers to the new feature, the Membership module provides the ability to describe each package with such data as products in the package, registration fee, discount rule, duration, etc. Thus, your clients will be fully informed about all benefits of being subscribed. Furthermore, you can enable store visitors to view membership price right on a product page!
The cheapest product price can be automatically defined during the checkout. Featured packages can be displayed on a listing page, and you can add special tags to them. Besides, there is a possibility to change URLs to improve SEO.
Thus, you encourage buyers to purchase more goods, since joining a membership plan opens much wider opportunities, such as special discounts or even some free goods. As mentioned above, you are free to create an unlimited number of packages with different fees and benefits. All these aspects make Magestore Membership for Magento 2 a real treasure. To illustrate the extension’s usefulness even more, let’s dive deep into its backend.
Table of contents
Manage Product Groups
All product groups are gathered in a grid on the Manage Product Groups screen. The grid shows group ID, name, description, and status. You can export it via CSV, Excel, or XML. As for available groups, they can be edited.

While editing a product group, you have to work with two tabs: Group Information and Product Information On the Group Information tab, you can edit group name and description as well as change its status.

The Products information tab allows you to view and edit products related to the group.

While adding a new group, you have to deal with the same tabs.
Manage Packages
The Manage Packager screen also provides export functionality. As for the Package grid, it contains the following columns:
- ID;
- Name;
- URL Key;
- Package Price;
- Discount Value;
- Discount Type;
- Duration;
- Time Unit;
- Featured Package;
- Sort Order;
- Status;
- Action.

All package settings are divided into 4 tabs: Package Information; Manage Product Groups; Manage Products; and Members. In Package Information, specify package name and price, discount type (percentage or fixed) and value, package duration and duration unit (day, week, month, year), add a description, create a new URL key (for SEO purposes of course), decide whether the package is fractured or not, set a sort order, and choose status (enabled/disabled).

Next, you can edit product groups (if they are represented in the package).

And this is the Manage Products tab:

All members subscribed for the package are gathered in a corresponding grid:

Manage Members
As for Manage Members grid, it shows member IDs, names, emails, joined dates, and statuses. Besides, you can view each member from the action column.

Now, let’s take a look at the Magestore Membership Magento 2 extension configuration. All settings are divided into 2 sections: Membership Configuration and Style Configuration. The first one allows you to choose an order state for a membership package activation and update, select email templates that will be used when a customer buys a package or when a client should be notified about renewing the package, add a short description that will be displayed on a membership page, decide whether to show a membership head link or not, as well as choose a period before package expiration when a customer should be notified.

As for Style Configuration, this section provides the ability to choose colors for package name, price tag, and a price tag background as well as implement more advanced customizations via CSS.

From the perspective of a customer, the Magestore Membership Magento 2 module has an interface that shows all the necessary data about each promotion and allows to become a program member within a few clicks. The Membership screen gathers all programs in a single place. Each promotion shows such details as name, price, duration, and description. You can view details or buy it. It the program was already purchased, you can renew it with the appropriate button.

While viewing program details, the Membership module shows product name, image, original price, membership price, and saved amount of money. You can add each product to cart right here.

There is also the Membership Area in a customer account. It is divided between two sections: My Packages and My Payment History. The first one provides links to each purchased package, shows expiration date, amount of products purchased from the package, and saved money. Besides, you can renew each package here. As for the history, it displays package names, order dates, duration, prices, and order states.

Final Words
The Magestore Magento 2 Membership extension provides new opportunities related to various membership programs. You can easily create any promotion and customers can rapidly find and subscribe to it increasing your revenue. As for the price of the module, it is $399.