Magento 2 ShopPrice Integration
In the following post, we discuss Magento 2 ShopPrice integration. Below, you can find a brief description of the platform as well as a section dedicated to a Magento 2 ShopPrice connector.

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ShopPrice is one of the biggest price comparison engines in Australia. It combines more than 4 thousand retailers under the same platform providing visitors with access to over 10 million goods. The cheapest products are always available above others even if they were provided for free.
From the merchant perspective, you can use the service out of charge or create a premium account. Besides Australia, ShopPrice supports merchants from New Zealand, the US, and Canada.
Complete the registration by filling in the form and get ready to provide the optimised feed. Note that ShopPrice uses two attribute groups: required and recommended. Attributes related to the first type must be included in any data feed, while the second type makes your product appearance on ShopPrice better.
Once an item is submitted, you cannot change the unique updating your data feed even if you use multiple feeds.
Product ID, Product Model, Product Name, Product URL, and Product Price are required attributes. Product Description, Manufacturer Name, Category Name, and Image URL are recommended attributes. Note that without recommended attributes, your product listing will look poor and hold customers off. Therefore, let’s try to choose a Magento 2 ShopPrice connector designed to create a product feed that will be fully compatible with these and other requirements.
How to Select Magento 2 ShopPrice Connector
As you can see, ShopPrice requires only a limited set of attributes to be provided by the platform, but you will never increase sales if your product page on the platform doesn’t have images and descriptions. Categories are also important since they help customers discover your offers. Therefore, a Magento 2 ShopPrice connector should support all the aforementioned attributes. Note that many tools do not work with product URLs, so try to avoid them. Alternatively, you can move product images manually or via other extensions, but why don’t you choose a fully-featured module instead?
Another important problem that may occur after the Magento 2 ShopPrice connection is established is related to the lack of the bidirectional data flow. A simple export solution is always enough to provide a limited data feed with the required attributes to ShopPrice, but what if new features are added? And how would you use your primitive tool in case of more complex integrations?
We strongly recommend using import/export extensions only. Thus, you prevent yourself from multiple headaches. For instance, the ShopPrice platform will be updated with new features that provide a data output that must be transferred to Magento. With a simple export connector, you won’t get it back.
At the same time, a complex integration will require additional tools to be installed. At least, you will need an import solution. In the worst case scenario, you simple connector will not 1) get the necessary data back, 2) transfer all required entities, 3) transfer all attributes within each entity. In other words, it will be completely unuseful.
What if a connector fully copes with all the platform’s requirements but cannot be used to connect Magento 2 to other systems? We don’t recommend using such tools. You will need multiple extensions to serve multiple connections increasing your expenditures, system load, and the probability of errors. Therefore, the best possible connector is a universal Magento 2 import/export solution, such as Improved Import Export for Magento 2.
The extension is designed to synchronise Magento 2 with any third-party platform. As a store owner, you can fully automate the connection turning your Magento 2 store into a central hub that controls all the integrations.
The Improved Import & Export extension supports crone. It allows you to create custom update schedules for import and export processes. Moreover, you can apply individual schedules for each profile. At the same time, the extension offers predefined intervals. If necessary, you can launch the update manually.
To create a seamless backend routine, we’ve also introduced mapping with one of the past updates. Thus, the Magento 2 Improved Import Export extension allows matching Magento 2 attributes to any custom attributes. You should create a mapping scheme only ones, and it will be used for further updates. No manual data file editing is required. For some platforms, it is possible to apply mapping presets – the corresponding mapping scheme is created automatically.
Besides, the module supports a vast variety of file formats and connection types. You can easily provide data to third-party platforms in such formats as CSV, XML, TXT, Google Sheets, Excel files, or via API. Multiple file sources may be utilised. First of all, our extension allows transferring data via FTP/SFTP so that you can use both local and remote servers to create a connection. Alternatively, it is possible to move files using your Dropbox account. Also, note that files can be imported to Magento 2 via URL. For further information, watch the video below and follow the link at the end of this post.
As for the Magento 2 ShopPrice connector, it supports all these features and provides seamless integration of two platforms for free. You only need to purchase the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension to get the connector. The module includes other free connectors. Contact our support team if you have any questions.
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