Shopware 6 CLI: General Recommendations & Important Commands

- E-Commerce, Shopware

You can dramatically simplify your interaction with Shopware via the console by applying Shopware 6 CLI commands. The platform provides the ability to execute numerous functions with the help of commands. In some situations, such as the necessity to process large amounts of data, their use is the only suitable option.

In this Shopware CLI guide, we provide general recommendations on how to use the command-line interface with the platform. You will find a list of the most important Shopware 6 CLI commands explained and divided into groups. Other Shopware 6 tutorials and guides are available in our cookbook. Continue Reading

Magento 2 Shopping Cart Guide: Management Essentials

Magento Shopping Cart

The Magento shopping cart functionality has been updated multiple times. Every new version introduced vital improvements for both customers and store administrators. In the following post, we shed light on new Magento 2 shopping cart features, discuss the updated functionality, and provide hints on how to import and export Magento 2 shopping carts and all the related data within just a few clicks.

As a store administrator, you get the ability to manage the shopping carts of customers who are now online – a new feature that is explained below. Besides, it is possible to access the Magento 2 persistent shopping cart – a new term used to call abandoned carts – of a shopper who is not currently logged in.

In both cases, you can add and remove products, transfer items from customer activities, and create orders. As for the respective import and export processes, they are available via third-party software. In this article, we use the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension to show how to import Magento 2 shopping carts. Continue Reading

Magento 2 Mass Product Update: Bulk Price & Stock Update via Import & Export

magento 2 mass product update

Running an e-commerce website is associated with regular updates: prices often change, you receive new items, stock levels vary, etc. You may spend considerable time altering all these indexes manually. However, it is possible to facilitate the common methodology most merchants rely upon. Below, we’d like to introduce you to the Magento 2 mass stock update. It’s a process that can help you optimize regular data updates that take place on your e-commerce website.  Below, we focus on two aspects: prices and stock levels. You will discover what the Magento bulk price update is. At the same time, the article will teach you to update Magento stock in bulk. We use the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension to mass update Magento 2 product prices and quantity (stock).

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Magento Marketplace Integration: How To Synchronize Magento 2 With Any Online Marketplace To Import/Export Product Data

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento marketplace integration

Magento 2 is a reliable platform for building online storefronts and a fully-featured tool for connecting multiple branches of your business. However, a few manipulations are required to use your e-commerce website as a hub for omnichannel retail. This Magento marketplace integration tutorial explains how to make the multi-channel approach more affordable, using marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, and others in sync with your storefront. The following article sheds light on Magento 2 integrations with both online marketplaces and drop shipping platforms and price comparison engines.

First, we explore common issues associated with Magento 2 feed export extensions. After that, you will learn how the Improved Import & Export extension solves them and covers multiple Magento marketplace integration needs. This tool offers broad data feed management features and rich integration opportunities. 
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How to Import Images From an External URL in Magento 2

- Magento 2

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

The following article explains how to import images from an external URL in Magento 2. You cannot imagine an e-commerce website without product pictures. Uploading visual content elements, however, may be challenging. The more products you have, the more work should be done, especially when you upload each image manually.

Luckily, importing product images to Magento 2 with product data introduces a better way to fill your catalog with content. Instead of uploading pictures to your server and then providing their names during the import process, Magento 2 lets you import images from external URLsAlthough this functionality is possible by default, there are several alternative ways to do so.

Below, we focus on the default approach and one of the alternatives. Let’s see how to import product images to Magento 2 using external URLs.  Check other useful tips here: Magento 2 Cookbook. Continue Reading

How to Get Attribute Values & Map Them During Import in Magento 2

magento 2 get product attribute value and map them

This Magento 2 tutorial explains how to get a product attribute value and map it to the one used in your website’s admin. You might have already faced numerous problems caused by attributes and attribute values that don’t follow the Magento requirements. By default, it is impossible to import them to Magento 2. Different systems have unique requirements regarding how information is stored in their databases. Therefore, you cannot transfer data between them directly. It is always necessary to apply changes to the output created beyond Magento 2 to run a successful import to your e-commerce website. This process is usually time-consuming: The more unsupported values your data file contains the more work has to be done. 

However, there is a user-friendly way of editing third-party data. Meet the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension. The module lets you get attribute values in Magento 2 and automate the attribute editing processes, freely importing data from external platforms to Magento 2. Below, we shed light on how to match third-party attributes and attribute values to the corresponding Magento 2 values during import. You will find a guide for the default Magento 2 import tool. After that, we provide a description of our approach that saves tons of time and lets you automate further data updates.
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How To Import Customer Passwords To Magento 2

magento 2 change customer password in database

What if you need to transfer customer data to Magento 2 or change the customer password in a database? You may try to use the default import tool to do that. However, it doesn’t let you move all the prospect-related information to your database. For instance, it is impossible to migrate customer passwords from external systems. Attempts to address this problem have been made utilizing numerous approaches. Below, we describe two of them. 

You will learn how to import passwords to Magento 2 from external systems by manually editing your data files. Alternatively, we describe how to import the existing customer data including passwords to your e-commerce website based on the Improved Import & Export extension. Thus, you will learn how to reset customer passwords in a database in Magento 2.

The problem is that the new platform version utilizes an updated algorithm for storing passwords. Hence, users claim that after migrating to Magento 2 from Magento 1, registered prospects have to re-enter their passwords on a new website. 

If editing passwords manually fixes the problem caused by Magento version discrepancy, Improved Import & Export dramatically extends the application sphere for customer data import. The module lets you transfer information about registered buyers from any external platform automatically with any number of unsupported attributes, including new customer passwords and the existing hash values of customer account passwords. For further useful tips, check our Cookbook. Continue Reading

Firebear Improved Import, Export & Mass Actions for Shopware 6

- E-Commerce, Our extensions

shopware import export plugin by FirebearBelow, we’d like to introduce you to our Shopware import plugin. Meet the Improved Import, Export & Mass Actions for Shopware 6. It is one of the ecosystem’s most fully featured and powerful data transfer solutions that offers lots of enhancements to the default import and export processes. Our Shopware import export plugin provides a straightforward way to connect your e-commerce website with different external platforms within and around the ecosystem, automating various routine processes. It introduces numerous integrations with other e-commerce platforms, tools, and service providers, including ERPs, CRMs, accounting, etc.

In the article below, we briefly describe the plugin’s key features. We explore import and export jobs, data transfer automation, mapping, and extended connectivity options of our Shopware 6 import & export plugin. After that, you will find a small description of the existing import & export solutions available in the Shopware marketplace along with the default data transfer capabilities of the platform.

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How To Import Configurable Products To Magento 2

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

improved import and export - Magento 2 extension

It is not a problem to import a single product to Magento 2, since you have all the necessary tools under System -> Export. But if you need to move Magento 2 configurable product data from the old site, it may take a lot of time and effort, since in this situation the import procedure is much more sophisticated. However, it is still possible to import a configurable product with its simple products to Magento 2, and below we shed light on what is necessary for a successful import. Note that the following article only briefly describes the process. For further information on how to import configurable products to Magento 2, read this guide: The Complete Guide to Magento 2 Configurable Products.
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How to Import & Export Newsletter Subscribers in Magento 2

magento 2 import export newsletter subscribers

Today, we’d like to introduce you to the Magento 2 import export of newsletter subscribers. Suppose you run an online business with multiple newsletter subscribers but want to move to a brand new Magento 2 website. Of course, you would like to migrate all the existing newsletter subscribers to the new storefront. Magento 2, however, doesn’t let you do that with the help of its default import and export tools. Luckily, there is a solution that enables the desired functionality. Meet the Improved Import & Export extension. With its help, you will freely import and export newsletter subscribers in Magento 2.

In the following article, we focus on transferring newsletter subscribers to and from Magento 2. You will discover the conditions for importing subscriber data to your e-commerce website. Besides, we provide attributes associated with newsletter subscribers in Magento 2. And of course, there is a guide on how to import newsletter subscribers from Magento 1 to Magento 2. If you are going to migrate from your old e-commerce website to a brand-new one, you’ve come to the right place. The general details about Magento 2 newsletter subscribers’ import and export are also gathered below.
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