The Ultimate Guide To Shopify Integrations 

- Shopify, System Integration

Shopify integrations

Let’s talk about Shopify integrations. Most people know Shopify as a fully independent e-commerce platform. However, its default functionality is not always enough to satisfy specific business demands. If it happens so, merchants need to integrate Shopify with third-party systems. Below, we’d like to introduce you to the core types of Shopify integrations. We discuss native, third-party, iPaaS, and custom integrations. You will learn their distinctive features, advantages, and disadvantages. Also, we highlight the most popular Shopify integrations including platforms such as SAP Business One, Quickbooks, Amazon, Hubspot, WordPress, and Salesforce.  Continue Reading

Shopware SAP Integration: SAP Business One Shopware 6 Connector by Firebear

Shopware sap business one connector

What do you know about the Shopware SAP integration? Probably, you are familiar with the fact that you cannot just take your Shopware 6 website and connect it to a random SAP product. However, we know the most user-friendly and intuitive way to create the SAP Business One Shopware integration.  

The Shopware 6 ecosystem of apps and tools is gradually expanding, introducing such handy solutions as SAP Business One Integration for Shopware 6 by Firebear Studio. In the following article, you will learn how to leverage the SAP Business One Shopware tandem with the help of this plugin. We are going to introduce you to the basic principles and features the SAP Shopware connector incorporates and illustrate its functionality. After that, we will focus on several common use cases for the SAP B1  Shopware 6 integration.  

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Shopify Sap Business One Integration Defined

Below, we’d like to draw your attention to the Shopify SAP integration. These days, many useful tools can help you simplify e-commerce duties, including various ERP systems, CRM platforms, accounting tools, etc. SAP Business One, of course, is on the list of the most powerful solutions. The Shopify SAP Business One integration, however, is not built into your admin by default. Therefore, you need to look for a reliable third-party solution. 

In this article, we are going to introduce you to one of the possible Shopify SAP B1 integrations, so that you can achieve your goals of connecting the data of these two platforms and improving the performance of your business operations. With the Firebear team and its Import & Export Tool for Shopify, you can carry out this process quickly and painlessly. Let’s go over all the integration features (both implemented and planned)

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How to Import & Export Data Between Magento 2 & Google Drive

Magento 2 Google Drive Import Export

Today, we are going to introduce you to the Magento 2 Google Drive integration. The following article sheds light on how to import and export entities between Magento 2 and Google Drive with the help of the Improved Import & Export extension. It explains how to synchronize Magento 2 and Google Drive. After that, we shed light on the general facts related to transferring data between our favorite e-commerce platform and the popular file storage.  Next, the material proceeds to the core steps of the integration preparation. You will discover how to install Google API libraries and get Google Drive API credentials.

After that, the article focuses on establishing the connection between Magento 2 and Google Drive. You will learn to configure a Service Account and share a Google Drive folder. The last chapters are dedicated to configuring import and export jobs for Magento 2 and Google Sheets integration and exploring use cases. Since the integration incorporates Improved Import & Export, you will also find its features described below.

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How to Update Product Price in Bulk During Magento 2 Import

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

magento bulk price update

Magento 2 lets you specify a new product price upon import, but what if you want to update category prices by $10? Or what if your supplier raised all prices by 10%? You will find the answer in our Magento bulk price update guide.

With the default data transfer tools, you have to apply most price adjustments manually to every product in your catalog. The more products you have, the more time you will spend. However, nobody wants to calculate and apply each new price manually.

In this article, you will learn how to update product prices in Magento in mass with the Improved Import and Export extension. The module dramatically extends the default data transfer capabilities of Magento 2, introducing the ability to update product prices during Magento 2 import via Price Rules – a set of conditions that adjust the price of the imported products. 

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How to Run Magento 2 Import if Required Columns Are Missing

Magento 2 Import without Required Columns

Welcome to our guide on how to import data to Magento 2 if something is missing in a table. Below, we shed light on a very important aspect of every import process – columns (attributes) of an import file. What if your data table doesn’t contain one? By default, you face the inability to transfer the update to your Magento 2 website. Many different entities can be transferred into Magento 2, so you have to deal with various data depending on your particular business case. However, the absence of the smallest detail can ruin all your data transfer efforts. Especially if you use the default data transfer solutions. 

Luckily, we know how to prevent such issues. Meet the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension. With the help of this plugin, you can import data to Magento 2 if some required columns are missed. The following article describes this process. You can either manually add the necessary columns or automate the missed data addition using the module’s functionality. Besides, you will discover the required CSV file structure as well as core features of the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension
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Value For Status Attribute Contains Incorrect Value: How To Fix Error During Magento 2 Import

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

When you try to manage a standard import process in Magento 2, you may face lots of issues and inconveniences caused by the platform’s requirements and limitations. For instance, we’ve already described how to fix the ‘General System Exception Happened’ Error and eliminate it as fast as possible and with minimum effort. Today, we’d like to draw your attention to another problem that often occurs during Magento 2 import. Meet the ‘Value For Status Attribute Contains Incorrect Value’ error. The following article sheds light on how to fix it, prevent multiple import issues, and make data transfers more user-friendly. Note that we use the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension to solve the problem and prevent other inconveniences. Therefore, you will also find its features described in the following material. Continue Reading

How to Apply Filters to Magento 2 Import and Export

magento 2 filter: Export

Imagine a situation when there is a massive data file with thousands of SKUs, but you need to import items with a price lower than $100 or products from a specific category. Or let’s assume that you need to create an export file that contains products that are enabled, have a price higher than 0, are in stock, and are visible in Catalog and Search or just in Catalog. How to do that? You need to apply filters to Magento 2 import and export or create import and export conditions. The following Magento filter guide sheds light on various details of both processes.

It’s not a secret the functionality of Magento 2 has lots of limitations. Of course, the platform offers much broader opportunities in comparison to its predecessor, but there is still room for improvement, especially in the area of data filtering. Thus, you can neither apply Magento 2 import and export filters nor create import/export conditions to narrow down the output or transfer only the necessary information into the system. However, it is not all that bad.

We firmly believe that Magento wouldn’t be cool without its community and a vast ecosystem of third-party extensions. Both factors provide a positive impact on the platform dramatically extending its borders concerning productivity and functionality. As you might have already guessed, the ability to apply Magento 2 import/export filters and create import/export conditions is entirely based on a third-party solution, so meet the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension.

The module provides the ability to create highly configurable and flexible import and export profiles (jobs), where you can specify the most precise conditions regarding each process. Thus, even the most demanding business requirements are satisfied. Let’s take a look at filtering opportunities offered by the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension and then proceed to other features. Continue Reading

How to Run Product Import on Daily Basis in Magento 2

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 Development

Welcome to our Magento 2 scheduled import guide. Below, we shed light on how to run Magento 2 import processes daily and automatically following a schedule. You can do that either in your admin interface or via CLI. While Magento 2 Open Source doesn’t let you automate data transfer processes and there is no way to use CLI to control imports and exports, you can enable the missing functionality with the help of third-party solutions. In the article below, we explain how to run scheduled imports in Magento 2 and use CLI to control them with the help of Improved Import & Export.

Also, we look for an alternative point of view on Magento StackExchange in the question by Massimo Camoni and the answer by Khoa TruongDinh. Since we leverage the advanced import functionality of the Improved Import & Export extension to address the issues mentioned in the discussion, you will also find a section that describes other possibilities the module provides.

So, how do we run product import in Magento 2 daily and automatically? And how do we use CLI in this process? The question has two answers since everything depends on your platform version. As we all know, the difference between Magento 2 Open Source and Adobe Commerce is huge, therefore, the same goals on both platforms can be achieved in a slightly different manner. Let’s see. Continue Reading

How to Import Excel (XLS & XLSX) and OpenOffice (ODS) Files to Magento 2

Magento 2 Excel import export

We’ve already described hundreds of data import cases related to Magento 2 and many more are left to be mentioned in our blog. This time, we return to the topic of importing file standards that Magento 2 doesn’t support and highlight the Magento Excel integration. Unfortunately, the system works with CSV files only and it is not the only requirement you should follow to be able to transfer an update to your database. You also have to edit third-party data and columns to make the file suitable, but let’s return to the unsupported formats.   

If you have an Excel (XLS or XLSX) or ODS file with data that should be imported to Magento 2, you’ve come to the right place. Although Magento 2 doesn’t let you do that by default, there is a reliable alternative solution at your service. Meet the Improved Import & Export extension – a tool that offers the most user-friendly way of Magento 2 Excel and ODS files import.

In the following article, we shed light on what to do with XLSX, XLS, and ODS files if you want to move them to Magento 2 via the default data transfer tools. After that, you will find a guide on how to import Excel and ODS files to Magento 2 in a way more user-friendly manner. Of course, Magento’s export of products to Excel is also described below. Continue Reading