Minimal – Magento 2 Theme for Fashion Stores
Today, we’d like to draw your attention to another new Magento 2 theme which is called Minimal. Although its name aptly describes the design, the set of available features can not be considered limited. So first of all, let’s see how Minimal looks like. Below, you will find theme’s core elements: category page, product page, cart, and checkout.
Magento 2 Templates and Themes

Table of contents
Category Page
Below, you can see the example of an average category page available in Minimal. Although the demo illustrates more elegant design patterns for front pages, it sends to the following category and product pages. The category page offers a lot of filters, so your clients will easily find what they are looking for.
It is possible to select appropriate colors and materials to get a more precise list of goods.
Unfortunately, there is no price slider, but this Magento 2 theme offers a separate block with prices instead.
But there is also an example of price slider in the description of the theme:
Product Page
A product page of the Minimal Magento 2 theme provides the ability to choose quantity, color, and size of a chosen item. Besides, it offers a price, availability, and SKU. As for available buttons, they provide the ability to add the item to cart, share it on social networks, add to wishlist, compare, etc.
You can also add a review or check other proposed goods on the same page.
Unfortunately, the cart demo doesn’t work as it should, so we can see only a dropdown window:
And this is how the checkout page looks like.
Although it consists of two just two steps, it is not the best possible solution.
Minimal Magento 2 Theme Overview
Being fully responsive and Retina ready is a mandatory requirement for every Magento 2 theme, and Minimal complies with it. In addition to such features as RWD and Retina Image, you also get Bootsrap 3 that also makes this Magento 2 template more usable. Furthermore, you can easily turn off responsive design if necessary.
Another important aspect of the Minimal Magento 2 theme is its ability to support right to left design, so you will no longer have problems with Arabic or Hebrew. Besides, you can select t different styles for your languages and currencies.
As for powerful theme settings they enable you to change such design parameters as colors, fonts, and typography significantly increasing styling flexibility of your Magento 2 website. It is also necessary to mention that the Minimal Magento 2 theme enables you to choose between box and wide styles for your theme. Other customizations let you freely change product image sizes and the number of products displayed per row as well as set positions for various information elements on a detail page. Custom image product are available with various Cloud Zoom, Lightbox, and default features.
And as for popup windows, they can contain such store elements as login form, newsletter, wish list, product comparison, or ads. Popups can be displayed on the first load.
The ability to turn off “sticky” elements is another great feature of Minimal. Cart, search, or menu can be very annoying when visitors are scrolling through your ecommerce Magento 2 website.
Another feature related to navigation is Advanced Layered Navigation. Due to this vital improvement, you can completely change the way your clients look for desired goods. Advanced Layered Navigation makes browsing products easier and faster, so you increase chances that more visitors will become buyers. The Minimal Magento 2 template adds a block with AJAX options, such as price slider, so there is no need to refresh a page to apply new search conditions which is also a plus.
Another AJAX feature of Minimal is related to add to cart feature that enables you customers to place products to cart without any reloads in a single click.
And you can make the life of your customers even better with the Hover & Alternative Image feature. Just take your mouse and hover over a product thumbnail to get an alternative image of the product. Besides, there is a product quick view that allows your customers to get the most important product details on a fancy box popup without any need to leave a current page.
As for widgets, the Minimal Magento 2 theme offers several handy blocks designed to show various data. For instance, widgets can display: bestsellers, new products, goods from sales, as well as items via special attributes, such as featured products or special deals. There is also a tabs widget available in Minimal.
The developers of Minimal also included the OWL Slideshow feature enhanced with different effects and various display methods.
And if you are looking for a Magento 2 theme that will add a blog to your ecommerce storefront, give Minimal a goo, since it includes the Magefan Blog Magento 2 extension for free. Blog is a serious marketing and SEO tool, so don’t waste your chance to make your website more friendly from the perspective of both search engines and visitors.
You might have noticed that every successful ecommerce store utilizes product labels to indicate new products, bestsellers, special products, or deals. Thus, such functionality should be among your requirements to Magento 2 themes. If it is still not there, just check how convenient this feature is implemented in case of Minimal that incorporates a custom product labels extension.
Another improvement that should be added to every online storefront is related to Google Rich Snippets on a product page. This feature is also supported by the Minimal Magento 2 Theme. And of course there is a robust Cloud Tag feature.
Final Words
Although the developers of the Minimal Magento 2 theme state that it is aimed at jewelry and fashion stores, you can freely use it in other spheres, since Minimal offers a lot of useful features and vital improvements necessary in every ecommerce business. The theme costs $89 and you can purchase it here: