Magento 2 Monetate Integration
The following post is dedicated to the Magento 2 Monetate integration. Below, you will find a brief description of the platform as well as a tutorial on what Magento 2 Monetate connector to choose. If you are not familiar with Monetate, it’s a popular platform that offers the most flexible solutions for optimizing and personalizing the customer experience your offer on your e-commerce website.

Monetate already has 10 years of experience in personalisation and optimisation. It is a strategic partner of more than 300 brands including industry-leading companies and mid-sized merchants. The platform allows building and running A/B and multivariate tests. As a result, you can get rich behavioural and contextual data vital for improving the entire customer experience. The most precise approach to personalisation is possible due to the ability to create segments and target them with the proper content: customer-oriented messages, product recommendations, attractive offers, etc. A variety of sources provides enough data that is assembled into a complete view of your customers. And it is vital not only for powering targeted omnichannel experiences but also for running a more common business.
Monetate increases the efficiency of everything your customers face with while browsing your Magento 2 website. And the only way to achieve the maximum personalized experience is to implement an individual approach to each client. Monetate not only knows how to do that but also provides all the tools necessary to reach the goal. The company’s technology allows choosing the right products to offer to each individual in real-time. As a result, you can dramatically improve the current conversion rates. Since it is necessary to provide the platform with product data, let’s take a look at several common issues related the Magento connectors.
The ecosystem offers lots of export extensions. Most of them are great while you can also find some really outdated or limited modules. And if you think that you’ve discovered an export solution that will provide a seamless Magento 2 Monetate integration, you shouldn’t rush into purchasing it. Unfortunately, you may face multiple issues regarding the discovered solution.
First of all, it is the inability to move data back to Magento 2. If in case of Monetate this option may be unnecessary, there are platforms that generate rich output necessary in your store’s backend. For instance, a marketplace not only requires product data to be uploaded, it also provides information about ordered products that should be transferred back to Magento 2. And if you use an export solution, it is necessary to do the synchronization manually or install an additional import tool. Note that in both cases you may have to edit data files manually since Magento 2 and third-party platforms often have different attributes.
Another problem that may occur is the inability to export all data that is required by a third-party platform. The most obvious example is the limitation related to product images or videos. While a connector easily transfers product data to a third-party platform, it cannot cope with the visual content. You can either fix the problem manually or install a supplementary module.
Even if your tool transfers all the necessary data in both directions, it may still cause problems, especially if you want to connect Magento 2 to multiple new channels. The problem is in the necessity to use a new connector for each new integration. Thus, you need multiple tools to maintain the synchronisation with all platforms. And this situation leads to multiple issues as well:
- The budget of running a multichannel business increases with each new integration;
- The system load rises essentially;
- The probability of conflicts between modules multiplies dramatically.
No one needs to face all these risks, troubles, and expenditures. Therefore, we recommend you the only possible solution – a universal import/export extension that allows creating multiple integrations without increasing expenditures, resource consumption, and conflicts. It’s up to you to decide what tool to choose, but we’d like to recommend a specific extension.
What Magento 2 Monetate Connector to Use
There is an import/export solution in our portfolio – the Improved Import Export Magento 2 module. It was developed to improve the default import/export functionality of the Magento 2 platform that is very limited. Furthermore, we’ve analyzed all market-leading import/export extensions to develop our module, so now it includes multiple competitive advantages.
For instance, you have two separate sections for import and export profiles. It’s no longer necessary to face the mess of profiles trying to find a particular one like in case of the existing solutions. You always know, where to configure data export and where to run data import.
Moreover, profiles utilize cron so that you can fully automate data updates and synchronisation. Create a custom schedule that satisfies your business requirements or choose a predefined time interval to run import/export automatically. At the same time, the extension provides the ability to launch every profile asynchronously. If it is necessary to start data update before it is planned, you will achieve the goal within just a few clicks. And fully automated synchronisation is not the only benefit of the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension.
The module supports multiple integration formats. While Magento offers only CSV import/export by default and most third-party extensions add XML, our tool allows running import/export of data via TXT, Google Sheets, and API essentially increasing the range of possible integrations.
It is also necessary to mention that you can import/export data not only through your local server but a remote one or a cloud storage. URL import is possible as well.
To solve the problem of different attributes that was mentioned above the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 module adds a mapping grid to every profile. Thus, you can quickly match default Magento 2 attributes to any custom ones without leaving a profile screen. The intuitive grid essentially improves the default routine of making a data file suitable for Magento 2 or a third-party platform. And there are mapping presets designed to simplify the matching procedure even more. A necessary mapping scheme can be applied within a few seconds. You only need to select a platform you want to connect Magento 2 to.
As for the Magento 2 Monetate connector, you can get it for free. It is available in the Improved Import Export extension along with other connectors out of charge. Note that the module itself isn’t free. For further information, contact the support. You can find more information about the Improved Import Export extension here:
Download/Buy Firebear Improved Import & Export Magento 2 Extension