"Zend Framework"

PHP 7 – features, release date, rumors

- E-Commerce, Fire development, PHP 7

The 7th version of PHPPHP 7 has been finally released!!! You can download the source code here: php-7.0.0. We describe how to install PHP 7 here: Installing PHP 7.

Lack of a native Unicode support was one of the biggest PHP drawbacks. In 2005, developers decided to change this. The newly formed project was designed to provide a native Unicode support to PHP. To achieve this goal, developers decided to use the ICU library (International Components for Unicode). Another significant feature of the project was representing UTF-16 text strings. It was planned to release the project as version 6.0, but we can see only PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4, both without Unicode integration. As of 2015, there is an ongoing work on a new major version of PHP PHP 7. The PHP 6 with its unicode experiment had never been released, so the name was abandoned.

The Best PHP 7 Books to Read

The Best PHP 7 Tutorials and Tools to Start With

How to Get Ready for PHP 7

UPD (23.06.15): PHP 7 – release date, performance, features, changes

UPD (13.07.15): Interview with Dmitry Stogov

UPD (25.08.15): PHP 7 on Magento EE

UPD (27.08.15): Deprecated functionality which will be removed in PHP 7

UPD (01.09.15): PHP 7.0.0 RC 1

UPD (07.09.2015): PHP 7.0.0 RC2 has been released. PHP 7 will be available on the 12th of November.

UPD (15.09.15): PHP 7 and WordPress, Return types, Scalar types, Threading for PHP, PHP7 Reference, php7cc

UPD (22.09.15): Backwards compatibility issues, PHP 7 screencasts, and a new overview

UPD (29.09.15): PHP 7 tutorial

UPD (26.10.2015): The Acquisition of Zend and PhpStorm 9

UPD (07.11.2015): PHP 7 Hidden Features

UPD (24.11.15) PHP 7 Docker Image for Magento 2

UPD (24.11.15) PHP 7 vs HHVM

UPD (01.12.15): PHP 7 RC 8 has been released

UPD (03.12.15): PHP 7 HAS BEEN RELEASED!!!


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Zend Framework 3 – The Next Generation of The Most Powerful PHP Framework

- Fire development, PHP 7

Zend Framework 3: PHP 7

Zend Framework is an object-oriented web application framework for PHP. Its goal is to simplify the language and at the same time make it more mature. Since Zend Framework brings discipline to the development process, coders spend less time and affort performing their tasks with this tool. The digital world is always changing, so Zend Framework 2 is unable to cope with new requirements. Therefore, Zend is working on the third generation of their legendary tool. Continue Reading

The Complete Guide To Magento Debugging

How to Debug Magento

Integration of new solutions into different systems can become a headache without the knowledge of correct debugging.  In case of Magento, such simple constructions as print_r() or var_dump() , var_export() don’t work. Because of heavyweight constructions, you need to investigate the new effective ways to find intermediate values or broken places. Fortunately, there are a lot of tools and methods designed to turn the debugging into a developer friendly process. Continue Reading

How To Become A PHP Developer (Guide, Learning Platforms, Books)

- E-Commerce, Fire development

How To Become A PHP Developer (A Guide, Learning Platforms and Books)

PHP is a web development language, which is also used for a general-purpose programming. It is installed on more than 2.1 million web servers and 240 million websites. PHP can be mixed with HTML and used in combination with various frameworks and templating engines. The code itself is usually processed by an interpreter. The PHP interpreter is implemented as a native module of a web server or as a Common Gateway Interface executable (CGI). After the interpretation and execution, the PHP code is sent in a form of resulting output to its client by a web server. Usually, it is a part of the generated web page. PHP code can generate an HTML code of a web page, an image, etc. The canonical PHP interpreter is a free software, which is released under the PHP License. It can be deployed on most web servers and works with almost every operating system. In addition, PHP can be used in standalone graphical applications, because it supports a command-line interface capability. Continue Reading

The Best PHP Frameworks 2015

- E-Commerce, Fire development

php-frameworksPHP programming language is extremely popular among web developers. The majority of websites are based on it, and frameworks play one of key roles in the popularisation of PHP. They include collections of software and programs, that initiate easier coding. In this post, we gathered the best PHP framework for this year.

A proper framework is necessary for more efficient work. It enables to spend less time on more functional and safer applications. If you are going to develop a robust and successful product, then choosing a right PHP framework is crucial.

Generally framework includes two major elements: the first one is a Toolbox; the second one is a Methodology. A Toolbox is a set of software components designed for writing less code. As a result you also get a less risk of errors. Under Methodology we mean an assembly diagram for applications, which allows developers to work more effectively.

Nowadays, you can find a plethora of solid PHP frameworks, which have their own advantages and disadvantages. You can always test few solutions before choosing the most suitable one. Please, let us know what PHP framework is the best by leaving your comment in the dedicated section below.

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PHPNG – future of PHP

- E-Commerce

magento phpngPHPNG is a new branch of PHP development. It aims to bring better memory usage efficiency and performance. PHPNG is focused on PHP’s VM Zend Engine. PHPNG aims to provide the maximum performance for current applications by rebuilding internal structures of PHP. Existing structure leads to the next time expenditures: 20% of time are used for tasks of memory manager, 10%  – for hash tables, 30%  – for call internal functions and only 30% – for execution in virtual machine. PHPNG can do a 10-30% execution speed improvement by changing this structure. Also it leads to some memory savings.

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