"ecommerce platforms"

E-Commerce roundup #2 (April 2015)

- E-Commerce

the second roundup

It’s been a long time since we posted the first e-commerce roundup, and now it’s time to realize there is a great deal of new stuff happened in the last few weeks. We offer you to take a closer look at the latest e-commerce news and tips to make sure you’re doing well with your enterprise. And even if you ARE doing well, you’re up to making it even more successful. Continue Reading

How To Make A Blog Successful For An Ecommerce Business?

- E-Commerce

e-commerce blog

Content is king, a popular phrase of World Wide Web. There is no doubt that catchy and useful content, presented in a professional manner, helps grabbing the attention of the target readers while impressing search engines for higher ranks at the same time. Expert marketers say that while writing content, keep the end users and search engines in mind. Writing skills supplement the magnetic property of the content. How to incorporate all these aspects into writing for the success of an ecommerce business? Let us have a detailed look into the matter. Continue Reading

Mobile Enterprise

- E-Commerce

Everything about Mobile Enterprise

The way we live has been changed by mobile devices, and now we witness how they transform the way we work. On the background of this process, the phenomena of mobile enterprise was born.

Mobile enterprise is an organization that supports the use of business apps via mobile devices. Employees from a mobile enterprise use their smartphones and tablets to manage different projects: access emails, work with documents, conduct planning, provide customer relationship management, etc. They need a wireless network connectivity and a device equipped with a web browser  to get access to enterprise databases. As a result, employees can update them remotely from anywhere at anytime. Continue Reading

Apple Watch und tragbares E-Commerce

- E-Commerce

Apple Watch und tragbares E-Commerce

2015 hat alle Chancen das Jahr der praktischeren Wearables (trugbaren Anlagen) zu werden. Besonders mit den riesigen Angeboten von neuen Smartwatches, mit Apple Watch an der Spitze. Und was für einen Sinn haben diese neue Geräte für E-Commerce? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, erzählen wir, wie man Wearables im Digital-Commerce und Einzelhandel benutzen kann. Continue Reading

Play & Code – Lerne zu programmieren durch Spielen

- Fire development

Play & Code – Lerne zu programmieren durch Spielen

Play & Code – Lerne zu programmieren durch SpielenEs gibt viele Wege das Lernen ins Spiel zu verwandeln. Der Prozess, wenn das Spieldenken, Spielmechanik oder gar ganze Spiele im nicht-Spielkontext eingesetzt werden, nennt man Gamification. Von der Zusammenarbeit an einer Website bis hin zu einer Ausbildung mit spielerischen Elementen versehen – die Experten schaffen es heutzutage überall die Spielifizierung zu implementieren. Sie gestalten Routineprozesse zum Spaß um. Dadurch soll das Lernen effektiver gestaltet werden. Durch eine neuartige Erfahrung entsteht eine verbesserte Beschäftigung des Nutzers. Da die Entwickler oft selbst Hardcore-Gamer waren, ist es kein Wunder das die gamifizierte Programme und Lernmaterial optisch Computerspielen ähneln. Derzeit gibt es eine Menge von Videospielen, deren Ziel programmieren zu lernen ist. Um ein guter Schlüssler zu werden, brauchst Du nur das richtige Spiel. Natürlich, wenn Du Schule durchläufst und theoretischen Stoff erlernst, so ist es ja besser. Aber hier in diesem Artikel wird die Rede um Spiele gehen.

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Play & Code – Learn Programming By Playing Games

- Fire development

Learn Programming By Playing There are a lot of tools out there to turn learning into a game. The process when game thinking, game mechanics or whole games are used in non-game contexts is called gamification. Nowadays, specialists can gamify almost everything from customers interaction with a website to education. They turn routine processes into fun to improve user engagement, make learning more effective, and provide new unique user experience. As coders always were hardcore gamers, the appearance of gamified coding programs and courses was inevitable. Nowadays, there are dozens of video games which purpose is learning programming. To become a good coder, you just need a right game. Of course, it works better with theoretical courses but in this post we will tell you about games. Continue Reading

10 most wanted project management tools

- E-Commerce

tools for project management

A tool can either make it or break it! While there are ample of project management tools out there, it is quite a big task to figure out which one is the best fit for you and your team. Thorough comparison is all it takes but before you do that, you should know what things you need to check in a software. Right?

To start with, two crucial things can be – the type of projects you’re going to manage with the software and your team’s work activities. Moreover, your budget to pay for the software puts a huge impact on your decision. Answering these questions will help you simplify your hunt for a perfect PM tool.

In this post, I’ll bring to you some of the top project management tools, so you can compare them with your needs. Have a look: Continue Reading

9 Tips To Optimize Ecommerce Websites For Smartphones

- E-Commerce


Unstoppable growth of mobile-based shopping has made online retailers thinking all the time about enhanced user experience. The ever-evolving technology, revolutionary smartphones, touch pads, and other devices are making the life of online shoppers easier. A single click can make them finalize the shopping deal and get the product at doorstep. How to improve the shopping experience of online buyers at an ecommerce website? This post will reveal some tried and tested tips. Enjoy reading if you are an online retailer. Continue Reading

Enhanced Magento Performance With Optimised OPcache Settings

Optimised OPcache Settings

OPcache is a code caching module, which improves PHP performance. It uses shared memory to store precompiled script bytecode, as a result there is no need for PHP to load and parse scripts on every request. OPcache is bundled with PHP starting from 5.5.0. The module is also available in PECL for PHP 5.2-5.4. By using optimised OPcache settings, you can significantly improve the performance of your Magento website. In this post we will show you how to do this. Continue Reading

E-Commerce Link Building Strategies, Tips and Resources in 2015

- E-Commerce

Link Building Strategies for E-Commerce

It is impossible to imagine good search engine optimization without right link building strategy. The last one can turn your website into a successful e-commerce project with high traffic. At the same time, the wrong strategy can push it out of business. Keep in mind, that there are a lot of tactics that put the website in a risk of being penalized. Google continues to refine SEO standards, so you should be careful with all suspicious link building strategies.   Continue Reading