
Custom Product Options Magento Extensions

- Magento tips & tricks

Create and assign new custom product options for Magento with ease. You just have to choose one of custom product options Magento extensions described below. Such tools allow you to create custom options and assigning them to all your products or chosen few ones. It is possible to apply new options right on the product edit page. If you have a limited budget. note that our post provides both free and paid extensions.

Custom Product Options Magento 2 Extensions


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The Best Magento Extensions For Extended Discounts And Promotion Rules

- Magento tips & tricks


Get your customers involved into the marketing process by adding the advanced discount system to your Magento store. Create different rules and motivate your visitors to perform certain actions by installing one or several Magento extensions for extended discounts and promotion rules. Enhance your e-commerce business with reliable tools and toolsets.

Magento 2 Extensions For Advanced Discounts And Promotion Rules

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The Best Improved Catalog Layer Navigation Magento Extensions

- Magento tips & tricks


Provide your customers with a clear path from the homepage of your website to the product they are looking for. Make it simple and obvious, otherwise your customers will get lost and left you store. Stop losing your revenue with optimized layered navigation. To improve the default option you can choose one of the further mentioned Improved Catalog Layer Navigation Magento Extensions.

Improved Catalog Layered Navigation for Magento 2

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The Best Magento Extensions For Improved Catalog Search

Magento extensions for improved catalog search

Every e-commerce site needs a great searching tool. By installing the correct extension you will provide your visitors with the ability to easily navigate and find the content they are looking for. Add a fast and friendly search to your ecommerce store with one of the best improved catalog search Magento extensions. The best solutions are described below.

The Best eCommerce Search Engines

Magento 2 Extensions for Improved Catalog Search

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The Best Live Chat Magento Extensions

- Magento tips & tricks

Live Chat Magento ExtensionsChances are, you regularly lose potential customers, because they don’t receive answers to their questions in real time. But you can change the situation dramatically by adding a live chat support. With an online chat system your customers will get an immediate access to help. Keep in mind, that they also get the reduced waiting time, which is often much less than in a case with a call support. At the same time, it is also more cost effective solution than a call support. Live chat leads to lowering average interaction costs and reduces the need to hire more employees.

By installing live chat on your Magento store you will increase conversion rate, reduce costs, and get more loyal customers. But which solution should you choose? In this post, we will answer this question by discussing the best Live Chat Magento Extensions.

Live Chat Magento 2 Extensions

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The Best Social Media Integration Magento Extensions

- Magento tips & tricks

Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and hundreds of other social networking services flooded the web over the past decade. As a result, some of them have become the integral part of your customers’ lives. This means, that you have a great opportunity to promote your e-commerce store over this social networks, by providing your customers with high quality sharing tools.To acheave this goal, you just need a correct social media integration Magento extension, and in this post you will find only the best solutions.

Social Media Integration Magento Extensions

Magento 2 Social Media Integration

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The Best One Step / Page Checkout Extensions For Magento

- Magento tips & tricks

If you are looking for a one page checkout for your Magento based e-commerce business, you can pay the attention to one of the following One Step / Page Checkout Magento Extensions. All of them revamp the standard Magento checkout process. As a result, you get one checkout step instead of six standard ones. As a result, you get more satisfied customers and increase sales.

One Step / Page Checkout Magento Extensions

Magento 2 One Step / Page Checkout Extensions Continue Reading

The Best CDN Services And Extensions For Magento

- E-Commerce, Magento tips & tricks

CDN (content distribution network or content delivery network) is a system of servers, which includes multiple data centers worldwide and across the Internet. Its main goal is to provide content to end-users with high performance and availability. Different CDNs play a significant role in a modern online content delivery. They work with web objects, such as text, scripts and graphics, store different downloadable content, such as media files, documents and software. CDNs also provide faster access to applications, live and on-demand streaming media, and social networks.


Magento 2 CDN Services And Extensions

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