"magento 2 extensions"

Amasty Generate and Import Coupons Extension for Magento 2 and 1

Amasty Generate and Import Coupons Magento 2 Extension Review; Amasty Generate and Import Coupons Magento Module Overview

Coupon management will never be a time-consuming task if you install the Generate and Import Coupons tool by Amasty. The extension lets you generate an unlimited number of promo codes in just a few clicks. Besides, it offers the ability to view stats related to the coupon usage. Another intriguing feature is related to code export so that you can provide your affiliates with coupons. Continue Reading

Magento 2 Enterprise Edition Features On A Community Website

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Turning Magento 2 CE into Magento 2 EE

There is an article at Divante that compares Enterprise and Community editions of Magento 2. The author shows some core differences between both and emphasises that Magento 2 Enterprise Edition is better. Here at Firebear, we know for sure that the gulf between two editions can be easily overcome with the help of third-party extensions. Furthermore, you can effortlessly turn your Community Edition-based storefront into something more reliable than a plain EE website. Below, we name core Enterprise Edition specific features and provide our tips on how to get them on a Magento 2 Community Edition website. Besides, there is a section dedicated to third-party Magento 2 modules that add features unavailable in both editions.

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Amasty Advanced Permissions for Magento 2 and 1

Amasty Advanced Permissions Magento 2 Extension Review; Amasty Advanced Permissions Magento Module Overview

With the help of Amasty Advanced Permissions for Magento 2 and 1, you will be able to organize the work of your admins in the most efficient way. The extension provides the ability to restrict specified areas for certain administrators so that they will see and edit only particular products, categories, store views, and pages. As a result, you can effortlessly create and spread admin roles with a custom set of permissions. It is especially useful if you manage a multi-vendor store, a storefront with several store views, or a website with a complicated structure. Continue Reading

Amasty Shipping Rules for Magento 2 and 1

Amasty Shipping Rules Magento 2 Extension Review; Amasty Shipping Rules Magento Module Overview

It’s a common practice when shipping rates provided by carriers do not suit a particular business module, so they need to be adjusted. To fully leverage this process, we recommend you to utilize a reliable third-party solution by Amasty – the Magento 2 Shipping Rules extension. The module is a simple merchant-oriented tool that provides the ability to fully leverage shipping rules creation and modification. As a result, shipping rates can be increased or decreased according to your unique needs. Continue Reading

Amasty Extended Product Grid with Editor for Magento 2 and 1

Amasty Extended Product Grid with Editor Magento 2 Extension Review; Amasty Extended Product Grid with Editor Magento Module Overview

Are you looking into reducing the time necessary for product data processing? We are here to help you. The following post describes how to achieve your goal and edit all the required attributes right on the grid with the help of the Extended Product Grid with Editor extension by Amasty. The module lets you customize grid display according to your needs, expanding the default Magento product grid functionality with additional columns. Furthermore, it allows you to filter products by categories, as well as create custom grid view templates.
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Amasty SEO Toolkit for Magento 1

Amasty SEO Toolkit Magento Extension; Amasty SEO Toolkit Magento 2 Module

There is also a place for a full featured SEO solution among other Magento extensions by Amasty. Although the SEO Toolkit module is not the most popular SEO tool in the ecosystem, it still deserves your attention. Besides, we also recommend you to check Mageworx Magento 2 SEO Suite Extension. Other reliable SEO extensions are described here: Best Magento SEO Extensions 2016. But let’s return to Amasty SEO Toolkit for Magento 1. It’s Magento 2 version is reviewed here: Magento 2 SEO Toolkit by Amasty. Continue Reading

Amasty Delivery Date For Magento 2 and 1

magento 2 module

In the highly competitive environment of ecommerce business these days, it is crucial to provide customers with extended services besides the products quality. If you don’t know how to use an advanced delivery schedule in Magento 2, you’ve come to the right place. Below, we shed light on the Amasty Magento 2 Delivery Date extension. This module is designed to improve the default shopping experience of the popular ecommerce platform. As recent researches show, most customers are willing to purchase more from an online shop if it offers multiple delivery options.

After you install the Magento delivery date extension, your customers will be able to choose the most convenient time for the delivery at the checkout. Furthermore, as a store owner, you will be able to specify the days when delivery is impossible. Thus, you will improve customer service on your ecommerce site and organize order management more efficiently. These and other features are discussed below.

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Amasty Order Status for Magento 2 and 1

magento 2 module

Although Magento 2 is in many ways better than Magento 1, there is still a room for improvement especially when it comes to the backend interface. Today we shed light on one essential feature that is not available in our favorite ecommerce platform by default – custom order statuses. The Magento 2 order status extension significantly simplifies the way you manage orders in the backend section. The Amasty Order Status Magento 2 module not only lets you create eloquent order statuses but also provides the ability to inform customers about every change related to the order status. As a result, you get an additional communication channel with customers, new sorting and filtering options, order status change notifications, as well as the ability to automate your daily routine.

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