
How to Import Etsy Reviews to Shopify Step-by-Step Guide

- Shopify

how to Import Etsy Reviews to Shopify

Expanding an Etsy store to a fully featured e-commerce website on Shopify is an exciting step for any business owner. Of course, you will want to keep all the data of the old e-commerce storefront by copying it to the new platform. One critical aspect of this transition is ensuring that your hard-earned Etsy reviews are imported into your new Shopify website. Below, we explain, why importing Etsy reviews to Shopify is important. 

Next, this guide explains how to import Etsy reviews to Shopify in three intuitive steps. First, we present two different ways of exporting product reviews from Etsy. After that, the article focuses on Shopify’s reference CSV file with product review data. You will need to edit your Etsy reviews according to it. The last chapter explains the import methodology on the Shopify side.   Continue Reading

How to Run Magento 2 Import if Required Columns Are Missing

Magento 2 Import without Required Columns

Welcome to our guide on how to import data to Magento 2 if something is missing in a table. Below, we shed light on a very important aspect of every import process – columns (attributes) of an import file. What if your data table doesn’t contain one? By default, you face the inability to transfer the update to your Magento 2 website. Many different entities can be transferred into Magento 2, so you have to deal with various data depending on your particular business case. However, the absence of the smallest detail can ruin all your data transfer efforts. Especially if you use the default data transfer solutions. 

Luckily, we know how to prevent such issues. Meet the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension. With the help of this plugin, you can import data to Magento 2 if some required columns are missed. The following article describes this process. You can either manually add the necessary columns or automate the missed data addition using the module’s functionality. Besides, you will discover the required CSV file structure as well as core features of the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension
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FireBear Improved Import & Export for Magento 2 – Extension Change Log

- Magento 2, Our extensions
improved import and export - Magento 2 extension

The following blog post will help you retrace the evolution of the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 module. The article gathers updates associated with the extension’s new version from the very beginning. At the time of 1.0.0, it was a basic import solution with an existing import jobs architecture and import cron automation. With the next few versions, the module got such enhancements as product attribute import on the fly, transfers from FTP, SFTP, URL, Dropbox, custom mapping, etc. Each new release made the Improved Import stronger and stronger. However, it was still an import-only tool until 1.5.0 was released. With this version, our extension became capable of both import and export processes. You can peruse the detailed evolution of the module and see its latest features below. 

Extension Manual | FAQ | Demo | Sample Files

3.8.7 (released 17.04.2024)


  • Magento 2.4.7. Support. The latest version of the extension supports Magento 2.4.7.
  • Customer Import. Support for separate street columns “_address_street_1”, “_address_street_2”, “_address_street_3”, “_address_street_4” when importing customer & addresses.
  • Improved Consecutive Export. Now, it is possible to export also last updated entities.
  • Export Mapping. The “salable_qty” column has been added to the export mapping section when exporting products with MSI data.
  • Order Export. A new event, “sales_order_save_commit_after,” to run order export jobs has been added.
  • Customer Import. A new customer import attribute has been added – “allowed_assistance.” It can enable/disable the Allow Remote Shopping Assistant feature.
  • Order History Import. Now order comments can be imported by the order’s “increment_id”. “status_history:entity_id” and “status_history:parent_id” are not required anymore.
  • Custom Options Price Import. It is now possible to import store-specific custom option prices.
  • Export Filters. Export filters support the following conditions: “=” “!=” “>” “<=” “contains” “not contains.”
  • Image Import. Additional logging has been added for deferred image import.
  • Performance. Customer import has improved memory consumption.
  • Data Storage. The DB’s “mapping” column type has been changed to “mediumblob” in the “firebear_import_jobs” table to allow the storage of more data.
  • Product Import. The ability to unassign products from the category has been added.
  •  Order Export. It is now possible to export order data in one line to XML and JSON formats.

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How to Import Custom CSV to Magento 2 Programmatically

magento 2 import custom csv programmatically

Let’s discuss the Magento 2 import of custom CSV files. Recently, we’ve been surfing across endless StackExchange discussions and stumbled upon an exciting topic that wasn’t highlighted in our Cookbook. The problem was easy to understand: there was a custom CSV and a user had to import it to Magento 2. The probability of a similar situation for an average e-commerce business is quite high.  Therefore, we’ve decided to narrate it in our blog, adding several more vital facts. So, what is the issue?

Bilal Usean asked the community how to import a custom CSV file to a custom table in Magento 2. Although forum members provided several ways to achieve this goal, we didn’t find any user-friendly solution aimed at people with less technical skills than required by the most rated answer. Variants discussed on StackExchange seem to be highly efficient but too complicated. However, there is one more way to import a custom CSV file to Magento 2 with the minimum headache. Below, we provide the original answer as well as our alternative solution. You will also learn how to import a custom CSV to Magento 2 programmatically. Since some of the provided solutions incorporate the Improved Import & Export extension, we also share its core features after discussing the initial resolution.
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Improved Import / Export Magento 2 Extension Manual

- Magento 2, Our extensions

In this article, we’d like to draw your attention to the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extensions. The following blog post contains all the information about the data transfer module. Below, you will find the Improved Import & Export Extension manual that sheds light upon all the key aspects associated with the plugin. We describe its installation, configuration, and import/export transfers, teach you how to add a new import and export job, talk about import and export processes associated with different entities. You will also discover various nuances of running data transfers via CLI, automating processes, using extension customization endpoints, and performing troubleshooting. Various use cases and specific features are also described in the manual.

Improved Import and Export extension allows importing and exporting CSV/XML/JSON files with product data and product images to Magento 2. The files can be imported from a remote FTP/SFTP server, Dropbox, direct URL of a source CSV fileGoogle Sheets, etc.  In addition, the extension offers a dedicated category import from CSV files, import of attribute values and new attributes on the fly, import job scheduling with cron jobs, and other features.

Besides, you get advanced export capabilities, including order export and export jobs, with attribute and table field mapping.

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How To Update Order Status Via CSV In Magento 2

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 export CLI

In the following article, we shed light on how to update orders in Magento 2 with the help of CSV files. Since this procedure is impossible if you use the platform’s default import tools, many merchants try to find the most reliable and flexible solution. We will describe such an instrument below. In this article, you will learn how to update the order status in Magento 2 via CSV and files of other formats. As you might have already guessed, there is no need to reinvent the bicycle. It is only necessary to choose one of the available solutions. So, let’s see what Magento 2 extension lets you update orders in Magento 2 in the most flexible manner. Please, check our cookbook for more similar articles. Continue Reading

Amasty Export Orders Extension for Magento 2 and 1

Amasty Magento 2 Order Export module review

If you are looking for the most powerful migration tool for Magento 2 or Magento 1, check out our Improved Import Magento 2 Extension and Improved Import Magento Module.

The Magento marketplace also offers alternative solutions for improving the default Magento import/export process. In this post, we shed light on the Magento 2 Export Orders extension by Amasty. This tool offers only export features but does everything quite well. Also, note that we’ve compared the Amasty Magento 2 export orders module with other similar extensions here: Magento 2 Order Export Extensions Comparison.

The best Magento 2 extensions | The best Magento extensions

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The Complete Guide to Magento 2 Product Import / Export

- Magento 2

Magento 2 Product Import Export Tutorial

Let’s talk about Magento 2 product import and export. Chances are, you already have an e-commerce website and want to import the existing products to your brand new Magento 2 storefront or need to move product data from a dropshipping platform – you’ve come to the right place. Perhaps, you want to transfer products and their prices to price comparison engines – you will also find out how to do that below.

This blog post peruses the Magento 2 import and export processes from the very beginning, starting with the native Magento 2 guidelines for CSV files and then guiding you through the default Magento 2 import of products and various product data updates. The detailed description of a CSV file structure will help you master such nuances as Magento 2 tier price import and advanced pricing transfersBesides, you will find a thorough guide on importing configurable products to Magento 2 along with other product typesAfter that, the article proceeds to another essential topic: Magento 2 import of product custom options. You will also learn how to update product stock and import product attributes in Magento 2.

While exploring the default Magento 2 product transfers, you will discover that they lack various features, such as automation, robust mapping, and support for some popular formats and sources, to name a few. However, you can easily attain the missing functionalities with the Improved Import & Export for Magento 2. Particular attention is given to it as well.  Continue Reading

How to Import Custom Files to Shopify

- E-Commerce, Shopify

 shopify import & export app

Fail to import custom files to Shopify? You’ve come to the right place. Although you cannot do that with the platform’s default tools, an alternative solution is suitable for this procedure. In the following article, we describe where the issue comes from and how to address it.  Continue Reading

How to add a custom import adapter in Magento 2

Magento 2 export CLI

StackExchange is always a good source of answers to all possible questions, including ones related to Magento 2. Therefore, we monitor the platform to provide you with the most useful solutions posted there. This time our attention is captured by Mir, who asks about a custom import adapter for Magento 2. The author of the question is not satisfied with the default import opportunities of the platform (and we know why), so let’s find out how to solve the current issue. Find more tips in our Cookbook. Continue Reading