
PHP 7 – features, release date, rumors

- E-Commerce, Fire development, PHP 7

The 7th version of PHPPHP 7 has been finally released!!! You can download the source code here: php-7.0.0. We describe how to install PHP 7 here: Installing PHP 7.

Lack of a native Unicode support was one of the biggest PHP drawbacks. In 2005, developers decided to change this. The newly formed project was designed to provide a native Unicode support to PHP. To achieve this goal, developers decided to use the ICU library (International Components for Unicode). Another significant feature of the project was representing UTF-16 text strings. It was planned to release the project as version 6.0, but we can see only PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4, both without Unicode integration. As of 2015, there is an ongoing work on a new major version of PHP PHP 7. The PHP 6 with its unicode experiment had never been released, so the name was abandoned.

The Best PHP 7 Books to Read

The Best PHP 7 Tutorials and Tools to Start With

How to Get Ready for PHP 7

UPD (23.06.15): PHP 7 – release date, performance, features, changes

UPD (13.07.15): Interview with Dmitry Stogov

UPD (25.08.15): PHP 7 on Magento EE

UPD (27.08.15): Deprecated functionality which will be removed in PHP 7

UPD (01.09.15): PHP 7.0.0 RC 1

UPD (07.09.2015): PHP 7.0.0 RC2 has been released. PHP 7 will be available on the 12th of November.

UPD (15.09.15): PHP 7 and WordPress, Return types, Scalar types, Threading for PHP, PHP7 Reference, php7cc

UPD (22.09.15): Backwards compatibility issues, PHP 7 screencasts, and a new overview

UPD (29.09.15): PHP 7 tutorial

UPD (26.10.2015): The Acquisition of Zend and PhpStorm 9

UPD (07.11.2015): PHP 7 Hidden Features

UPD (24.11.15) PHP 7 Docker Image for Magento 2

UPD (24.11.15) PHP 7 vs HHVM

UPD (01.12.15): PHP 7 RC 8 has been released

UPD (03.12.15): PHP 7 HAS BEEN RELEASED!!!


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Zend Framework 3 – The Next Generation of The Most Powerful PHP Framework

- Fire development, PHP 7

Zend Framework 3: PHP 7

Zend Framework is an object-oriented web application framework for PHP. Its goal is to simplify the language and at the same time make it more mature. Since Zend Framework brings discipline to the development process, coders spend less time and affort performing their tasks with this tool. The digital world is always changing, so Zend Framework 2 is unable to cope with new requirements. Therefore, Zend is working on the third generation of their legendary tool. Continue Reading


- PHP 7

Why PHP 7 is better than HHVM

Below, we match PHP 7 with its closest competitor HHVM (HipHop Virtual Machine). The first one is a programming language created by Rasmus Lerdorf for web development and general purposes, the second one is a virtual machine created by Facebook developers for executing PHP applications. Today, HHVM outperforms all available PHP versions, but everything should be changed with the first stable release of PHP 7 and its further updates. Continue Reading

Node.js vs PHP

- Node.js

What is better: Node.js or PHP?

Today, we are going to talk about world famous platforms such Node.js and PHP. We’ll try to find out which one is better by comparing their characteristics and outstanding features. However, before we get down to it, there are still some things we would like to shed light upon. Continue Reading

Improved PHP Engines and PHP-Based Tools

- Fire development

 Advanced PHP-Based Tools and Improved PHP Engines

PHP has been always considered the core of web development, and we should not underestimate its power. However, we should also admit that for the last decade the language started suffering from a sufficient lack of speed and general quality of performance due to fast-growing needs of global Internet community. Eventually, those who experienced the greatest consequences of this change came up with various ideas on how to improve the work of native PHP functionality by introducing the language based alternative implementations. We propose you to look at the most promising PHP based alternatives that will give your web apps a powerful boost and reduce overall server load at least twofold. Continue Reading

The Best Improved Import/Export Extensions for Magento

- Magento tips & tricks

Import Export Magento Modules

Make your life easier with improved import & export Magento extensions. This category of modules enhances the default abilities of your e-commerce Magento store by adding some new useful import/export features. The default Magento provides a lot of possibilities in this area, but they are not enough to avoid headaches while migrating to/from other e-commerce systems. In this post, we gathered the best examples of reliable improved import & export Magento extensions. By using one of them, you will significantly optimize the default operations typical for  out of the box Magento.

Also, don’t miss  –  Magento product import from scratch (detailed guide, tips, tricks, errors & solutions, tools) 

The Best Improved Import/Export Extensions for Magento 2

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Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) in PHP

- Fire development

TDD and BDD PHP tools

New to agile project management and extreme programming? Then, it is time to get acquainted with test-driven development (TDD) and behavior-driven development (BDD) in PHP. Both are intended to improve the quality of your projects, as well as their responsiveness to future requirements. Below, I will explain how to implement TDD and BDD tests in PHP and show where to get all the necessary tools for these methodologies. Let’s start with some basics. Continue Reading

The Ultimate Magento 1 Developer’s Resource List

The best websites about Magento 1

If you are new to Magento, I recommend you to check this ultimate Magento 1 developer resource list. Below, I provide three groups of resources: for Magento newbies, beginners, and developers.

The Ultimate Magento 2 Developer Resource List


Everything you need to know about Magento is described in the “Magento DIY. The complete Guide” book, which covers such important aspects as SEO, performance, and security. It teaches how to run a successful marketing campaign and create a top-notch user experience. Furthermore, “Magento DIY” shows how to get all Enterprise-level features on the basis of the Community Edition platform and implement opportunities which are not available in both editions out-of-the-box. For further information about the book, examine the link below:

Magento DIY. The complete Guide

DIY Guide to Magento

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How to Become a Rock Star Front End Developer

- Fire development

Rock Star Front End Development

Good front-end developers are always necessary. There are a lot of low quality specialists, which perform different basic tasks, but there is a lack of rock star developers. And it is no wonder. Just look at job postings and you will see how much front end job descriptions vary. Despite the large number of web design schools and coding courses, unemployed high quality specialists are rarity. In this post, we will tell about all essential skills you will need on your path to a rock star front end web developer. Continue Reading