"Microsoft Dynamics 365"

Introducing Shopify Integration With Dynamics 365 Business Central: Features, Benefits & Connector

- Shopify

shopify microsoft dynamics integration

Today, we will continue to look into Shopify integrations – your best way to automate various business processes. This time our attention is focused on the Shopify Dynamics 365 Business Central integration. Buckle up if you want to automate hundreds of routine product, order, and customer management processes. Integrating Shopify with Dynamics 365 Business Central will make your e-commerce operations more efficient, admin-friendly, and fast. This how-to guide goes over the benefits, key features, and steps of the Shopify integration with Dynamics 365 Business Central. First, let’s outline what functions Dynamics 365 Business Central serves. Continue Reading

SAP Business One Integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

- E-Commerce

microsoft dynamics 365 sap business one integration

Modern e-commerce technologies have the potential to greatly improve day-to-day operations. Your online store can be linked to ERP systems, CRM platforms, and accounting software. Both small and large market players can acquire the most in-depth insights and automate their daily tasks with the help of one or more technologies, such as SAP Business One, one of the most sophisticated and feature-rich ERP systems available. And it is possible to link SAP B1 with Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM to achieve even better results. Thus, Integration between SAP Business One and Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM is crucial. Although it may appear intimidating at first – you must learn and synchronize two difficult business tools – there is nothing to be afraid of in this situation. The SAP Business One Microsoft Dynamics 365 integration is a breeze if you work with the Firebear team. We’ll collaborate with you to tame both platforms and establish the most productive teamwork possible. The SAP Business One and Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM connector, which not only automates critical business operations but also efficiently handles your operational data, is created and maintained by our team and can be easily customized according to your specific business needs. Continue Reading

Shopware 6 Microsoft Dynamics Integration

- E-Commerce, Shopware

sync shopware with ms dynamics

The following article explains how to integrate your Shopware 6 e-commerce storefront with a popular ERP system – Microsoft Dynamics. Microsoft Dynamics 365 introduces a mix of ERP and CRP tools and opens a plethora of new capabilities for every e-commerce website, pushing your current business opportunities to a completely new level. Thus, the Shopware 6 Microsoft Dynamics integration introduces a very attractive perspective for e-commerce merchants. All that you need is an online storefront and the Improved Import, Export & Mass Actions application for Shopware 6. We will customize the latter to run the integration following your specific business needs. But before going any further, let’s say a few words about the ERP system. Continue Reading

SAP Business One Integration Hub – The Ultimate Way to Connect Magento 2 & Other Platforms to The ERP System

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

sap business one integration hub overview

At a particular point, running an e-commerce website with its default tools is not enough to maintain the current efficiency level. Therefore, the Internet is full of all possible accounting, ERP, CRM, and other tools developed to satisfy even the most demanding requirements. SAP Business One is not only one of them: it is a leading provider of enterprise resource planning solutions in the entire e-commerce universe. This article throws sunshine on the official solution designed to integrate Magento 2 and other similar platforms with the popular ERP system. So, meet the SAP Business One Integration Hub – your number one facility for combining e-commerce platforms with the enterprise resource planning system. Also, check our material about its background – Integration Framework for SAP Business One. Continue Reading

Magento 2 Microsoft Dynamics Integration

Magento 2 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connector

The following article explains how to connect your Magento 2 website to a popular ERP system – Microsoft Dynamics. Being a mix of ERP and CRP, Microsoft Dynamics 365 opens a plethora of new capabilities for every e-commerce store pushing your business to an entirely new level. Thus, the Magento 2 Microsoft Dynamics integration introduces a very attractive opportunity. As an e-commerce merchant, you need an online storefront and a Magento 2 Microsoft Dynamics connector to run the integration. But before going any further into this direction, let’s say a few words about the ERP system. Continue Reading