How to install Magento 2 using nginx

- Fire development, Magento 2

Magento 2 export CLI

Below, we share two tips on how to install Magento 2 using the nginx web server. Since such installation fails from time to time, you have to keep the tricks described below in mind. For more useful tips, check this list: Developer’s Cookbook

The Issue

You may have to install Magento 2 on the nginx web server, or you’ve already done that before. Chances are, you’ve even had failed attempts to install the software. Usually, the problem is accompanied by the following error:

The solution

The error occurs in the var/report directory, and its description already highlights two solutions.


Firstly, you can successfully install Magento 2 on the nginx web server using the command line. For further information, read these articles:

Setup Wizard

Secondly, if you still want to use the Web Setup Wizard, it is necessary to restore access to the /var/www/html/setup directory. Usually, appending /setup to the URL by which you access the Wizard helps to fix the problem. You can find more information here: