
Advanced Shopify Import: Shopify Google Drive Integration

- Our extensions, Shopify

Although Shopify is undoubtedly one of the greatest e-commerce platforms, its import and export capabilities may appear somewhat constrained. First of all, because you are bound to manual file uploads, requiring a hands-on approach to get your data where it needs to be. However, a basic Shopify Google Drive integration could dramatically enhance your data management routine. We’ve already explored a working method for Shopify FTP imports.  Now, it’s time to learn how to connect Shopify with Google Drive. While Shopify’s built-in instruments prove insufficient for the task, the key to unlocking the desired capability lies in the utilization of the Firebear Import & Export Tool. In the following guide, we’ll navigate the intricacies of Shopify inventory auto-sync with Google Drive. Yes, you got it right: the app not only enables the Shopify Google Drive integration but also lets you automate the corresponding data exchanges entirely.

In the following article, we explore only the import side of the Shopify Google Drive dilemma. The process of exporting files to Google Drive is described in our Shopify Google Drive export guide. Below, you will find the default way of exchanging data between your e-commerce website and the popular data storage platform. After that, we will focus on what Google Drive is and why it is so advantageous to integrate your Shopware storefront with it. And, of course, you will find the improved Shopify Google Drive integration routine described below. Follow our Shopify Cookbook to discover other useful enhancements to Shopify data transfers. Continue Reading

Advanced Shopify Import: How to Send FTP Files to Shopify

- Our extensions, Shopify

Today, we’ll delve into the process of importing files into your Shopify store using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). This approach allows you to seamlessly transfer data from a remote server, providing a more efficient alternative to the traditional manual file uploads that Shopify typically entails. To streamline your update procedures, Shopify FTP import offers a superior solution. To achieve this, you’ll require the Firebear Import & Export Tool, which will supersede the standard Shopify data transfer method and unlock previously unavailable features.

In the forthcoming guide, you will learn how to send FTP files to Shopify. We explain what FTP is, briefly describe the standard Shopify import, and then proceed to Shopify FTP uploads, including their benefits and implementation. Be sure to explore our Shopify Cookbook for additional valuable insights and tips to enhance your Shopify experience. Continue Reading

In-Depth Admin Exploration: What are Shopify Price Lists?

- E-Commerce, Shopify

Shopify wholesale price lists

In the article that follows, we explore Shopify price lists. You will learn what Shopify wholesale price lists are and how they work. After that, we focus on how to create price lists on Shopify. We explain how to create price lists with percentage discounts in your admin. At the same time, you will find out how to add products with new fixed prices to your price lists on Shopify. Resolving price list contradictions is another topic discussed below. The last section of this article describes Shopify’s import and export of price lists. You will learn how to export a single Shopify price list or transfer them in bulk. The Shopify price list import procedure is also discussed below along with the description of the Shopify price list CSV columns.  Continue Reading

The Ultimate Guide To Shopify Integration 

- Shopify, System Integration

Shopify integration

What is Shopify? Most people know that it is an e-commerce platform. However, many more nuances are hidden behind this title. People all over the globe use Shopify to create online websites. However, their default functionality is not always enough to satisfy specific business demands. If it happens so, merchants start exploring Shopify integrations. That’s what we also do below. After a brief introduction to the platform’s essentials, we proceed to the Shopify integrations. You will learn what types of Shopify integrations are available and how to connect your e-commerce website to different external systems. Below, we discuss native, third-party, iPaaS, and custom Shopify integrations. You will learn what the difference between them is and what their advantages are. Also, we highlight the most popular Shopify integrations with Quickbooks, Amazon, Hubspot, WordPress, and Salesforce.  Continue Reading

Boost Commerce Overview: Improve Navigation and Search in your Store

- E-Commerce, Shopify

Apps are a crucial element for Shopify users. They significantly streamline your daily tasks and improve the comfort of running your business. Shopify even has a dedicated app store. Today, we examine a platform that offers Shopify users apps and services. Boost is an online store solution that offers a powerful Shopify app. We will go over this platform’s features, pricing, and other options in detail. You have the option of choosing to be using Boost Commerce after having read this article. So let’s get going.

Try Boost Commerce Right Now

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Ecommerce Product Page SEO Checklist: Key Optimizations Everyone Should Implement (Magento, Shopify, Shopware, BigCommerce, etc)

product page seo for magento, shopify, shopware, bigcommerce

Your rivals will get a robust competitive advantage over your website if you don’t leverage product page SEO right now. A common misunderstanding in ecommerce is that customers first browse the homepage or a category page before moving on to a product page. However, potential buyers frequently generate a lot of organic traffic straight to product pages. Therefore, you’re losing out if your product pages don’t take the lead in your SEO plan. Below, we prepared an essential Ecommerce Product Page SEO Checklist for your online storefront. You’ll discover how to optimize ecommerce product pages for SEO by reading on. Keep in mind that you can implement most of these SEO enhancements by yourself, involving no third parties. Below, we show where to apply them if you run your ecommerce website on Magento or Shopify. Note that other ecommerce platforms (BigCommerce, Shopware, etc.) are similar. Continue Reading

In-Depth Admin Exploration: Shopify Inventory Transfers

- Shopify

Shopify transfers

In the article below, you will find out what Shopify inventory transfers are. We focus on how to add inventory to Shopify with the help of transfers. To describe this process, we explain what each Shopify transfer screen means and what opportunities it offers. Below, you will find many visual materials portraying all steps of Shopify inventory transfers. Also, there is a detailed section dedicated to inventory import and export processes as a reliable alternative to inventory transfers! Now, let’s see what the most common use cases for inventory transfers on Shopify are and how to leverage them.   Continue Reading

In-Depth Admin Exploration: Shopify Collections

- E-Commerce, Shopify

Collections shopify

In the following article, we explain what collections on Shopify are. Our guide explores two major screens associated with Shopify collections. Firstly, it is the admin section where all collections are gathered. Secondly, we describe a collection details page – a screen where you add new collections as well as edit the existing ones. You will learn how to add collections on Shopify. Although it is a simple process, you must know the two collection types available on Shopify to properly configure your selection of products. Also, we explain how to add products to collections on Shopify since it is an integral part of your admin routine associated with one of the collection types. So, what are Shopify collections? You will find the answer below.  Continue Reading

In-Depth Admin Exploration: Shopify Products Page

- E-Commerce, Shopify

How to add products to Shopify

What are Shopify products, you will ask? Well, they include all the familiar things that any online storefront can sell. Various physical items, digital downloads, services, and gift cards are your Shopify products. Below, we explore the Shopify products page and all the related screens and processes.

How to add products to Shopify? That’s another important question every merchant new to the platform asks. The process is fairly simple. You only need to provide product information and submit product photos to add a product on Shopify. And for each combination of options for your product, such as size or color, you can create a variant. Then, you can make a product available to one or more of your sales channels. It is possible when you are adding or modifying it. 

Alternatively, you can add products to Shopify by importing them. And this functionality is delivered with the default tools! So, it is possible to import products to Shopify in a matter of a few clicks from the Product page in your Shopify admin, where you can also browse, add, edit, and manage all of your products and variants.

In the following article, we explore all these procedures. You will learn how to add products on Shopify, what are the nuances of Shopify product import, how to sell digital products on Shopify, etc. We explain what product variants are and how to configure them. And, of course, there is a detailed description of each admin screen with lots of illustrations that show each process down to the smallest detail. Continue Reading

In-Depth Admin Exploration: Shopify Inventory Management

- Shopify

inventory management Shopify

The quantity of a specific product on hand is known as inventory. In other words, it is the number of items you can sell at the moment. To control inventory, the Shopify admin offers a decent selection of built-in instruments and third-party apps. You can either focus on the default instruments or enhance their productivity with additional third-party features. In both cases, Shopify inventory management helps avoid situations when you sell out-of-stock items and alerts you when it is necessary to restock goods. In Shopify’s Inventory section, you may set up inventory tracking, monitor your inventory, and modify inventory levels. For products and variants whose inventory is being tracked, you may also check the history of inventory modifications. Still don’t know how to add inventory to Shopify? Soon, we will change that.

In the following article, we get under the hood of Shopify inventory management. You will learn everything about adding inventory to Shopify. Although this process is simple and intuitive, there are still a few nuances to point your attention to. In the introductory chapter, we discuss such basics as how to enable/disable Shopify inventory tracking, sell on Shopify without inventory, hide out-of-stock products, and manage inventory for multiple locations. Next, we proceed to the Shopify Inventory management essentials, including basic inventory observations, adjustments, inventory adjustment history monitoring, bulk editing, etc. In this chapter, you will learn how to add inventory to Shopify in multiple ways. After that, we explore inventory transfers. You will discover how to add inventory to Shopify by creating and receiving them. Shopify inventory export and import are also described in a dedicated chapter. It focusses on how to add inventory to Shopify via import and export processes. Continue Reading