Mirasvit Sphinx Search Ultimate for Magento 1 and 2
Today, we would like to draw your attention to Mirasvit Sphinx Search Ultimate – a Magento extension suitable for both versions of the platform that utilizes the most modern and reliable approaches to the product search. If you still hesitate about purchasing the module, we will try to dispel your doubts by describing the tool in this post.
If you want to learn about other improved search solutions for Magento 2 and 1, check the following posts:
The Best Magento 2 Extensions for Improved Catalog Search
The Best Magento Extensions for Improved Catalog Search
The Best Must-Have Magento Extensions
The Best eCommerce Search Engines

The first reason to buy Sphinx Search Ultimate is its versatility. Mirasvit is famous as a developer of various extensions aimed at simplifying ecommerce search, and Sphinx Search Ultimate combines the company’s top solutions. The module incorporates features of the following tools:
Besides, you will get almost a $50 discount if you choose Sphinx Search Ultimate (its price is $249), compared to purchasing each module separately.
The second reason to spend your money on this extension is its reliability. There are more than 300 reviews on the module’s page, and its average score based on these reviews is 5/5. It seems that there are no unsatisfied customers.
The third reason to give your preference to Sphinx Search Ultimate is its incredible set of features. Below, we will describe the most important ones.
Imagine the situation when a new user comes to your website for the first time. He or she probably doesn’t know for sure how the name of a particular product is spelled. And, if you do not show a hint, a new user can leave your Magento store without even placing anything to the cart: in this situation, it doesn’t increase your cart abandonment rate, but you lose a chance to turn a visitor into a buyer. However, if a potential customer gets a search tip, the possibility that they will place an item into their cart significantly increases. Right hints greatly help to find the desired product quickly, so it is vital to provide your website visitors with the ability to see a drop-down with search phrases or goods from your catalog shown on the basis of what is already typed.
Another essential aspect is related to typos. In case a user makes a mistake, the default search shows nil results, and you lose a chance to turn a visitor into a buyer once again. Thus, all typos should be fixed by the search system, which provides your store visitors with relevant results.
Eventually, it is necessary to mention that a slow search can also distract visitors from your Magento website. Therefore, your search solution should be lightning fast. The Mirasvit shows ultra-high indexing speed. Its searching speed surpasses 500 queries per second against one million SKUs.
All these characteristics are typical for the Sphinx Search Ultimate extension for Magento 2 and 1. The search mechanism of the module is based on the Sphinx search engine – advanced search technology that shows highly precise results in a fraction of a second. Since your visitors get a greater opportunity to find what they are looking for, you dramatically increase conversion. According to the extension’s page on the Mirasvit website, Sphinx enhances the conversion of visitors engaged in searching for something by more than 50%. Now, let’s pay closer attention to the core features of Sphinx Search Ultimate by Mirasvit.
Key features
- Enhanced search quality;
- Search autocomplete turning highly relevant results;
- Configuration of score boost rules;
- The extension relies on AJAX to show search results rapidly;
- Amazon-like search categories;
- Product data (images and prices) are displayed in the drop-down box;
- Built-in dictionary with 665 stop words;
- 60730 synonyms;
- Search by category names, tags, products SKUs, and custom options;
- Support for multiple content types: catalog products, categories, and attributes; CMS pages; WordPress or other blogs; CommerceLab; Simple Press Forum, and more;
- Typos correction;
- Stemming feature support;
- Singular/plural search;
- Long-tail search;
- The ability to use hyphens and slashes while searching for products;
- Landing pages optimized for specific keywords;
- Fallback search;
- “Out of stock” products can be pushed to the end of the search results list;
- Built-in search results validator;
- Mobile-friendly solution.
Besides, you can easily set a minimum number of characters to search, configure the delay before the search system starts to work. Also, with Sphinx Search Ultimate, it is possible to set a limit for the number of results displayed in the drop-down list and configure tips for the search box.
It is also necessary to mention that Sphinx supports several languages. In addition to English, it also knows Russian and Czech. Moreover, there are separate modules for Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Romanian, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Hungarian, and Finnish, so the extension is suitable for an impressive list of countries. As for spell check, it does not need any additional dictionaries to be installed: the content on your website is enough. Sphinx Search Ultimate analyzes all text information available on your online store and uses it to take your customer experience to the next level.
Since Sphinx supports three working modes – MySQL-based built-in search engine, Sphinx Engine on the same server, and Sphinx Engine on the external server – Mirasvit’s module is suitable for online stores of all sizes.
Another useful feature of the Sphinx search Magento 2 module is the ability to analyze the customers’ search behavior on your store using reports offered by the extension. The extension provides reports with different sets of data: one includes the most popular search terms, and the other gathers stats related to the search volume (the number of search requests and customer engagement).
Final Thoughts
Sphinx Search Ultimate is not only the best-seller extension in the Mirasvit’s portfolio, but also one of the most reliable, full-featured, and user-friendly search modules in the entire Magento ecosystem. The solution offers the essential features unavailable in the default Magento setup. It is also necessary to mention that Sphinx Search Ultimate provides the same functionality for both Magento 1 and Magento 2, so you can leverage all its benefits no matter which version of the platform you use for building your website. Moreover, $249 is a reasonable price for such a useful extension, so don’t hesitate to enhance your Magento storefront with this necessary improvement.