"Magento 2"

MageDelight ElasticSearch Magento 2 Extension

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

ElasticSearch Magento 2 Search engine Extension

We’ve already gathered the best Magento 2 search extensions here: Magento 2 Extensions for Improved Catalog Search. Also, check their comparison: Magento 2 Search Extensions Comparison. If you are wondering which Magento 2 search engines are the best, check this post: Magento 2 Catalog Search Engines. Now, when you know where to find more information about advanced search functionality for your Magento 2-based ecommerce website, we can introduce you to the MageDelight ElasticSearch Magento 2 module. Although this tool isn’t available in the mentioned above blog posts, it still deserves your attention. Below, we shed light on its core features and backend/frontend functionality. Continue Reading

TemplateMonster Mobillaso Magento 2 Theme

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Mobile Store Magento 2 Theme (Smartphone, Tablet)

In the following post, we shed light on how to create a responsive mobile store on the basis of Magento 2 from scratch. The procedure may seem complex, but indeed you can achieve your goal without any headaches. It is only necessary to purchase and install the TemplateMonster Mobillaso Magento 2 template. This Magento 2 theme has appealing design, and provides a set of modern ecommerce features. Thus, you can create a modern online storefront for selling mobile devices and accessories within just a few clicks. Let’s explore core features of Mobillaso and explore its frontend functionality. Continue Reading

MageDelight PDF Catalog Print Advance Magento 2 Extension

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 PDF Catalog Generator

What is the purpose of a Magento PDF catalog extension, you will ask? The answer is obvious: better shopping experience. Create and print a PDF catalog with thousands of products from your Magento 2 store in just a few clicks and provide your clients with it. While a printed catalog is a must have B2B feature, you can fully leverage it your B2C business to promote your store and products. The MageDelight PDF Catalog Print Advance Magento 2 extension allows you to enable catalog printing for both backend and frontend. As a result, not only store administrators can create printed materials, but store visitors also get similar opportunities. Below, we describe the functionality of the module in more details. Continue Reading

TemplateMonster Frodeca Magento 2 Theme

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Frodeca Magento 2 manicure and nail supplies template

Below, you can find our review of Frodeca – a Magento 2 theme designed for manicure and nail supplies ecommerce storefronts. If you are going to start an online business in this market segment, pay attention to this template, since it essentially simplify the creation of a reliable online shop. You only need to install the theme, to create a store from scratch. No third-party modules should be purchased. Of course, you can enhance your store with more Magento 2 extensions, but Frodeca offers enough tools and features. Let’s try to figure out what are its core components. Continue Reading

Magento 2 Magmi Integration

- Fire development, Magento 2

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

We know you are missing Magmi for Magento 2. Luckily, there are several ways to get the desired functionality on the second platform version. Below, we provide the most common methods. For more Magento 2 tips and advice, check our Developer’s Cookbook. And remember, there is always an alternative.

And now Improved Import and Export extension for Magento 2 also supports MagMi Magento 1 files. So if you are still holding onto some you con migrate these to Magento 2!
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TemplateMonster Moto Magento 2 Car Services Theme

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 Car Services template

If you sell car parts and want to start a new branch of business that will represent your store online or perhaps you want to enter the market with a digital storefront, we have something special for you: the easiest way to achieve your goal. It is no longer necessary to install a plethora of Magento 2 modules – you just need a corresponding Magento 2 template, so pay attention to the Moto Magento 2 theme by TemplateMonster. Continue Reading

MageDelight M2Native Magento 2 Extension

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 mobile app builder

Today, we shed light on a very important improvement that will entirely change the life of your m-customers. Meet the MageDelight M2Native Magento 2 – a complete mobile application for your ecommerce store. Boost your business, increase conversion, and gain more loyalty with this ultimate extension. Magento mobile app development is a complicated process, but you have a chance to avoid it and get the desired results via a single extension. Continue Reading