How to Become a Rockstar Node.JS Developer (tutorials, blogs, and books)

- E-Commerce, Fire development, Node.js

 Node.JS Development: tutorials, books, resources, classes, etc

Being a key development trend of 2015, Node.js will probably get much more attention next year. Therefore, I propose you to get a deeper insight into its competitive advantages over other similar solutions with the following Node.js guide. If you don’t trust the tool just because it is a trendy platform that everyone else uses, it’s time to change your opinion.

The Ultimate Node.js Tutorial

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Web design trends 2016

- E-Commerce

Key Website design trends 2016

The main feature of any trend is that it cannot exist forever. Once having been adopted, it can either transform into a new trend or gradually become commonplace losing its ability to attract people’s attention. This tendency also concerns web design trends which are too hard to predict but pretty much easy to grasp. The current trend goes back to the beginning of 2014 when the sphere of web design experienced significant improvement in terms of website development, style, and content management. For instance, the extensive use of mobile devices encouraged developers to concentrate more on the ability of webpages to suit the screens of smartphones and tablets. This caused the following burst of responsive design which now became the most valued characteristic of a website. Other improvements touched upon the general style of a webpage. Sites started to look fresher thanks to the introduction of wide backgrounds, parallax scrolling technique and innovative hero sliders.   Continue Reading

DIY SEO: The Complete List of Google Ranking Factors for 2016-2017

- E-Commerce

Google Ranking Factors 2016-2017

Google’s algorithm consists of more than 200 ranking factors. While some of them are quite obvious and others are a little bit controversial, the best SEO companies rely on the most of them trying to improve Google rankings of their clients. To keep up with the best SEO specialists, I propose you to examine what is important for the search engine’s algorithm: all Google page ranking factors are listed below. They are divided into several groups, such as domain, page, website, etc. Continue Reading

The Best Improved Import/Export Extensions for Magento

- Magento tips & tricks

Import Export Magento Modules

Make your life easier with improved import & export Magento extensions. This category of modules enhances the default abilities of your e-commerce Magento store by adding some new useful import/export features. The default Magento provides a lot of possibilities in this area, but they are not enough to avoid headaches while migrating to/from other e-commerce systems. In this post, we gathered the best examples of reliable improved import & export Magento extensions. By using one of them, you will significantly optimize the default operations typical for  out of the box Magento.

Also, don’t miss  –  Magento product import from scratch (detailed guide, tips, tricks, errors & solutions, tools) 

The Best Improved Import/Export Extensions for Magento 2

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Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) in PHP

- Fire development

TDD and BDD PHP tools

New to agile project management and extreme programming? Then, it is time to get acquainted with test-driven development (TDD) and behavior-driven development (BDD) in PHP. Both are intended to improve the quality of your projects, as well as their responsiveness to future requirements. Below, I will explain how to implement TDD and BDD tests in PHP and show where to get all the necessary tools for these methodologies. Let’s start with some basics. Continue Reading

E-Commerce & Augmented Reality

- E-Commerce

Augmented Reality in E-Commerce

The world is being changed so fast that people can hardly keep track of what events or things make it happen. These impetuous changes influence not only the way we live but also the way we perceive reality. With new technologies emerging every year, it becomes possible to receive more information about things around us just in a few gestures, which can significantly save our time and energy. GPS and object recognition technologies, virtual reality glasses and QR codes are just a little part of what can already extend our knowledge about the surrounding world. All these helpful innovations are unified in a general term Augmented Reality, a mediated reality which connects real and virtual worlds together. Continue Reading

MongoDB database: CMS, eCommerce, High Load Applications, Enterprise Services

- E-Commerce

MongoDB tutorial: CMS; ecommerce; Magento; PHP

Today, I’m going to talk about MongoDB – a cross-platform document-oriented database widely utilized in web development. Since it has various ranges of use, including ecommerce, MongoDB really deserves attention. Below, I’ll cover all major aspects related to the database. Thus, the following MongoDB tutorial will be useful for both ecommerce merchants and developers unfamiliar with the subject. Continue Reading