Magento 2 Command Line Tool (/bin/magento)

- Magento 2

Magento 2 CLI

Since Magento 2 provides a very useful implementation of Symfony’s Console component, you can easily perform tons of important actions from a command line interface. It is possible to reindex, clean cache, generate code, create database backups, and run other commands with the help of this instrument. Moreover, you can easily enhance the existing solution with your own commands aimed at your Magento 2 extensions. Below, I explain how to use Magento 2 CLI tool and what commands to run. Continue Reading

The Best Magento Hackathon Extensions (free & open source)

- E-Commerce

Magento Hackathon: the best projects

Magento Hackathon – is a series of community driven events where Real Magento community enthusiasts create amazing free open source Magento extensions and tools within just a couple of days. The core aspect of all Magento Hackathon events is intensive team collaboration: the best specialists develop top notch solutions during short periods of time. The most prominent results of such cooperation are listed below. Please note that all Hackathon extensions have been tested by a broad Magento community, so you can easily use them not only during development, but also in production (if a project is stable, of course). Continue Reading

The Power of Real Magento Community

- E-Commerce, Magento tips & tricks

Real Magento Community

The community around the Magento platform is vast. It consists of both professionals and enthusiasts, developers and merchants, geeks and sirs. In the beginning, all this mass was scattered and disconnected, but everything has been changed within last years. Magento community is not only huge, but it is also powerful, influential and not indifferent to its members. Today, it’s one of the real benefits of the platform. Don’t stay aside and try to get the maximum from the Real Magento Community. We will explain how to do this in the following post. Also, check the neu initiative – the Magento Association. It is going to organize and optimize processes that take place in the community.

UPD (11.02.16): How do I get involved in the Magento community?

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How to Uninstall Magento 2 Modules and Restore Magento 2 Backups (Rollbacks)

- Magento 2

Uninstall Magento 2 Extensions; Restore Magento 2 Rollbacks

In this Magento 2 tutorial, I explain how to uninstall Magento 2 modules. You have several uninstallation options, such as removing the modules’ code, database data, and database schema. I highly recommend you to create backups before doing any changes, because you will leave a chance to recover the data if something goes wrong.

Magento 2 tutorials, features, and rumours on Firebear

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E-Commerce personalization

- E-Commerce

personalization in e-commerce: tips, tools, and services

Have you ever thought about why E-Commerce is more powerful than conventional retail? What makes it so powerful? Let’s recall the most evident reasons .

First, E-Commerce allows retailers to simultaneously reach millions of customers all over the world thanks to significant advances in the sphere of modern technologies. Second, E-Commerce provides the most convenient shopping experience allowing customers to purchase goods anywhere and anytime just in one click. However, there is even more potential here that yet needs to be revealed. And that is personalization. Continue Reading

How to instantiate a custom block in Magento 2

- Magento 2

Magento 2 Development

Unfortunately, the process is not as easy as in Magento 1 ($crumbs = Mage::app()->getLayout->getBlock(‘breadcrumbs’);). In Magento 2, it depends on where you are going to instantiate it from. To create an instance from another block, use the following code:

from a controller:

from a model and a helper:

Please note that in a case of the model you have to create _blockFactory (a protected member), and inject a \Magento\Framework\View\Element\BlockFactory instance in the constructor, assigning it to the member var. For instance:

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How to instantiate a model in Magento 2

- Magento 2

Magento 2 Development

Since Magento strictly discourages the use of ObjectManager, there are service classes for abstracting it for all scenarios. Thus, you should use factory for all models (non-injectables):

You only have to ask a desired model’s factory in a constructor. Hence, it will be automatically generated, while you run compiler or Magento. Continue Reading