MageDelight First Data Payment Gateway Magento 2 Module
What if, as e-commerce business owners, we had a chance to enhance the security of our websites and improve customer experience at the same time without spending lots of money. The thing is that, with the help of MageDelight First Data Payment Gateway Magento 2 Module, we do have such an opportunity. For the developer company is aware how these two aspects impact on customer behavior and, therefore, created a solution which perfectly tackles the aforementioned issues, applying state-of-the-art technologies. In essence, having installed the Magento 2 payment gateway extension, you will be able to eliminate the possibility of malicious attacks by means of storing customer sensitive data on the server of First Data Payment which is 100% reliable and secure. Furthermore, as a website administrator, you will be able place orders on behalf of your customers and manage client credit cards.

So, what are features the Magento 2 extension brings to optimize the overall functionality, enhance the security, and extend the abilities of your admins? Check the bullet point list below:
- The possibility for your website customers to save their credit cards for further utilization;
- Security enhancement by means of storing customer sensitive data on First Data Payment server;
- Accept e-deposits right into your bank account
- Manage refunds online with ease;
- Order Placement instead of your clients in the backend;
- Manage customer credit cards;
- Speed up checkout process by means of using saved cards option;
- Multiple invoices creation;
- Multistore support;
- Guaranteeing Secure Transactions;
Table of contents
First Data Payment Gateway
First Data Payment Gateway is a merchant processor with the help of which the life of both customers and admins becomes secure and simple. You might have already heard of the extension’s scale for it is known as one the largest merchant services in the whole world. In fact, currently, it facilitates around 45% of all card transactions in the US, and counts approximately 6 million webstore owners in its database. Such figures prove us the reliability and trustworthiness of the gateway.
Apart from it, the Magento 2 module is 100% PCI Compliant (Payment Card Industry). To learn more about PCI requirements, follow the link: Magento PCI Compliance.
By getting First Data Payment, you will be able to considerably impact on the speed of the checkout process for, once a customer saved his/her card on Gateway’s server, there is no need to enter the card details data again. According to e-commerce surveys, the cart abandonment issues occurs due to complex and time-consuming checkout process. Therefore, the easier it is for customers to finalize it, the higher chances for you to increase your sales.
Moreover, the module provides you with an ability to customize the checkout process to make it suit the needs of your e-commerce business. Therefore, you have a full control over what countries you would like to accept payments from, what methods you will provide you customers with, what will be the minimum and the maximum order values, and so on.
Provided, you still haven’t signed up on First Data Payment, you are able to do that by following the
Detailed explanation of module features
Let your customers save their cards in one click
Well, as we have already pointed out earlier, once you install the MageDelight First Data Payment Magento 2 Extension, you will be able to let your customers leverage the saved card option. The thing is that it is 100% secure for the data inserted bypasses the server of a merchant and moves directly to First Data’s one, which stores all the information in cold storage and guarantees the security of the data. As a result, you avoid all the headaches regarding the sensitive data vulnerability and let the First Data Payment company take care of it. Thus, basically, you enhance the security of your webstore and at the same time accelerate the checkout process. Make your e-commerce website reliable.
Various credit card types to choose during checkout
It’s quite unsubtle that different users prefer different credit card types. With the help of the Magento 2 tool, you are able to choose what types of cards you would like to accept on your website, giving your customer multiple options to make a payment in your storefront.
Saved Credit Cards Management
Having provided the chance for your customers to save credit cards, they will be able to leverage the user-friendly interface in their accounts to manage them. Thus, in case, they make up their mind to delete/edit the existing cards or add new ones, they will not find any difficulty for this process extremely simple. Yet, it gives the control to your clients over their data. To make some alterations, they will need to go My account -> My saved Credit Cards.
It’s been already mentioned that admins are able to use customers’ saved cards to place orders instead of them. However, in order to ensure that nobody else will be able to get the access and accomplish fraud transactions, the module requires a verification number, which is to be entered once a website administrator places an order in the backend of the storefront. Thus, you can gain trust to your webstore.
Multiple invoices
After Magento 2 module installation, you will be able to extend the default functionalities of the invoice feature for the tool allows you to create multiple invoices of the same order. Besides, you are to determine the quantity to invoice.
Easy Refund Management
With the assistance of the MageDelight First Data Magento 2 Extension, you will be able to optimize the refund management, making it extremely flexible and convenient for you. Create online credit memos and make refunds.
How does it function?
Please see the picture below to understand how exactly functions the MageDelight First Data Payment Gateway Magento 2 Extension.
Final words
Having shed light upon MageDelight First Data Payment Gateway Magento 2 Module, it is important to emphasize the security enhancement as well as customer experience improvement it offers for such aspects do have a considerable impact on the success of your e-commerce website.
If you have a question on extension functionality or there is something you would like to share with others, follow the link below to do so: