Exto.io Reward Points Magento 2 Extension
We’ve already compared reward points extensions for Magento 2, but recently our attention was captured by Exto.io and since the company has a tool that provides similar functionality in its portfolio, we’ve decided to create the following review. Below, you can find core extension’s features as well as a Magento 2 tutorial that describes both backend and frontend functionality. If you still don’t know how to provide customers with a virtual currency and loyalty programs, perhaps Exto.io will be helpful.

As a Magento 2 administrator, you get the advanced dashboard right after installing the Exto.io Reward Points Magento 2 module. The extension illustrates customers engaged in the program, balance updates, earned and redeemed points, expiration prognosis, and many other parameters that are described in the backend section of this post.
Flexible reward rules help to turn first time buyers into existing customers, who always spend more increasing your revenue. There are three rule types available with Exto.io Reward Points Magento 2 extension, so your buyers won’t have any chances to avoid the reward. Catalog, shopping cart, and behavioral rules are designed to provide the maximum efficiency.
In case of catalog rules, you provide reward points for buying special products or brands as well as shopping in specified categories. Shopping cart rules allow to leverage such parameters as total checkout amount, qty of purchased items, location, etc. As for behavioral rules, they include customer birthday, newsletter signup, product review, or registration.
It is possible to fully control each rule as well as control points redeeming by setting various thresholds. Thus, you can set the minimal cart subtotal, number of cart items, or points amount to apply points. It is also possible to limit how much points can be spent daily.
Email notifications are also among the features of the Exto.io Reward Points Magento 2 module. Thus, you can easily inform buyers about changes in the point balance, so they will always know about a pleasant surprise.
Let’s look at how to use the dashboard of the Exto.io Reward Points Magento 2 extension. It is available under Marketing -> Exto Rewards Points -> Dashboard and shows points system status (On/Off), exchange rate, customers, balance update subscribers, current balance, earned and spend points, expiration, and active rules:
Besides, you can view points for each customers individually under Customers -> All Customers in a grid:
Besides, it is possible to manage balance per customer here. From the same grid, go to the Customer Information page, find the Exto Reward Points tab, and manage reward points manually. You can view current balance, use “-” to subtract and “+” to add, set expiration, and add comments.
Besides, there is a grid with all transactions. The grid displays transaction ID, value, comment, date, and expiration date:
Something similar is possible for each individual order. Navigate to Sales -> Orders, select an order, and on the Order Information page find Order Totals. A new field is added by the Exto.io Reward Points Magento 2 extension – Paid with Points.
Note that it is possible both to create new orders with reward points:
as well as use points for refund:
Now, let’s describe how to manage earning rules. The appropriate section is available under Marketing -> Exto Rewards Points -> Earning Rules. All rules are gathered in a grid that contains the following columns: Rule ID, Rule Title, Points Value, Total Triggers, Rule Type, Created, Updated, Active, Active From, Active to, and Created By. IT is possible to edit the existing rules as well as add new ones here.
As for thresholds, they are available under Marketing -> Exto Rewards Points -> Thresholds. This is a threshold form that contains such parameters as Cert subtotal, Cart items qty, Point balance, Points amount to apply, and Customer daily spend limit.
All transactions are available under Marketing -> Exto Rewards Points -> Transactions in a grid. The grid displays transaction ID, customer name and email, amount, comment, expiration date, and time of creation:
In the Configuration section, the Exto.io Reward Points Magento 2 extension allows to specify points name, exchange rate, the way earned points are calculated (before/after tax and shipping) and taxes and shipping are paid (with points or without them) as well as configure email notifications, reward points explanation and cart promotion.
Customer account gets a new tab as well. It is called My Reward Points and you can view the current point balance and all transactions there:
There are also two new parameters related to orders: Paid with Points and Reward with Points:
As for the cart, it allows to apply points for the purchase. If a certain earning rule was triggered, you can see the amount of earned points as well:
Final Words
Exto.io provides reliable and easy to use Magento 2 modules with quite a reasonable prices. For instance, the Reward Points Magento 2 module costs just $200 which is below average. More information is available here: