There are situations when online shoppers browse a website, find a product they want to buy, but don’t have enough money on their card to pay for the purchase at once. If you don’t offer an option to pay partially for an order, you might lose potential clients, which leads to losing profits as well. Another case might occur when you need to create an invoice with a due amount paid partly in advance as a guarantee for provided services.
Unfortunately, the Magento 2 platform doesn’t have appropriate functionality by default, but you can get the necessary tools for implementing partial payments on your store with the eWave Partial Payments extension. The Magento 2 module provides your customers with the possibility to buy products on your store by specifying an amount that is comfortable for them to pay at the moment. This way, you increase the chances that a visitor won’t leave your website without a purchase and motivate customers to come back to your store.
Below, we have a closer look at the features of the Magento 2 partial payment module and show how it works in the backend and frontend.
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