DIY SEO: 301 Redirect E-Commerce SEO Guide

Magento 301 Redirect Ecommerce DIY SEO Guide

There are many reasons why you might need to use redirection for your E-Commerce website. Let’s assume that you decided to move your store to a new domain, but you are afraid that you might lose your traffic and your hardly acquired search engine ranks. Or, you could have several URL’s allowing users to reach your website in various ways, like, for instance, http://website.com/home, http://website.com, http://home.website.com. In this case, you might want to become more selective and choose one to be your primary URL. Or, you could have several websites which you might want to merge into one comprehensive website and you could need to find a way to safely redirect your old links to different URLs. All these issues can be easily solved by using one of the most proven SEO tactics that is still actively adopted by numerous E-Commerce businesses, and it’s called 301 redirect. We included everything you need to know about 301 redirect and its SEO profits in our ultimate guide. Please note that the following DIY SEO guide is aimed at various E-Commerce platforms, so you can easily leverage the power of the Magento 301 redirect by reading the following information.

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The best must have Magento extensions 2016

Best Magento Modules

The best must have Magento extensions of 2015 can change a lot in your e-commerce store. In this post we put all the extensions into 6 major groups: “Performance”, “SEO”, “Frontend, UI, usability”, “Loyalty, referral campaigns”, “System, backend”, and “Marketing, sales”. All of them are tested and accepted by Magento developers, so you will only deal with the most reliable tools. Two other important things about “The best must have Magento extensions of 2014” are novelty and relevance of further described products.

The post is divided into the following categories:

DIY SEO: Keyword Clustering

- E-Commerce

DIY SEO: Keyword Clustering

Today, we are going to shed light on keyword clustering – one of key SEO trends in 2016. Big Data is changing everything in the world around you, and SEO is not an exception. Since there is rapidly growing demand for specific niches and search engines are trying to structurize unstructured data related to these niches, keyword clustering introduces a new powerful approach to SEO which is based on the usage of Big Data. But what exactly do you need to run a successful SEO campaign in 2016? Continue Reading

Ultimate Guide to Magento SEO

- E-Commerce

E-Commerce and Magento SEO Ultimate Guide

Search engines provide your potential customers with a list of search results, where your e-commerce Magento website is shown. The list of search results often consist of hundreds of pages, and you will agree that your store should be at the top of this list. Otherwise, it will be lost among other results, and your potential customers will never find it. In this post, we have gathered everything you need to know about search engine optimization of your Magento store. Want to know what to do with the website in order to optimize SEO and climb to the top of all search results? Check the post below.


You can read the full version of this post in our “Magento DIY. The complete Guide” book. Besides SEO, the it describes a lot of other improvements and modifications. For instance, the book shows how to improve performance, security, and other vital aspects of every ecommerce website, run a successful marketing campaign, and create a top-notch user experience. Furthermore, “Magento DIY” teaches how to get all Enterprise-level features on the basis of the Community Edition platform and implement opportunities which are not available in both editions out-of-the-box. The article is just the beginning, and all robust improvements are described in the book. For further information about  “Magento DIY,” follow the link below:

Magento DIY. The complete Guide

DIY Guide to Magento

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DIY SEO: The Best SEO Software And Tools 2016

- E-Commerce

SEO software, SEO check, SEO audit

40 SEO Analyzers, Checkers, And Reporting Tools

In this article, we’ve gathered the best SEO software available on the Internet. There are both free and paid solutions, which have a wide range of use. Our DIY SEO post describes various SEO analyzers, SEO reporting software, SEO management tools, SEO optimization platforms, and SEO checkers. Each tool has a short description and a link to its official website. All solutions are relevant for 2016. Continue Reading

DIY SEO on Firebear

- E-Commerce

DIY search engine optimization

Ready to reach a new level of search engine optimization? Then you’ve come to the right place because below we’ve collected all of Firebear’s articles related to DIY SEO.

If you’re not getting the traffic you want there is no need to hire a team of specialists for making your ecommerce website or blog SEO-friendly. Patience and attention are only required investments since we’ve already gathered all crucial search engine optimizations below. Choose a topic you like and implement all improvements described there to start your e-commerce business and maintain its best SEO results.  Continue Reading

DIY SEO: Keyword Research 2016

- E-Commerce

DIY Keyword Research

Most SEO companies and specialists will agree that keyword research is the foundation of SEO, which is impossible without keywords. While figuring out expectations and desires via search queries, your customers create combinations of words, which are extremely important to know and use in your texts if you are going to increase your current Google ranking. Even the best SEO tools will not optimize your website if you don’t utilize keywords, therefore we recommend you to examine the following article, which provides information related to keyword research in 2016. Continue Reading

“Magento DIY. The Complete Guide” is Out Now!

- E-Commerce, Magento tips & tricks

DIY Guide to Magento

During the last few months the Firebear team has been working on a DIY guide to Magento. The book is out now and you can purchase it for $30. “Magento DIY. The Complete Guide” explains all important nuances related to the most popular ecommerce platform and illustrates vital improvements necessary for turning your website into a robust online store. The book consists of 5 chapters: Setup; Sales Generation; Growth; Enterprise; and Custom Magento DevelopmentContinue Reading

DIY SEO: The Complete List of Google Ranking Factors for 2016-2017

- E-Commerce

Google Ranking Factors 2016-2017

Google’s algorithm consists of more than 200 ranking factors. While some of them are quite obvious and others are a little bit controversial, the best SEO companies rely on the most of them trying to improve Google rankings of their clients. To keep up with the best SEO specialists, I propose you to examine what is important for the search engine’s algorithm: all Google page ranking factors are listed below. They are divided into several groups, such as domain, page, website, etc. Continue Reading