"Magento module"

25 Best Magento Extensions for Advanced Order Management

- E-Commerce

Advanced Order Management, Invoicing, Shipping, Custom Order Statuses with Magento Extensions This post is a logical continuation of your digests on drop shipping extensions, POS solutions, ERP and CRM software. It contains the best Magento modules designed for extended order management. By utilizing the following tools, you will optimize the workflow within your ecommerce store. Magento Connect and third party marketplaces offer tons of reliable solutions for order management, but the best software solutions are described below. Continue Reading

How to Install Magento Extensions (Magento Connect, FTP, SSH, Modman, Composer)

Installing Magento Extensions: FTP, Magento Connect, SSH, Modman, Composer

Magento extension development is not for everyone, but regardless of coding experience everyone can utilize the end product of this complicated process. It’s just important to know how to install Magento extension right. The below guide contains universal instructions for a seamless installation of any Magento extension. We’ve described 5 types of installation: via Magento Connect, FTP, SSH, Modman, and Composer.

Magento Marketplace Merchant Guide Continue Reading

Enhanced Magento Performance With Optimised OPcache Settings

Optimised OPcache Settings

OPcache is a code caching module, which improves PHP performance. It uses shared memory to store precompiled script bytecode, as a result there is no need for PHP to load and parse scripts on every request. OPcache is bundled with PHP starting from 5.5.0. The module is also available in PECL for PHP 5.2-5.4. By using optimised OPcache settings, you can significantly improve the performance of your Magento website. In this post we will show you how to do this. Continue Reading