Everything You Need to Know About Paid Backlinks

- E-Commerce

How to Buy Backlinks. Where to buy them. How harmful it is.

When it comes to improving your search rankings, a lot of effort must be made to get your website to the most desirable position in the search results list. Creating a really efficient SEO strategy is not an easy task, especially for small and young businesses, and sometimes people run the risk of losing their audience just because they choose easier and less proven ways in an attempt to achieve their goals. One of such ways is the usage of purchased backlinks.

Backlinks are simply links that direct users from one website to another. Backlinks are widely used by  ecommerce merchants to promote their websites in the search engine environment. To make backlinks really effective, however, you will have to create thousands of them for numerous exterior websites. Of course, no one would want to spend time on building authentiс backlinks knowing that it’s possible to simply buy backlinks from a wide range of specialized resources. But is it really a good idea?

Here you’ll read about the main reasons of why it’s not good to use backlinks, how to recover from its consequences, and, if you eventually decide to take a risk, where you can buy the most effective backlinks and blog reviews in an attempt to boost your rankings.   Continue Reading

10 Reliable Linux Server Distributions and LAMP / LEMP Stack Manuals

- E-Commerce, Fire development

Linux Server Distributions; LEMP Stack Manuals; LAMP Stack Manuals

Today we are going to talk about Linux server distributions. The open-source nature of Linux is the main reason for the wide variety of available distros. Each Linux distribution is designed with a slightly different set of features. As a result, some distros are often used as the best linux server solutions, while the others are less suitable for this purpose. So what is the most reliable Linux web server option? Below you will find the answer. There are 10 Linux servers described in the following article.  Additionally, you will find LAMP / LEMP stack manuals related to every distribution. Continue Reading

Magento URL reindex (core_url_rewrite) duplicates patch

How to fix Magento URL reindex (core_url_rewrite) duplicates bug

There is one annoying problem in Magento – the url rewrite indexer creates tons of unnecessary custom rewrites for products with duplicate url_keys. This happens during every indexer run. As a result, the size of the core_url_rewrite table grows to enormous sizes. Please note that the problem is typical for Magento 1.7 – 1.9 and its above versions. Below, I will explain how to fix this bug with the help of our patch. But first of all let’s start with one real world example. Continue Reading

Extended Analytics and Reporting Solutions for Magento (The Best Extensions and Services)

- E-Commerce

Advanced Magento reporting and analytics

The Internet is full of different analytics and reporting solutions aimed at all possible platforms including Magento. Both third-party marketplaces and Magento Connect offer all sorts of reporting extensions and analytics tools. But why do we pay attention to them?

Unfortunately, the default Magento reporting system is not robust enough to optimize your ecommerce business. At the same time, such free tools as Google Analytics don’t work with information related to sales, purchases, and conversions. That’s why we recommend you to enhance your business with the help of additional Magento extensions, plugins, and modules, or even standalone platforms. The best solutions for extended analytics and reporting are described below. Continue Reading

Top Helpdesk Services and Tools

- E-Commerce

help desk, helpdesk software, free helpdesk software, open source helpdesk software

Helpdesk services and tools form a group of resources designed to provide customers with a support related to products or services offered by a certain company. Such services are usually aimed at all possible kinds of troubleshooting, but it is not mandatory. For example, helpdesk software can be used for providing customers with information about certain goods or services. As you might have guessed, helpdesk services have a huge influence on overall customer experience, that’s why successful ecommerce is impossible without them. In the following post, we’ve reviewed the best existing solution, so there should be one suitable for your business. Continue Reading

The Best eCommerce Search Engines

- E-Commerce

Top e-commerce search engines

As ecommerce and tech enthusiasts, we are always trying to dig something interesting in an endless web space. The Internet is full of unappreciated stuff which we are going to survey and review in our blog. This time it is an ultimate report on 25 ecommerce search engines. The report is not unappreciated, but we couldn’t leave it without our attention. In addition, you will find the list of ecommerce search engines and the best Magento solution for site search.

Magento 2 Catalog Search Engines

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Thorough Guide to Customer Lifetime Value

- E-Commerce

Ecommerce CVL: Magento Customer Lifetime Value.

Customer lifetime value estimation of business has long been abandoned by merchants until this year, when its commercial value has been reevaluated. The main reason of such a change lies in never-ceasing search for improving the effectiveness of online sells to meet the requirements of constantly growing market. Calculation of customer lifetime value is really handy for businesses of all kinds because it helps to concentrate more on the long-term future of your relationships with the customers and, as a result, on the long-term future of your company. Continue Reading

Magento Integration with Google Services: Merchant Center, Analytics, WebMaster, AdWords, Trusted Shops

- E-Commerce

Google Merchant Center, Analytics, WebMaster, AdWords, Trusted Shops Magento Integration

Google offers lots of services designed to make your ecommerce website better. Google Merchant Center, WebMaster, Analytics, AdWords, and Trusted Shops are five major tools on your way to success. Of course, you can still run your business without this services, but there are no any reasons to do so. All the aforementioned tools enhance your online entrepreneurship with lots of new opportunities. Moreover, you can easily integrate them with the existing Magento shop – just check the detailed guide below. Continue Reading

All You Need to Know About BitCoin & E-Commerce: Best Payment Gateways; Most Popular Services

- E-Commerce

How to use BitCoin E-Currency in E-Commerce: Best Payment Gateways and Most Popular Services

BitCoin system is gradually making its way into the world of E-Commerce recruiting more and more merchants all over the world for using its digital currency. Some e-commerce websites already accept bitcoins as a payment for goods and services and admit that dealing with decentralized digital money has much more benefits if compared to standard payment methods. Although there is a limited amount of bitcoins (about 12,3 million units) and the currency stability and acceptance depends on this amount, BitCoin is likely to become mainstream due to the increased use by consumers. This is a great opportunity for e-commerce merchants to adapt new payment technologies for boosting their performance on the market. Here you’ll find out more about BitCoin and its exclusive currency and investigate how to successfully integrate your e-commerce website into bitcoin payment technology with the help of useful bitcoin payment processors. Continue Reading