How to catch the admin tab switching event in Magento 2
Since Magento 2 utilizes the standard jQuery UI Tabs Widget, you should catch the tabsactivate event to catch the admin tab switching: Continue Reading
Since Magento 2 utilizes the standard jQuery UI Tabs Widget, you should catch the tabsactivate event to catch the admin tab switching: Continue Reading
Being a jQuery UI widget Magento 2 media browser provides administrators with the ability to use a media library. Thus, they can easily upload images to media library and choose images from it. Continue Reading
Magento 2 uses the pub/media folder for storing images and other media data. The following function returns its url for the current store: Continue Reading
There is no class Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\Widget\Link in the the catalog_product_link widget declaration, since it is a virtual type. Besides, Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\Widget\Link is an alias to Magento\Catalog\Block\Widget\Link with a custom dependency injection. Please note that an argument entityResource has the Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product type. Continue Reading
For the standard jQuery .submit() method your submit event handler will be triggered after the standard form validation, but it could be inconvenient. Luckily, Magento 2 backend forms fire a custom beforeSubmit event: Continue Reading
In this post, we provide a complete overview of the Magento 2 technology stack. The new version of the popular ecommerce platform has been essentially revamped, so you will discover a lot of new features and requirements in comparison with 1.x. Below, we describe all major elements of the technology stack as well as provide some useful links. Continue Reading
Shoplift is a dangerous Magento bug. It allows hackers to take e-commerce store under a full control. The threat was discovered by Check Point. You can easily fix it with the help of patch SUPEE-5344. A lot of Magento stores are still vulnerable, because they haven’t applied the patch yet. Below, you we show how to fix the problem.
UPD (15.05.15): SUPEE-5994 Magento security patch
UPD (08.07.15): SUPEE-6285 Magento security patch
UPD (08.07.15): Magento Security Alert Registry
UPD (05.08.15): SUPEE-6482 Magento security patch
UPD (17.09.15): SUPEE-3762 Magento security patch
UPD (09.10.15): Magmi and Nginx
UPD (21.10.15): Guruincsite Magento Issue and SUPEE-6788 Magento security patch
UPD (24.11.15): Magento Security Patch SUPEE-6788 Performance Issues
UPD (28.01.16): SUPEE-7405 and SUPEE-7616
In order to structurize our articles about Magento modules, we’ve decided to create this post. Below, you will find links to all Firebear’s materials about the best Magento extensions. If you are looking for Magento 2 plugins, follow this link: The Best Magento 2 Extensions. Continue Reading
Since Magento 2 introduces a bunch of brand-new features and improvements, it also has updated requirements related to hosting. Hence, solutions optimized for 1.X are no longer suitable for the new version of the ecommerce platform. Although they can still work with Magento 2, 1.X optimized hostings never provide the highest possible performance. That’s why we’d like to describe Magento 2 hosting services, but let’s discuss new system requirements first. Continue Reading