An Introduction To The Magento 2 API

- Magento 2

Magento 2 API

Today, we are going to shed light on the Magento 2 API, so let’s explain what this term means. Application program interface is a special interface which consists of protocols, routines,and tools designed to simplify the process of software development. Since APIs’ major purpose is to specify the way how different software parts interact within a system, they are often used to program graphical user interface components. Good APIs provide all building blocks necessary for developing an application, so a programmer only have to put them together. Although Magento 2 APIs incorporate the same principle, there are tons of nuances related to the ecommerce platform. So, what is the Magento 2 API? Continue Reading

DIY SEO on Firebear

- E-Commerce

DIY search engine optimization

Ready to reach a new level of search engine optimization? Then you’ve come to the right place because below we’ve collected all of Firebear’s articles related to DIY SEO.

If you’re not getting the traffic you want there is no need to hire a team of specialists for making your ecommerce website or blog SEO-friendly. Patience and attention are only required investments since we’ve already gathered all crucial search engine optimizations below. Choose a topic you like and implement all improvements described there to start your e-commerce business and maintain its best SEO results.  Continue Reading

Guruincsite Magento Disaster

- E-Commerce

Guruincsite malware - a new Magento Magento Disaster

A new Magento malware has been discovered and it is a malicious script by Guruincsite. Unfortunately, a new attack vector is not identified, but we already know that the disease makes Magento websites vulnerable to a code execution issue. Below, we shed light on how to prevent your ecommerce store from Guruincsite Magento disaster.

UPD (21.10.15) SUPEE-6788 will help you solve the Guruincsite issue

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Best Tools For Hybrid Mobile Application Development

- Fire development

Hybrid Mobile Application Development Tools

Sometimes we fail to realize that we can make our life easier and reduce the consumption of time to dramatical scale, and it all happens simply because we lack some knowledge about particular opportunities, but it doesn’t mean they do not exist. Therefore, the principal topic of today’s post is to figure out how hybrid mobile application development tools simplify the creation of apps and what kind of platforms we suggest using to develop them. Continue Reading