"Fire development"

Introducing Firebear Partner Loyalty Program For The Whole Magento Ecosystem & Far Beyond

Time has come and we’re thrilled to announce the launch of the very first Partner Loyalty Program by FireBear Studio for eCommerce development/marketing agencies and SIs. What are its essentials? What benefits do we offer? What products and services can you get according to the program? You will find the answers below.   Continue Reading

Magento 2 Multi Source Inventory (MSI)

- Fire development, Magento 2

Magento 2 multi Store Inventory

The following article sheds light on a new important enhancement to our favorite e-commerce platform – Magento 2 Multi Source Inventory. The project will be available for the Open Source (Community) edition by the end of 2018, so it’s time to say a few words about its nature, goals, benefits, and usability.

What is the meaning of the multi-source Magento inventory management? Behind this term, you will discover a huge improvement to the Magento core that introduces the ability to connect multiple inventory sources to your e-commerce store. Note that you not only link them together but also leverage an algorithm of selection that chooses a warehouse or a physical store depending on various conditions to make the delivery as much efficient as possible.

Of course, such functionality also enables some advanced drop shipping opportunities, so does it mean that a huge part of multi source and drop shipping modules will become useless with the release of Magento 2.3 that tends to be the first version with the built-in multi source capabilities? We will try to provide the answer below. Continue Reading

How to Import Data from SQLite to Magento 2

Magento 2 SQLite Data Import

If you have data stored in an SQLite database but want to move it to your Magento 2 website, you’ve come to the right place. Below, we compare a traditional approach to the transfer with a more efficient and user-friendly way to achieve the same goal. Magento 2 data import from SQLite has never been more accessible, but let’s take a look at a more complicated procedure used by the majority of merchants. Continue Reading

How to Import Data from Cassandra to Magento 2

Magento 2 Cassandra data import

The following article discusses two utterly different approaches to Magento 2 data import from Cassandra. Unfortunately, it is not possible to connect the database to you store directly if you don’t use any third-party tools. Although there is an alternative solution, many people still run the integration manually spending hours of time on the synchronization. Indeed, the alternative approach offers a much more efficient way to achieve the same goal. Below, we describe both ways to import data from Cassandra to Magento 2. Continue Reading

How to Import Data from Microsoft Access to Magento 2

Magento 2 Microsoft Access Data Import

If you are tired of importing data from Microsoft Access to Magento 2 via the traditional algorithm that includes exporting CSV files, editing them and then transferring to a new database, you’ve come to the right place: below, we shed light on how to simplify this procedure dramatically. The following article discusses how to establish a direct data flow from Microsoft Access to Magento 2 to move data between the two systems seamlessly. But let’s say a few more words about the traditional way of how to import files from Microsoft Access to Magento 2. Continue Reading

Private Composer by Aheadworks for Magento 2 & Other Platforms

- Fire development, Magento 2

Magento 2 Private Composer

Composer is a dependency managing tool in PHP. It allows determining on which libraries the current project depends. It also arranges all the processes connected with the library installation and updating. It’s a mistake to think that Composer is a package manager. It handles packages, but it makes it per project. Thus, Composer enables a global installation option without installing anything globally in the default mode. Continue Reading

How to Import Products with ™ & ® Symbols in Magento 2?

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

The following article is based on the StackExchange question by Ronak. The author has products with symbols like ™ and ® which should be used in any case.  If you try to import products to Magento 2 with the following symbols, but the system displays the “General system exception happened” error on “Check Data”, you’ve come to the right place. Below, we shed light on the problem. Continue Reading