
Magento 2 Sears Integration

Magento 2 Sears Connector

Would you like to sell your goods on a marketplace run by the 23rd largest retailer in the US? If yes, you’ve come to the right place, because below we shed light on Magento 2 Sears integration. The following post describes how to synchronize your e-commerce website with the popular platform to get the most out of it. But let’s say a few words about the company first. It has a very long history and provides several merchant-friendly opportunities. Continue Reading

Magento 2 product import – category mapping

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

When migrating from different ecommerce platforms to Magento 2 you may find yourself in need to adjust category paths for products. Doing it manually is a tedious and troublesome task.

In this article we will talk about how can one map category paths during Magento 2 import procedure and the tools required.

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Magento 2 Yandex Market Integration

Magento 2 Yandex Market Connector

Below, we discuss Magento 2 Yandex Market integration – a synchronisation of your e-commerce store with the most prominent price comparison engine and marketplace in the Russian-speaking world. There are several vital nuances related to the integration, but let’s take a look at some stats about Yandex Market. At the end of the post, we will also provide some tips on how to select a Magento 2 Yandex Market connector. Continue Reading