"web design"

The Best PHP Content Management Systems (CMS)

 CMSA content management system or CMS is an application that allows publishing and editing content from a central interface. Such systems are often used to run news and shopping websites or blogs. CMSs are also used by different corporate and marketing websites. Their main aim is to avoid the hand coding, but often content management systems support it for some certain parts of the website. CMSs provide different permissions to different users, that allow them access to specific elements of the project. As a result, content management systems reduce the workload and make the working process easier to manage.

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How To Become A PHP Developer (Guide, Learning Platforms, Books)

- E-Commerce, Fire development

How To Become A PHP Developer (A Guide, Learning Platforms and Books)

PHP is a web development language, which is also used for a general-purpose programming. It is installed on more than 2.1 million web servers and 240 million websites. PHP can be mixed with HTML and used in combination with various frameworks and templating engines. The code itself is usually processed by an interpreter. The PHP interpreter is implemented as a native module of a web server or as a Common Gateway Interface executable (CGI). After the interpretation and execution, the PHP code is sent in a form of resulting output to its client by a web server. Usually, it is a part of the generated web page. PHP code can generate an HTML code of a web page, an image, etc. The canonical PHP interpreter is a free software, which is released under the PHP License. It can be deployed on most web servers and works with almost every operating system. In addition, PHP can be used in standalone graphical applications, because it supports a command-line interface capability. Continue Reading

How to stop fearing and start coding (The Best Online Programming Courses)

- E-Commerce, Fire development

The Best Online Programming Courses

How to stop fearing and start coding? In this post, we are going to the answer to this question. For instance, Roshan Choxi, Cofounder and CEO of Bloc, tells about three strategies that are extremely necessary to achieve this goal. First of all, you have to be focused on habits, not goals. Then you should understand, that learning alone is painful. And finally, you have to build things. Continue Reading

The Best PHP Frameworks 2015

- E-Commerce, Fire development

php-frameworksPHP programming language is extremely popular among web developers. The majority of websites are based on it, and frameworks play one of key roles in the popularisation of PHP. They include collections of software and programs, that initiate easier coding. In this post, we gathered the best PHP framework for this year.

A proper framework is necessary for more efficient work. It enables to spend less time on more functional and safer applications. If you are going to develop a robust and successful product, then choosing a right PHP framework is crucial.

Generally framework includes two major elements: the first one is a Toolbox; the second one is a Methodology. A Toolbox is a set of software components designed for writing less code. As a result you also get a less risk of errors. Under Methodology we mean an assembly diagram for applications, which allows developers to work more effectively.

Nowadays, you can find a plethora of solid PHP frameworks, which have their own advantages and disadvantages. You can always test few solutions before choosing the most suitable one. Please, let us know what PHP framework is the best by leaving your comment in the dedicated section below.

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The Best Alternative MySQL Database Engines For Magento – Percona, Mariadb

- Magento tips & tricks

You can always move out of MySQL. At least, there are 2 alternatives: MariaDB and Percona. MariaDB is a fork of the MySQL developed by the community under the GNU GPL from the original creators of MySQL. The intents of MariaDB include maintaining high compatibility with MySQL, ensuring a “drop-in” replacement capability with library binary equivalency and matching with MySQL commands and APIs. Percona Server is another MySQL alternative which if free and open source. It offers high scalability, improved performance, useful features, and all the necessary instrumentations. In addition, Percona relies on self-tuning algorithms and supports high-performance hardware. In this post, we gathered all the information necessary to understand whether you should stay with  MySQL or move to alternative solutions, such as MariaDB and Percona.


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Лучшие альтернативные MySQL движки для Magento – Percona, Mariadb

- Magento советы

У MySQL существует несколько альтернатив, на которые вы в любой момент можете переключиться.  Лучшие из них это MariaDB и Percona. MariaDB является ответвлением MySQL, которое развивается при участии всего сообщества по лицензии GNU GPL. Создателями решения являются оригинальные разработчики  MySQL. Основные цели MariaDB включают в себя поддержание высокой совместимости с MySQL, обеспечение возможности “drop-in” замены с библиотекой двоичной эквивалентности и сопоставление с командами и API MySQL. В свою очередь Percona Server является еще одной бесплатной альтернативой MySQL. Решение обладает высокой масштабируемостью, улучшенной производительностью, нехарактерными для базового движка особенностями и всеми необходимыми инструментами. Кроме того, Percona полагается на алгоритмы самонастройки и обладает поддержкой передового мощного железа. Далее мы расскажем о том, когда стоит переходить на альтернативы MySQL, такие как MariaDB и Percona.


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Модульная система Magento 2

- Magento 2

Magento состоит из нескольких различных компонентов: тем, модулей, библиотек, пакетов языков. Фреймворк Magento включает в себя библиотеки, PHP код и различные базовые концепции, которые наследуются компонентами системы.

Модули и темы в Magento используются в качестве элементов кастомизации: модули наделяют сайт разными особенностями и свойствами, темы влияют на внешний вид. Как у модулей, так и у тем есть свой жизненный цикл, который позволяет устанавливать, отключать и удалять эти элементы.

модульная система magento 2

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Magento Community Edition 1.9.1 and Magento Enterprise Edition 1.14.1 released!

- E-Commerce, Magento tips & tricks

A new version of Magento Enterprise Edition arrives today. Get ready for the new features, tools and responsive design capabilities. In addition, you will get faster technical issue resolution, better performance, and deeper insights.

Magento Enterprise Edition 1.14.1 includes a new drag-and-drop tool, designed to make your work with product categories much easier. There are also new abilities to assign products to categories automatically by setting up different rules. Another new feature of 1.14.1 is swatches with more detailed product information. The new version of Magento Enterprise Edition is also much more responsive: the enhanced responsive design reference theme now includes responsive emails. Better performance and security are also represented in new Magento thanks to PHP 5.5 and MySQL 5.6 support. With Enterprise Edition 1.14.1, you will get the new support tool designed to generate detailed reports, the ability to make product updates by significantly larger team of administrators simultaneously, and Google Universal Analytics support. In general, more than 70 items have been improved in 1.14.1.
You can download Magento Enterprise Edition 1.14 at My Account. And download Magento Community Edition 1.9.1 at the download page.



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