"Magento 2 Developer’s Cookbook"

How To Update Order Status Via CSV In Magento 2

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 export CLI

In the following article, we shed light on how to update orders in Magento 2 with the help of CSV files. Since this procedure is impossible if you use the platform’s default import tools, many merchants try to find the most reliable and flexible solution. We will describe such an instrument below. In this article, you will learn how to update the order status in Magento 2 via CSV and files of other formats. As you might have already guessed, there is no need to reinvent the bicycle. It is only necessary to choose one of the available solutions. So, let’s see what Magento 2 extension lets you update orders in Magento 2 in the most flexible manner. Please, check our cookbook for more similar articles. Continue Reading

How To Fix Error 1062 Upon Magento 2 Database Import

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

We recently came across another StackExchange topic related to database import. While moving a database to Magento 2, user104747 faced an obstacle – ERROR 1062. We explain the problem in the following article. Also, you will find the suggested fix to this Magento 2 database import error below. Since the system does not allow you to move a database directly to Magento 2, the process may become fairly complicated. An output file with a specific object must always be created. And this procedure should adhere to numerous strict requirements. For instance, it is vital to divide your file into two distinct tables if it contains multiple categories of data (for example, products and orders). All other nuances are described below.

Additionally, you must always modify imported file attributes to conform to Magento 2 specifications. Otherwise, no database may be imported into Magento 2. Also, note that regular data transfers from a database to an e-commerce website cannot be automated. But all of these problems can be resolved with a single instrument. It doesn’t matter whether you want to fix error 1062 upon Magento 2 database import or implement the lacking data transfer capabilities, we know a perfect solution designed to address all the most common import issues. Meet the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension. After we go through a solution offered in the StackExchange discussion, you will find out how this module addresses database import problems associated with Magento 2. Read our Cookbook for more guidance and suggestions. Continue Reading

How to Run Product Import in Magento 2 from CLI

- Fire development, Magento 2

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

If you want to optimize your daily routine related to Magento 2 product import, you’ve come to the right place. Below, we shed light on several data transfer optimizations that will help you save tons of time spent on daily chores. Many merchants look for tips on how to import products to Magento 2 using the command line interface or an alternative way to achieve the same goal. Below, you will find the answer. The following article is based on the StackExchange question by Massimo Camoni and the answer by Khoa TruongDinh. However, it extends the solution provided in the discussion. So, let’s see how to run Magento 2 product import via CLI. Also, you will find out what commands to use to export products from Magento 2.
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How to Import & Export WSDL Data to/from Magento 2

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

In the following article, we shed light on how to import and export data between Magento 2 and other systems using WSDL. Below, we define what WSDL is and how to manage it. You will find out the background of the Magento 2 WSDL import & export with the Improved Import & Export extension. Besides, we shed light upon the WSDL structure and elements, including the WSDL message part and port type binding. The benefits of WSDL are also listed below. And since the article described various data transfer processes based on the Improved Import & Export module, we also highlight the most important features of the extension. 
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How to fix store ID-related issues on Magento 2 import

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 export CLI

StackExchange teems with interesting and useful tips related to Magento 2. This time, we’ve dug up a discussion where the author named Jackson complains about store ID-related issues that occur in Magento 2. Let’s take a look at the problem and provide several possible solutions. Jackson points to a particular script used to import data from a CSV file. However, the use of ->setStoreId(0) causes an issue – two values for the same field in the database table occur. As a result, it is necessary to delete second values to enable changes on the frontend but it often leads to the incorrect display. How to address the problem? You will find out how to fix store ID-related issues on Magento 2 import as it is portrayed in the discussion. At the same time, we provide a reliable alternative based on the Improved Import & Export. Also, you will discover other improvements associated with the module.
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How to Export Products, Orders, Customers, & Other Magento 2 Entities to Remote FTP & SFTP Server

- E-Commerce, Magento 2, Our extensions

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

Unfortunately, Magento 2 doesn’t provide any opportunities to export products, orders, customers, or other Magento 2 entities to a remote FTP or SFTP server. You have to run a standard export procedure instead and transfer the output manually. Besides, it is impossible to automate this process. The system leaves you in a situation when it is necessary to repeat all its steps manually every time an update is required. Luckily, there is a better way of achieving this goal. As you’ve probably guessed, it involves a third-party solution. In our example, we use the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension to export products, orders, customers, and other Magento 2 entities to a remote FTP/SFTP server. It also lets you import all entities from this file source. Continue Reading

How To Import/Export Categories to Magento 2

Magento 2 Development

Below, you will find a brief description of how to import/export categories between two Magento 2 websites. Unfortunately, this functionality is not available by default. Magento 2 leaves you alone with a huge category tree. You need to recreate it manually or rely on third parties. And we know for sure how to import and export Magento 2 categories most efficiently. This post was inspired by the Magento StackExchange discussion. Question by Rafael Corrêa Gomes; answer by KAndy. However, it is only a partial overview of the Magento 2 category import and export. A full-featured guide on how to import and export categories, with all attributes explained can be found here: Read full-featured Magento 2 Category import and export guide. Continue Reading

How to Configure Import CSV File Size in Magento 2

- Fire development, Magento 2

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

While importing a CSV file into Magento 2, you may face the following restriction: the size of your file is more than allowed. Below, we shed light on how to change the file size limit in Magento 2. You will find a step-by-step guide on how to apply a new value to the existing restriction. Besides, we shed light upon how to avoid the timeout issue in Magento 2. If you are interested in more tips related to Magento 2, view our Developer’s Cookbook. Continue Reading

How to Run Product Import on Daily Basis in Magento 2

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 Development

Below, we shed light on how to run Magento 2 import processes on a daily basis. You can do that either in your admin interface or via CLI. While Magento 2 doesn’t let you automate data transfer processes and there is no way to use CLI to control imports and exports, you can enable the missing functionality with the help of third-party solutions. In the article below, we explain how to run Magento 2 import processes daily and use CLI to control them with the help of Improved Import & Export.

Also, you can look for an alternative point of view on Magento StackExchange. Take a look at the question by Massimo Camoni and the answer by Khoa TruongDinh. Since we leverage the advanced import functionality of the Improved Import & Export extension to address the issues mentioned in the discussion, you will also find a section that describes other possibilities the module provides.
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How to import XML to Magento 2

- Fire development, Magento 2

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

We all know that Magento 2 supports CSV import/export by default, but what if you need to transfer data via XML files? Although the default Magento 2 data import capabilities are enough for satisfying only basic data transfer demands, there is an opportunity to achieve the goal mentioned above. 

Since the system supports only the CSV standard, you need to convert your XML files to the supported file type. If you don’t want to do that, meet the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension. This module offers a more user-friendly solution for importing XML to Magento 2. With its help, you can move all the necessary information to your e-commerce store without converting it to CSV.

In the article below, we provide the description of how to import XML files using the default Magento 2 tools. Besides, you will find a step-by-step guide to Magento 2 XML import and export. More useful tips for Magento 2 users are gathered in our Magento 2 Developer’s Cookbook.
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